Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 68 Isn’t this even fatal?

More than a dozen shells were fired at the same time, drawing more than a dozen white smoke in the air.

Boom, boom, it exploded directly on the wall, sparks, flames, gravel, smoke and dust.

Suddenly, no one could see Qin Feng.

"Beautiful!" Li Fucheng said, "This bastard climbed very fast, but no matter how fast he climbed, he couldn't be killed by my cannon."

"Boss is so powerful, it must be the boss's cannon that hit him."

"Is the Doomsday Cannon King a boast?"

However, the smoke dissipated, and in the gray smoke, there was actually a figure standing on the wall, leisurely with his hands on his waist.

Everyone gradually saw clearly, wasn't it the person who climbed the wall just now? With such dense shells, he was fine? Still standing?

Meanwhile, Qin Feng stood on the wall facing the wind, with his feet standing on two double swords inserted into the wall.

"He's not dead? How is that possible?"

"Is this guy really a zombie? Is his iron skin and bones indestructible?"

"The wall is broken with a hole, and you tell me that this guy is fine?"

"There's not even a scar on his face. Damn, are they playing the fortress of the devil city?"

At this moment, everyone on the helicopter suspected that the shells they had just fired were fake. It's impossible that such a powerful shell with a distance of only a few dozen meters could not kill him.

Even if it wasn't a direct shot.

However, the bombs should have made him faint, and then he should have fallen down and been eaten by the zombies.

This, this is impossible!

Qin Feng sneered at the helicopters. His ability, which is five times that of ordinary people, includes judgment and prediction.

All these shells were fired in one direction. He found the gap as quickly as possible, and then quickly used the black gold knife as a moving point to help himself move.

But because it was too dense, it still affected Qin Feng.

It was just that the strong physical defense of the protective suit made Qin Feng unscathed, and he even took advantage of the heat wave to rise more than two meters.

However, these people were so arrogant to shoot at him with artillery shells, so he had to stop and play with them.

So, standing on the black gold knife, he confronted more than a dozen helicopters in the air.

His face was calm, without any fear of artillery fire, and his face was calm.

"He, what is he trying to do?" The fat man didn't know why, but he felt a deep fear when he looked at Qin Feng.

This person didn't die just now, he must be a weirdo!

"Who knows?" The thin man said, "This person, I'm afraid he is a monster."

"He didn't die like this."

"And did you think about how he climbed up from below just now, did he have to pass through the zombies?"

"Fuck, he was bitten to death by the zombies below. And he climbed the wall in this way, it's simply..."

The thin man and the fat man were very amazed that Qin Feng didn't die like this, and he was standing on the wall in this posture.

In addition to admiration, there was also a trace of admiration in his heart. This person's ability is simply too strong.

Li Fucheng looked at Qin Feng, and his eyes gradually revealed fierceness.

The scar on his face moved with the muscles of his face, like a flesh-colored reptile, and it seemed that it was about to crawl into those eyes full of hostility.

He took a deep breath and took the loudspeaker on the helicopter and shouted: "Is it a human? If so, you give up your dangerous actions and surrender now. We will let you go, so that you don't have to suffer the bite of zombies, and you will die happily!"

Qin Feng's eyesight is excellent. Although he is far away, he can see every move in the helicopter.

The one who spoke was the scarred face who was alone in front of the helicopter. He was really arrogant.

Qin Feng sneered with his hands on his waist, raised his hand and gave the scarred face a thumbs up.

"Is he praising us?"

"I said, he must have stopped and surrendered. Who can resist our damage?"

"We'll see if there is any once the shells are fired."

Qin Feng looked in the direction of Li Fucheng, and his thumb was extended for a while, then turned down.

The vertical thumb became inverted.

The thin man: "Fuck! This man is provoking us!"

The fat man: "Boss, he is insulting you! Let's kill him!"

Qin Feng sneered, jumped down, and when his agile figure passed the handle of the knife, he held the handle of the knife accurately with both hands.

The black gold knife was pulled out again, and Qin Feng continued to climb up in the clear view of everyone.

At this time, Qin Feng was only about three meters away from the top of the inner wall, and he would arrive very soon at his speed.

At this time, these people also saw Qin Feng's purpose clearly. Above Qin Feng's head was a row of control centers of the military base artillery defense system, and outside was a row of dark and steep gun muzzles.

"What does he want to do? Damn, is he going to the artillery?"

"Fuck, no, we can't let him go up there. If he goes up there, we're dead!"

"Go ahead, bomb him, I don't believe he can survive after bombing this wall, does he think he's Brother Liu Hai who can't be killed by the artillery in the Magic City!"

More than a dozen helicopters were angered by Qin Feng's behavior, and they were all triggered.

These people no longer aimed their firepower at the zombies below, but at Qin Feng and chased him all the way.

"Bomb him to death!" Li Fucheng cursed, "This bastard doesn't even look at who we are, and dares to mess with us? Don't you want to die!!!"

"Let him see how powerful we are. Bomb him to pieces!"

"Yes, boss!"

A row of helicopters went over and aimed at Qin Feng's position and fired, and even after changing the shells, the entire wall was blown to pieces.

The huge body fell down with a bang, smashing into the zombies below. The sound of the flesh bursting was not at all tense under the sound of artillery fire.

No one could hear it.

Qin Feng had already reached the top of the wall where he could climb. The artillery fire immediately caught up with him, and a few rumbles covered his figure in the smoke again.

Stop the fire, and more than a dozen helicopters gathered like flies and flew around, looking for Qin Feng's position.

"Fatty and thin!" Li Fucheng asked, "Did any of you see the boy's figure?"

"No, I didn't see him."

"He must be dead," the fat man drove a helicopter to check, saying, "This wall has collapsed for more than half, and he's still not dead?"

The thin man also drove a helicopter over and said, "Yeah, if he doesn't die, I'll stand upside down and eat shit."

At this moment, a black long knife flew in the air, and with a thud, it directly penetrated the chassis of the helicopter driven by the thin man.

It was inserted diagonally to the side of him.

"Fuck," the thin man whispered, "Hey, what's going on?"

At this moment, the blade trembled, as if something quickly grabbed the knife.

With a clang, the knife was pulled out, and before the thin man could think clearly, a tall figure jumped onto his helicopter.

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Hello."

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