The zombies in the house were quickly harvested by Qin Feng, and Qin Feng moved down a lot of supplies, including the solar panels he had been eyeing for a long time.

Now he has five times the ability of ordinary people, and he has [Extreme Power Gloves] on his hands, so he can carry such heavy things directly.

It's not hard.

And this group of rich second-generations are also very good at playing. There are all kinds of things in it, including a lot of machine gun ammunition.

Qin Feng also collected them without missing a beat, and soon, the off-road vehicle was almost full.

Qin Feng clapped his hands and came to the lawn of the villa, looking at the bodies lying on the ground. Oh, Xiaoqi's body is still on the protective net, but it has begun to rot.

There are four human bodies in total.

"It can't be wasted, right?" Qin Feng smiled slightly. He hasn't used [Zombie Soul Hanging Willow] until now, so why not take the bodies of the four of them this time.

So Qin Feng made room behind the off-road vehicle, and threw the bodies of Xiaoqi, Wang Jie, and Li Xiao one by one.

Finally, it was Shirley's body with half of her head eaten away and her body missing pieces.

However, when carrying, Qin Feng accidentally touched Shirley's skirt.

Something came out, not blood.

"Wow," Qin Feng frowned, and he didn't touch it, "Did they have a big fight before they died?"

Weiwei recalled what the two said when he came last time.

This blonde woman is called Shirley, Lin Cheng's girlfriend. These two men were going to do something before.

Now they have reaped what they sowed.

"This group of lunatics." Qin Feng finally came to a conclusion.

He got on the off-road vehicle and took another look at the villa in front of him. Qin Feng took a car full of equipment and several corpses, whistling towards the cemetery.

The villa area is still a little far from the cemetery, Qin Feng is not in a hurry, he has a lot of time now.

Whistling, driving slowly.

When he arrived at the cemetery, it was dark.

A pale bright moon rose, giving the red sea of ​​flowers and dark willows a layer of silver light.

It was indescribably eerie.

Qin Feng did not enter the green fog wall directly, but parked the SUV on the road in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers.

A gust of wind blew, and the tall black willow tree shook the paper strips and blew the sea of ​​flowers.

However, the smell that drifted over was a strong smell of blood.

Qin Feng moved the four bodies down and put them on the ground, looking up at the soul-hanging willow tree under the moonlight.

As if it had noticed the human corpse, the paper strips on the willow tree were still silent for a second, fluttering in the wind.

The moment the corpse touched the ground, the branches swelled up, like countless shaking hands that became thicker in the air and twisted wildly upwards.

It was like the hair of the ghost lady in the underworld, creepy.

The tip of the willow tree was originally sharp and thin, without anything.

At this time, the tip of each willow branch turned into a mouth, a mouth with barbs.

There was nothing to bite, so it could only bite the air madly as it shook.

Qin Feng chuckled: "So that's how it is."

Qin Feng chuckled, raised his foot and kicked the four zombies onto the soul-hanging willow tree.

When the corpse approached the branches of the willow tree, the branches of the willow tree seemed to have received some signal, and more than a dozen willow branches swung towards the corpse.

First, the corpse was tied tightly, and then the dark and sharp little mouths bit all sides of the corpse.

The corpses that had already lost their vitality actually moved at this moment, with a hoarse roar similar to tearing the throat.

These corpses were completely silent.

[Human corpses are being transformed]

[Transformation time 1 hour and 30 minutes]

Qin Feng sighed, this system is as slow as ever.

"System," Qin Feng said, "You are definitely a tortoise. Is it so slow to transform into a zombie corpse?"

[Human corpses have great potential. To transform into zombies, their human potential must be completely eliminated.]

[But at the same time, the zombie corpses have a greater skill explosion rate.]

[As for what skills to explode, it depends on the attributes of the zombies.]

Qin Feng listened to the introduction of the system and nodded. So that's it.

He chuckled, got in the car, and drove into the green fog wall.

There are not many zombies left. The previous batch is still being buried. Because it has been used once, the efficiency of the cemetery will become lower and lower in the future. Only by constantly burying zombies and buying new cemeteries can the quality of burials be guaranteed.

Qin Feng unloaded the supplies from the car. Looking at these supplies, Qin Feng thought: "There are so many things in the whole cemetery now. It can't be piled up like this, right? It's messy and doesn't fit my identity as a corpse hunter at all."

Suddenly remembered the villa where the group of people in Lincheng lived. It would be great to have a house.

Qin Feng thought about it and asked the system: "System, don't you have a house for me to live in? It would be great to have a small house here, where I can hide when it rains."

[Ding, answer the host, does the host need a place to stay?]

"Of course I do," Qin Feng said, "otherwise it would be too messy." Not only did they go to Hongteng City, but they also brought a lot of supplies from the villa area, and even the supplies produced by the system, there were three boxes of TT alone.

Now they are piled up in another empty space in the cemetery, full and messy.

With a buzz in his mind, the system mall appeared in front of Qin Feng.

[Knowing the host's needs, selecting products for the host]

[Ding, selection successful]

The interface in front of Qin Feng changed, and a tab appeared in front of him.

"The corpse hunter morgue?" Qin Feng blinked, "What the hell?"

[The corpse hunter's morgue, also known as the bloody villa. It is a resting place specially prepared for the host. No properties have been found yet. The price is 4,000 zombie coins]

Qin Feng:. His residence is called a morgue? Forget it, it sounds better to call it a bloody villa.

But four thousand zombie coins are really expensive.

Qin Feng thought about it and decided to place an order. His current speed of harvesting zombies is already very fast. In the future, he will continue to upgrade the level of the tomb and bury more zombies.

There is no need to worry about zombie coins.

One second after placing the order, the mountain vibrated and a villa rose from a flat high ground in the cemetery.

But unlike the villas you usually see, this villa is like a medieval European manor castle.

The ancient building, the bloody vines pulled out from the ground climbed the wall and extended into the window, and the gray window seemed to have a shadow shaking.

Like the Sanskrit sound of a singer, the walls of this villa were shaking slightly.

The faint Buddhist chanting ended, and facing the pale moonlight, this villa was a perfect match for his cemetery.

Just as the villa was built, the materials on the ground and the two coffins disappeared. Qin Feng blinked and didn't understand.

[The bloody villa is completed]

[The host has collected supplies and coffins. Please move into the bloody villa]

Qin Feng suddenly realized, smiled knowingly, and strode into the bloody villa.

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