Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 78 Why are you running?

The man in the suit ran down early in the morning. He was not as brave as Professor Wei.

From the moment he saw Qin Feng, he knew that Qin Feng was not such an easy person to deal with.

Seeing that the situation was not right, he hurried down.

"Supervisor, you." The soldier who was guarding the zombies halfway up the mountain saw the man in the suit hurried down and wanted to ask what happened.

The man in the suit rolled his eyes and said, "You stay here, I have to go down."

He tried to pretend that his tone was indifferent so that the soldiers could not hear anything unusual.

The man looked so scary, the people above could hold him back for a while, and these people could delay some time.

He was the supervisor of the company, and he could control the lives of a bunch of people with just a wave of his hand.

These people were just a small group of them, and they would be sacrificed if they died.

Their lives were not as valuable as his own.

The man in the suit dodged his eyes and hurried down the mountain, so as not to be caught up by the man with a knife.

The soldiers were not so complicated. They didn't think much about the man in the suit and continued to guard the dozen or twenty zombies with their guns.

Zombies have no consciousness and only act according to instinct.

As long as there are people, they will keep rushing over, even if they can't get out, they will still flutter in the cage.

Green water flowed all over the ground.

The leading soldier spat, took out a paper bag from his pocket, took out a wrinkled cigarette from it, lit it and smoked.

A soldier next to him said: "Da Zhuang, you are not honest. You actually hid the cigarettes and didn't tell the brothers to buy one."

"Xiao Bu, get out of here," said the soldier named Da Zhuang, "I found this cigarette from the zombies. The supplies on the street have been looted by those sour people in the past two months. I didn't find anything when I went to sweep."

Xiao Bu smiled, leaned over, and smelled the secondhand smoke.

This doomsday is a good tool for quitting smoking. Don't even mention a cigarette on the street.

You can't even find a decent cigarette butt.

"Who do you think is in charge of this cemetery? There are so many strange things," Da Zhuang said. "If they have the ability to build so many defense measures, there must be a lot of supplies inside. After we go in, let's secretly take some. Otherwise, we will starve to death sooner or later with the things the company gives us."

"When we go in, kill whatever monsters are inside first," Xiao Bu also said. "Kill the men and throw them away. Do something with the women first and then kill them. Take possession of the supplies."

"Aren't you afraid that the supervisor will punish you?" Da Zhuang exhaled a puff of smoke and said.

The nicotine in this cigarette tastes bad, but it is rare in this doomsday. If it were in peacetime, Da Zhuang would not touch it at all, but now he regards it as a treasure.

"He only cares whether these mutated beasts can be used properly," Xiao Bu said, "He won't care about other things. But this is killing people."

They say they are mercenaries, but in peacetime they are just hooligans with stronger strength.

They usually cause trouble and make trouble, so in order to survive, they joined the Ark Spiral Company as mercenaries.

They killed a lot of zombies, but never killed a human.

To be honest, they wanted to kill people a long time ago.

This time they entered the cemetery, no matter whether the owner of the tomb was a human or a ghost, and whether the supervisor agreed to let them kill people.

They wanted to kill them, and they also wanted to

"Dissect them alive first," Da Zhuang imagined, "Dig out his intestines and organs in front of the owner of the tomb, and put them in front of him one by one."

Xiao Bu also had a tacit understanding: "Then look at his desperate eyes and crush them one by one? That must be very cool. It's been so long since the doomsday, and I haven't even killed anyone."

The two looked at each other, and there was a bloody tacit understanding in their eyes.

However, at this moment, a quick, weak sound of metal cutting sounded in the air.

The two had their backs to the zombies and didn't react at all.

Ho ho ho, uh uh uh.

The sound seemed to be a little louder, but they had been facing these zombies for a long time during this period, not only these two people, but also other soldiers didn't look at these zombies.

They were all talking about their own things.

The next second, there was a sound of metal sliding down, and with a clang, half of the cage was split apart and fell to the ground!

Some loud noises finally caught their attention, and they turned around almost stiffly.

They saw that the hard cage had been cut in half at some point, and the cut was flush, and it slid directly to the ground.

And the zombies came out!

Ho ho ho, er er er er.

These zombies were freed from their restraints, and they rushed out all of a sudden, biting directly at the nearest soldier.

"Ah!!!!" The soldier didn't have time to scream a few times, and the sound was drowned in the blood.

More than a dozen mutated zombies rushed directly at the dozen soldiers.

Everyone fled in panic.

"Shoot, shoot!" Da Zhuang shouted hurriedly, "Hit their heads, hit their heads."

These ordinary bullets can also be fired, but you must aim for headshots.

These soldiers were originally very water, composed of some inferior mercenaries or ruffians.

When they encountered something, they panicked and turned on the human body outlining mode.

Even at close range, they missed.

"Hurry, run!" Da Zhuang said.

Xiao Bu turned back and fired a few shots, then turned around and ran in panic.

Because the two were standing at the outside, the zombies did not catch them immediately.

They didn't care about the people behind them and ran straight outside.

The screams were endless, and the two of them were shaking, almost dropping their guns and running away.

"Ah!!" Xiaobu, who ran slowly, was caught by the zombies after a few steps, and the zombies bit Xiaobu's shoulder.

With a tearing sound, a large piece of bloody meat mixed with green thick water splashed in the air.

"Ugh!!" A zombie successfully knocked down a person, and the rest of the zombies followed.

"Help, save me!" Xiaobu reached out to Dazhuang, but Dazhuang ran away.

While running and looking back, he saw Xiaobu lying in the pile of zombies. At this time, a bloody hand stretched out from the pile of zombies, constantly scratching something, but to no avail.

It twitched a few times and then died, and in the distance, several zombies knelt on the ground.

They held the organs of the soldiers who were still standing next to them alive just now and chewed them, making a crackling chewing sound.

He was panicking and wanted to continue running forward, but the next second a black figure blocked him like lightning.

"Hey," Qin Feng said, "Aren't you going to dig out my organs one by one? Why are you running away before you even start?"

Da Zhuang looked at Qin Feng in front of him, without time to think about anything, just wanting to keep running.

Qin Feng blocked Da Zhuang with his long knife, not letting him go.

"Get out of my way!" Da Zhuang raised his gun and was about to shoot without saying a word.

Qin Feng reached out and grabbed it, and the [Extreme Power Glove] wrapped his hand and blocked the gun hole directly.

With a bang, Da Zhuang fired.

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