Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 66 Isn't there a plane up there?

Split it?

Qin Feng's mouth twitched and he said, "What do you think? Scientist."

This is a big, heavy iron door with countless coded locks that need to be unlocked.

One chain after another, no matter how hard the black gold knife was, it was impossible for him to chop it open just to fly a plane out.

He can tire himself to death.

Chu Rou nodded and said, "Then it will take a little time for me to decipher it. Protect me."

Qin Feng nodded and turned away.

Chu Rou immediately began to decipher, and in the distance, the roaring sound of cannons continued to come.

It seems that those people in heaven have not given up yet.

For Chu Rou, cracking is not difficult, but it takes a little time.

Finally, it was broken, probably because it was attracted by the gunfire, and so far no zombies have come towards the two of them.

However, the moment she opened the hatch, Chu Rou's eyes were filled with disbelief: "They, they..."

Qin Feng looked back and saw that Chu Rou had guessed correctly before. Those people who were in a hurry to escape probably wouldn't be able to open such a complicated hatch and then fly the plane inside to escape.

The fighter planes were indeed there, but all of them were blown up.

"Why are they doing this?" Chu Rou was shocked. "They all retreated. Since they didn't know to take me with them, they should know that there are no other survivors here. Then why did they blow up these planes? Do they want to kill me? ?”

Qin Feng took a few glances, but did not show any surprise.

These organizations chose to withdraw decisively when they discovered that they had made a mistake and that the mistake could not be suppressed.

But as long as the core personnel are evacuated, others don't need to worry about it.

Just like Chu Rou, if she fell asleep due to excessive exhaustion, they would naturally not care.

There are layers of blockades to prevent the zombies in the research institute from escaping.

When they retreated, many people were turned into zombies, which is why there were so many mutated zombies in the square.

After they arrived at the tarmac and drove away several fighter planes, why did they blow up all the remaining equipment here?

Don't they know there are survivors?

No, they know, they know too well.

Just because there might be survivors here, they had to blow up all the escape tools and block all roads.

Now people are bombing this place.

The reason is to prevent what happened here from spreading, and also to prevent the virus and other things here from being exterminated forever, even if there are survivors who can escape.

Survivors may come out with the virus.

These people are really great at what they do.

Chu Rou took a deep breath and said, "Qin Feng, I'm sorry, I don't know."

"Hush," Qin Feng said, not wanting to hear such sensational words, "I have a way."

Chu Rou took a deep breath and asked, "What can you do?"

"Look above," Qin Feng said, "Isn't there a plane there?"

Chu Rou was surprised. Was Qin Feng talking about the helicopters that came to bomb this place?

"Them?" Chu Rou asked.

"That's right," Qin Feng said with a chuckle, "It's just right. We'll kill them thousands of miles away. We'll find a way to lure them down."

After causing so much trouble with him, it's impossible to just take advantage and leave.

In the sky, more than a dozen helicopters were still circling, dropping bombs and firing machine guns from time to time.

The constantly flying black blood, black flesh, internal organs and brains seemed to them to be really getting more and more exciting.

Li Fucheng used the walkie-talkie to talk to several teams outside the team: "Old Mo, Lao Nan and the little brother who leads the team, I said, we can just share this place equally. Why do you need to shoot once and I will retreat, I will shoot Will you retract the shot?"

The same treacherous voice soon came from the other end:

"Old Li Tou, do you think I'm stupid? The boss said, take over whatever you destroy. This military base is full of vacancies, will I let you?"

"It's Lao Litou, don't think we don't know what you are planning."

"If you want to go directly, you, the old man, are in front and we are in the back."

Several people replied that they were all thieves and no one caught up.

If you go first, it will be fine if you shoot the first bird, and if you run out of ammunition in the end, you may be blown up by the team behind you who still have ammunition.

This thing is not worth it.

At the end of the day, you have to be cunning to survive.

"Boss," the fat man said, "If we continue to struggle like this, when can we fight?"

"That's right, each of these people is smarter than the last." The thin man said.

Now they basically have about 30% of their ammunition left. These artillery shells can take away only one wave of zombies at most, and they must evacuate.

God knows what changes will happen to these mutated zombies.

Li Fucheng said: "Oh, these are just these grandchildren, you are still a little too young to play scheming with me."

"Listen to me, wait a minute"

Before Li Fucheng finished speaking, the fat man screamed: "Boss, someone, someone climbed up!!!"

Because they used a walkie-talkie to communicate with each other, and the fat man was very close to the radio, he couldn't hear much of what was said at once.

The electric sound of Zrazila almost made Li Fucheng deaf on the spot.

"wcnm!" Li Fucheng scolded, "Fat man, your mother will die tonight, what the hell are you talking about!"

"Well, my mother died a long time ago. She was bitten by a zombie," the fat man said, "No, no, no, boss, look at that wall. Is there a figure moving around?"

Li Fucheng was still cursing, but he still looked at the direction the fat man said.

On the wall built by the army, which was more than 10 or 20 meters high, there was a figure climbing up. From their perspective, the body movements were as twisted as those of zombies.

"Damn, is it a mutant zombie?" Li Fucheng said, "Why do these scientists have so many tricks? The mutant zombies can climb the wall, and it's such a high wall!"

"Boss," said the fat man, "What is he going to do?"

Li Fucheng looked closely and found that this "zombie" was not just climbing up. The place where he climbed up was a turret with machine guns!

Is the zombie going to the machine gun?

It has only been a short time. Have the zombies here evolved to this? It should be a person. Then he wants to go up to the machine gun.

I am afraid that he is coming for these helicopters!

Li Fucheng said: "Damn it, no matter if it's a human or a ghost, just blast it down first! This bastard is really scary!"


The artillery fire suddenly shifted from the zombies below to the wall.

With a bang, the shell exploded on the wall next to Qin Feng.

The gravel flew.

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