Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 62 Destroy this base (1)

On the rooftop platform of a high-rise building in Nanzao City, several planes were parked.

A special logo was printed on the left side of the plane, which resembled a spiral and a twisted zombie.

Several people wearing special combat equipment held binoculars and observed the base of the Fourth Military District in Nanzao City.

The leader was biting a cigarette, and the pungent smell of expired tobacco filled the air among them.

"Boss, when are we going to act?" said a fat-looking little fat man, "The Fourth Military District has been blocked now, and even a fly can hardly escape from it. If we bomb now, those mutant zombies must all be dead, right?"

On the other side, a thin man said flatteringly, "By then, we will be the first to eliminate the mutant zombies, and the company will have to reward us with a lot of things, right?"

The boss they were talking about was a scarred face with a fierce look, named Li Fucheng.

"No, wait," Li Fucheng said, "This time, there are more than one team ordered to destroy this base. Look, Lao Nan, Lao Mo and others are here."

"If we go first, we will be the ones to provide the most firepower and bear the greatest losses."

"If we go, then the credit may go to others."

The thin man and the fat man nodded after hearing this. It seems that the boss is still thoughtful.

They are also mercenaries of a company called Ark Spiral. This time they came to Nanzao City to receive orders from the company to destroy the Nanzao City Fourth Military District Base that leaked mutant zombies.

This military district base was occupied by mutant zombies that were originally used to attack zombies a few days ago due to improper operation. The scientists and troops in the base were basically evacuated safely.

Their company took over this place completely. After successfully blocking this base, it will bomb it within 12 hours.

Bombing the city is secondary. The important thing is to destroy the zombies and regain human territory.

Now, the order from the top has not come down yet, and Li Fucheng and his team can only wait here.

After taking another puff of cigarette, Li Fucheng blew out smoke rings one after another.

The fat man asked, "Boss, how was the work of destroying and rebuilding the city some time ago?"

The thin man said, "Yes, boss, I heard that Lao Mo's team went there in person."

Li Fucheng sneered and said, "The economy of the city is backward, and it is used to detain important criminals. There is no trouble with mutant zombies here. But it is said that many people were killed in the explosion, and there are still many survivors there."

The fat man blinked and asked, "Then boss, if we blow up this place, will there be other survivors here?"

Li Fucheng spat out a bitter saliva and said, "Damn it, why do you care so much? You are a saint! Just blow it up, give them time to leave, who can you blame for not moving fast enough!"

The thin man also said, "Yes, besides, at this time, how can there be survivors? You have seen how powerful those mutant zombies are."

The cold wind was blowing above the high-rise building, and several people were quietly waiting for the company to issue orders.

In the distance, zombies were wandering around the base of the Fourth Military Region. They all knew that these zombies were mutant zombies.

Ordinary zombies had been surrounded and eaten by them long ago.

"Ding ding ding" At this time, the sound of information came from behind.

The thin man hurriedly got up and went to the helicopter to check the news, and shouted: "Boss! The company has ordered to bomb and destroy the Fourth Military Region base immediately!"

Li Fucheng put out the cigarette that had been burned as short as it could not be on the concrete floor of the rooftop, and smiled on his scarred face and said: "Hey, I finally waited! Let's go!"

Three helicopters took off from the rooftop, hovered in the air for a while, and flew towards the Fourth Military Region.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen other helicopters flying towards the Fourth Military Region.

After knowing that she would not become a zombie, Chu Rou became energetic, and she and Qin Feng quickly found the exit of this floor.

However, here, a large iron gate was completely blocked by a large iron chain.

"These people didn't even check if there were any survivors when they retreated," Chu Rou said angrily, "I fought hard for the great cause of mankind, and I was exhausted. I took a nap and was left there without any care."

"In the doomsday, everyone has no time to protect themselves," Qin Feng said, "There is no need to spend more energy and manpower to save one person."

"What do you mean?" Chu Rou asked.

"It means that you'd better accept the fact that you are abandoned by mankind," Qin Feng said, "In the doomsday, what for mankind and for the common people is bullshit. It's best to live well for yourself and live by any means."

Qin Feng pulled out the black gold long sword and said, "Get out of the way."

Chu Rou's eyes were a little complicated, but she still got out of the way.

Qin Feng raised his hand. With five times the strength of an ordinary person and the bonus of this [Extreme Strength Gloves], he was much easier than before when he split the iron net in the city.

He split the extremely thick iron chain in two or three strokes, and his tiger's mouth was slightly numb, but it was bearable.

"Let's go." Qin Feng said after putting the sword back into the sheath.

Chu Rou followed Qin Feng's footsteps, her face still not looking good.

Was she abandoned by humans?

Chu Rou recalled some things from the past.

After the mutant zombies first appeared and attacked humans, she stayed in the public laboratory to do experiments, and didn't sleep for three days and three nights.

The purpose was to curb the trend of mutant zombies' mutation.

Finally, she developed black water. Although it was later proved to be useless, she worked hard for humanity and devoted herself to it.

When she woke up from extreme exhaustion, she was faced with a female colleague who had indeed turned into a zombie.

If she hadn't fought back hard, she would have died a long time ago.

When she came out, she found that the original troops, the team of scientists, and everyone in their laboratory were gone.

The huge base was full of mutant zombies, and she was the only human being.

She refused to admit defeat and kept looking for a way to survive.

Until she was upstairs, she saw the dense cluster of bullet holes on the ground.

She didn't know why, but she felt that was where she could escape. She smashed the ground with a big hammer and jumped down without hesitation.

As a result, she met Qin Feng.

God knows, she was so happy when she met Qin Feng.

After a series of things, Chu Rou only felt that her three views were constantly being destroyed and recast.

Until Qin Feng said, "You have to accept the fact that you have been abandoned by humans."

All of a sudden, all her previous fantasies were shattered and recast.

Chu Rou looked up at Qin Feng, thinking to herself, "I was abandoned by humans. I want to follow you, be by your side, and fight with you."

Is it okay?

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