Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 44 Red Vine City Villa District

Hongteng City, villa area.

After Lin Cheng left, the scene soon resumed.

The fear in the hearts of the boys and girls will soon be replaced by the curiosity.

In addition to these things, some people took drugs, and the whole villa was a feast.

On the second floor of the villa, in a monitoring room, there was a long-haired girl wearing black stockings and beautiful legs.

She sat in front of the computer screen, playing a single-player game.

She held the cigarette between her fingers, shook it twice, and took a deep breath.

Outside the window of the room where she stayed, naked men and women chased and played around, and when they caught up, they did it on the spot.

People who were excited by drugs were even crazier, playing with props that did not belong to their age.

The messy music was also played loudly, which was simply looking for death.

In short, it was extremely chaotic.

With a bang, the door of the monitoring room was opened. A man stood at the door with a big face, leaning against the door and sneering: "Xiao Qi, what are you still looking at here? Come out to play, I left a dose of medicine for you, take it?"

Xiao Qi shook her head, her face expressionless.

"Fuck," the man cursed, "I wish your body was as fun as your legs. Seeing your Sima face, I am soft no matter how hard I am."

Xiao Qi shrugged, thinking it didn't matter, and said in a hoarse voice: "Li Xiao, you guys play by yourselves, I'm not interested."

Looking at Li Xiao, she had no interest at all.

Li Xiao snorted coldly and said: "Where is the boss, is he back?"

"No," Xiao Qi said, "He has been gone for a long time, what is the boss doing out?"

Li Xiao's disdainful eyes flashed, and he said impatiently: "I don't know, go out to find zombies to play with."

Xiao Qi smiled and said: "I guess Shirley can't satisfy him, ah ha ha."

Li Xiao turned around, but he said in his heart: He went out to die.

Qin Feng was driving to the villa.

This off-road vehicle has an automatic navigation system. After locating home, it automatically navigated to the villa area of ​​Hongteng City.

This car is indeed comfortable to drive, with good handling and comfortable seats. After trying out all the equipment for cutting zombies, he became proficient.

Soon, Qin Feng drove the car to the villa area.

Next, he didn't need navigation, he knew which villa Lin Cheng lived in.

Because these people played music loudly, and men and women were all naked and wandering around, their white skin was more dazzling than Lin Cheng's knife today.

In the end times, almost everyone wants to protect themselves and reduce their presence to avoid zombies. These people want to do the opposite.

"What a group of people who are not afraid of death." Qin Feng said.

Suddenly thinking of Lin Cheng who was already injured in front of him a few hours ago and struggled desperately, Qin Feng couldn't help but sneer.

He jumped off the off-road vehicle and turned his head, and a gray zombie suddenly enlarged in front of him.

"Uh!" The zombie screamed.

"Hey, damn it!" Qin Feng cursed, raised his fist and hit the zombie on the head.

With a bang, the zombie's skull was dented.

He drew his knife, and with a clang, the zombie's head fell to the ground, and he retracted the knife instantly.

The process took less than three seconds.

"Damn, dead pounce, scared me." Qin Feng coughed twice, turned around and looked, not far away, zombies of all sizes were rushing here.

Probably attracted by the music of those second-generation rich.

Qin Feng closed the car door and jumped up along a tree outside the villa wall.

Now with a physique three times that of an ordinary person, he could easily jump onto the tree trunk, and then jump into the villa area.

Xiao Qi, who was in charge of monitoring, was playing games, not caring whether anyone came or not.

Qin Feng's figure passed by the surveillance video and soon disappeared from the surveillance.

After doing it a few times, Li Xiao suddenly lost interest and sat in a room on the second floor with his good brother Wang Jie and had a cigarette after the event.

"I feel so frustrated today," Li Xiao said, "Damn, if it was normal times, I wouldn't even look at this cigarette, it's too hard to smoke."

After saying that, he took another puff.

"The end of the world is like this, we are lucky to still have cigarettes to smoke," Wang Jie said, "Why are you frustrated? It's because of the boss's scolding."

"What do you think he is angry about today? Damn," Li Xiao said, "He got angry for no reason and rushed out without caring about his life. Does he really think he is a cruel person?"

Wang Jie shook his head and said, "He is the boss, who can I tolerate if I can't tolerate him?"

"In fact, he is just a guy who can be cruel," Li Xiao said, "If it is really peaceful, tut tut tut, I can't even look down on him."

In fact, none of them, the rich second generation, are convinced by each other. Lin Cheng can be regarded as the king and the hegemon among these rich second generations in the end of the world with his strength.

But in fact, once a small group is formed here, classes will inevitably be formed.

Lin Cheng is domineering, and the people below are not convinced, and have been resentful for a long time.

"But she hasn't come back for so long, she must be dead, right?" Li Xiao said, "Hey, brother, is Shirley still unconscious?"

"You don't want to touch her, do you? If Lin Cheng comes back, you'll be dead." Wang Jie said.

"What are you afraid of?" Li Xiao said, "She's unconscious now, I've wanted to touch her for a long time, she's a beauty."

Wang Jie chuckled and said, "Don't you like Xiaoqi?"

Li Xiao showed a disgusting expression: "Who likes her? I just like her legs. They are long and she likes to wear black stockings. But I can't get hard when I see her in the monitoring room facing a bunch of computers. So whether to go or not, brother!"

"Okay, let's go!" Wang Jie also showed a wicked smile, and the two of them got up and went to a room.

And they didn't notice at all. At this time, Qin Feng heard everything outside the door.

Qin Feng remembered Lin Cheng's appearance. He was really stupid. It seemed that everyone was afraid to speak, but his subordinates didn't obey him.

But the Xiaoqi they were talking about was wearing black stockings and long legs

Qin Feng didn't think about anything else, and turned around to find where the monitoring room was.

Monitoring room.

Xiaoqi finished the game of 100 levels, took a long breath, and leaned back in the chair to breathe air.

The lewd sounds outside finally dissipated a little. She couldn't help spitting on the ground and said in a hoarse voice: "What a group of dogs in heat."

Suddenly, she felt that there was an extra figure in the room, right behind her.

She was stunned for a moment, and calmly tried to take the gun on the computer host.

A cold black long knife was pressed against her neck. Xiao Qi immediately stopped and asked: "You, who are you?"

Qin Feng snorted coldly and said: "Turn around, let's see if you still remember who I am?"

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