Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 52 Heading to the Second Stop

[Sensory enhancement can maximize the host's senses in any environment. Including hearing, smell, taste, touch and other senses. There is no trigger condition, the host can turn it on at any time. However, the duration is one hour and the cooling time is five hours, so please use it with caution. 】

Qin Feng looked at the skill introduction and had a rough idea of ​​the role of this skill in battle.

He thought for a while and smiled: "I'm talking about the system, the frequency of your skills has been a bit high recently. Did I scold you too much some time ago?"

"The more you scold me, the more your skills will explode. Are you being mean?"

[Does the host need to lower the probability of skill explosion? 】

"No need," Qin Feng coughed twice, "Please maintain your current level."

Qin Feng looked at the sky, which was much brighter. Xiaotong was still throwing zombies into the pit tirelessly.

As time goes by, there are only about a hundred or two hundred zombies left. The quality of the tombs is also gradually declining. Maybe in the end, the third-level tombs will be almost the same as the first-level tombs, and the number of zombies consumed will be more.

That means he needs to kill more zombies this time.

"System," Qin Feng asked, "I want to upgrade my zombie space package. Five hundred zombies are too few."

[Upgrading the space package requires 1,000 zombie coins, and the next level requires 10,000 zombie coins. Please host, please decide whether to upgrade? 】

Qin Feng took a breath. Why did he think the system was raising prices?

He shook his head and said, "Confirm."

[The zombie space package is being upgraded for the system, zombie coins -1000]

With the sound of coins falling, Qin Feng felt that he had been spending a lot of money recently. In this day, he spent more than 5,000 zombie coins.

In the past, he had to consider one or two hundred.

After about a few minutes, the space package vibrated abnormally and buzzed.

The shock made Qin Feng's waist numb, and it looked like hundreds of zombies were squirming crazily inside the small bag at the same time, with their heads trying to push out of the package.

After thirty seconds, it calmed down.

[The zombie space package has been upgraded and can accommodate 1,000 zombies and 100 human corpses]

Qin Feng blinked. It cost one thousand zombie coins to upgrade the zombie space package.

Although the number of zombies has decreased, can they still contain human corpses?

"System, what is the capacity of the next level?"

[2,000 zombie corpses and 300 human corpses]

A smile appeared on Qin Feng's face. Now, he showed no mercy to those who disgusted him.

With a suit of equipment and looking at the cemetery where the equipment was getting better and better, Qin Feng came to the portal again.

Looking at the portal, Qin Feng smiled and said: "It's almost time, it's time to go to the second city for a wander."

Standing in front of the portal, Qin Feng checked his equipment again.

The knife is on his body, and the ancient pattern of the corpse hunter's pistol on his waist is coated with a layer of light. The space package seems to be a little heavier than before, but it doesn't matter. This is probably the result of the change in space.

"Now that I have the skills of [Fearless] and [Sensory Enhancement]," Qin Feng said, "The things I want to exchange for are probably gone."

He clicked the copper ring of the portal again, clicked three times, and the portal opened.

The familiar black vortex bloomed in front of him.

[Does the host teleport to the next city? 】

[If you choose to teleport, 1,000 zombie coins will be consumed. 】

Qin Feng: .WTF?

"I'm talking about the system," Qin Feng raised his voice and said, "You are too unkind. Ever since I made money, you have been spending my zombie coins like crazy! A villa costs 4,000, and an upgrade package costs 1,000. This is so unkind. Do you need a thousand tickets for the portal? When a popular star held a concert?"

[The last free transmission was because the host was in a novice mission]

[Now the host is familiar with the system operation mode and should get used to it]

[The system reserves the final right to interpret the operating mode of the system]

Qin Feng: OK, you are the system and you are right.

"Choose to enter." Qin Feng said.

There was a sound of coins falling, and now Qin Feng only had more than two thousand zombie coins left.

[Consumption is successful, the system channel has been connected to the host]

[Please host enter the portal]

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly, stepped into the portal with a hiss.

The blue netherworld flames surged, darting back and forth on the portal door like a fire dragon.

Finally, the gates closed and the cemetery was peaceful again.

Just after Qin Feng disappeared in the cemetery for a while, several armored vehicles from south to north stopped at the foot of the cemetery hill.

After a while, twenty or thirty people came down from the top, led by an old scholar with eyes in a white coat, and a man in suits and ties who looked like a businessman.

"Professor Wei, you think this is good," the man in the suit said, "This used to be a cemetery, and it has been abandoned since the virus broke out. But to be honest, it is the place least contaminated by the zombie virus, and it is the most suitable for your research. "

Professor Wei raised his head and carefully observed the situation on the mountain.

The hilltop where the cemetery is located is relatively high, and at this time, the clouds and fog make it difficult to see the cemetery.

However, it can be seen that it is really quiet here. When the zombie virus breaks out, this is definitely the least polluted place within a hundred miles.

"It's really good here," Professor Wei pushed up his glasses and said, "It's right here."

The man in the suit nodded repeatedly. This old scholar is quite difficult to deal with. If the boss hadn't said that scientists should be respected in this era, he would have been there long ago.

"But it will take a certain amount of time to break ground, right?" Professor Wei said slowly, "What I want is a laboratory with one floor above ground and two floors underground. These things cannot be transported to the ground without my permission."

"Okay, okay, we will live here for a month first. It will be absolutely safe under the protection of the army," the man in the suit said. "The upper part of the laboratory will be renovated and the lower part will be excavated. This is not a demolition fee required in peacetime, just a cemetery. I I promise to help you build the laboratory within a month.”

"Okay," Professor Wei smiled slightly and said, "Then I will leave this matter to you young people. I am old and need to take a good rest."

After that, he turned around and returned to the armored vehicle.

Man in suit: "Okay, please take your time and rest."

The man in the suit directed some people behind him and opened the only armored vehicle with no one out.

Zombie roars of "ho ho ho uh uh uh uh" were heard immediately, and inside there were dozens of zombies wearing uniforms, all with their hands bound by iron chains.

"Come on," the man in the suit said in disgust, covering his nose, "move these beasts up the mountain!"

[Ding, the location was transferred successfully]

[Remind the host that the time is only 12 hours]

As the electronic prompt sounded, Qin Feng opened his eyes again.

His eyes were bright, and he seemed to be in a clear mirror world. He looked at the ceiling, where the device still reflected his reflection.

Qin Feng sat up and looked around. When he saw the situation clearly, he couldn't help but opened his mouth and said, "Damn."

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