Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 5 Zombies, here comes my master

This door seems to have infinite attraction, making people want to approach again and again.

The prosperous and classical patterns emit bursts of fluorescence, which look like stars when viewed from close up and like hellfire when viewed from afar.

"Now my physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary people, but I don't have any tools." Qin Feng said with a headache.

Not only do I have no tools for self-defense, but what should I do with the zombies? I can't just kill one and bring one back, otherwise he will be exhausted to death if he doesn't kill one.

Moreover, this location is random, and it may not be the original city. I don't know the route, the arsenal, or the hiding place.

There must be hundreds or thousands of times more zombies in the city. Going there like this is just looking for death.

The system did not respond for the time being.

Qin Feng looked at the few zombies on the ground, bent down, picked them up, and threw them into the grave to let the grave bury them.

Earn some zombie coins first.

[Ding, zombies are being buried]

[Estimated time is one hour and forty minutes]

Even if there are less than ten corpses, it will take this long, Qin Feng sighed.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

[Ding, the host has successfully buried more than 20 corpses and summoned a portal, completing the novice task! ]

[Zombie burial acceleration is completed, the host's physical attributes are increased by 20 points, and the zombie cemetery gravekeeper suit is obtained. ]

As soon as the system finished speaking, a force that was a hundred times stronger than before burst out from the body.

The power was so great that it was like breaking Qin Feng's tendons and bones!

"Ah!" The huge pain made Qin Feng unable to help but sit down and cry out in pain.

However, the next second, the meridians were reshaped and the bones were rebuilt. This body was originally very thin, even after the previous attribute growth, it had become much stronger.

At this time, it grew at a speed that was amazing to the naked eye!

A ragged T-shirt was actually filled up, and the exposed arms became strong and powerful, with tight muscles, smooth lines, and full of power!

The pain ended in an instant, Qin Feng exhaled, and fell to the ground.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Qin Feng stood up slowly.

However, when he stood up, he suddenly noticed the difference in his body.

He had grown taller and was several times stronger than before. When he clenched his fist lightly, his whole arm could make a crackling sound.

"Wow, nice!" Qin Feng looked around. This system was different.

Now he was told that if 20 or 50 zombies came, he could twist them off with his bare hands.

Qin Feng was excited and said quickly: "System, what is the gravekeeper suit? Let me see it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a floating board appeared in his mind again, with a lot of equipment listed on it.

Qin Feng sat on the ground and checked it slowly.

[Zombie suit for the living dead: has good protective properties, can resist a large number of physical attacks, and is immune to zombie bites]

[Personal zombie package: can only be used to store zombie corpses, with a capacity of 500]

[Blade Warrior Black Gold Dual Knife: 2.7 feet long, hard and tough, can cut iron like mud]

[Corpse Hunter Pistol: Dual pistols, with a capacity of thirteen bullets, strong firepower and low recoil. The bullets can be automatically replaced in unlimited quantities, but the replacement time is one hour, so use with caution. ]

A dazzling array of things.

Qin Feng was a little impressed by the sophistication of this system. When he put on these things, he could walk sideways in the zombie world.

Among them, Qin Feng was particularly interested in the Blade Warrior Black Gold Dual Knife.

The dual knives are tough and cross-presented. Once the blades come out, blood will splash.

These two knives are used to chop zombies, just as fast as cutting vegetables!

And behind these things, there is a one-click equipment button. Qin Feng couldn't wait to press the equipment.

A black storm passed by.

A tall, muscular man wearing a black protective suit. He stood facing the wind with two nearly three-foot-long double knives on his back and two pistols on his waist.

Looking at his equipment, Qin Feng smiled and said, "This is quite similar to Deadpool, but I'm not called Deadpool, I should call it Corpsepool."

What Qin Feng was interested in was the extra items in the system store after completing the novice mission.

[Zombie Crystal Coffin: It can hold a corpse to prevent the outbreak of zombie virus. ]

[Green fog wall of zombie cemetery: build a circle of green fog wall around the cemetery. No one can approach the cemetery except the host and the people allowed by the host]

[Black blood of zombies: water the grave, which can double the zombie coins buried at one time]

[Puppet zombies: wear this item on a zombie, and the zombies can help the host complete the basic work of the cemetery]

[Zombie bell: a clock that can attract a large number of zombies when it rings. The bell lasts for one hour and the sound reaches a range of five kilometers]

[Strength potion of corpse hunter: after drinking it, the strength can be doubled for a period of time, but the rest time will also be doubled later]

[Zombie cross coffin: the host can rest in the cross coffin, one hour is equivalent to ten hours outside, and all physical strength and performance can be quickly restored. ]

Looking at everything one by one, everything in this system mall is useful.

Moreover, there are hundreds of pages that have not been unlocked, and I have no right to turn down. This is the first page, so will the rest be even more powerful?

It seems that I need to work harder to kill zombies and unlock the things behind.

Now, my physical fitness is twice that of an ordinary person, and I am proficient in Jeet Kune Do, and I have this magical equipment.

It's time to go to the place where zombies are running all over the streets.

He came to the front of the portal, looked at the prosperous and ancient patterns, and reached out to grab the copper ring on it.

Three clicks.

With a creak, the door of the portal opened by itself.

The portal stood without any support. Behind the door was not any scene of the zombie cemetery, but a black vortex, with a little blue light emitting from the edge of the vortex.

Qin Feng took a deep breath, and a smile appeared on his face from handsome to handsome, and said: "Zombies, I'm here."

He gently reached out and touched the vortex.

The next second, an irresistible force sucked him in with a sizzle.

Buzz, buzz, a huge sound, the two door leaves slowly closed.

The originally small, occasionally jumping light on the door suddenly seemed to be ignited.

With a whoosh, the whole door was on fire, and the blue flame burned a circle.

Silence returned.

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