Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 80: Borrowing a Knife to Kill

All the people projected by these virtual images fell into deep thought.

They saw the scene inside the cemetery surrounded by a circle of green mist through the helicopter's direct shooting.

A pile of zombies, a female zombie with a knife on her neck, dressed in tatters, dragging the corpses of zombies.

A gloomy castle, a strange scene.

What shocked them the most was the man in black with a knife.

Originally thought, Qin Feng would definitely die.

So many guns pointed at him, but he didn't expect to kill him back, and in this way of killing, he directly killed one group of people after another.

Open the cage to release the zombies, and fly flexibly on the armored vehicle to avoid bullets.

Their originally contemptuous eyes turned into surprise, and their mouths couldn't close.

Such a master appeared in the zombie area of ​​China!

"I think he must be a master. Look at his extraordinary ability."

"I think the cemetery is very strange. Have you seen those plants? Very strange."

"Oh, my old friend, I think the most terrifying one must be that man."

There were all kinds of praise for Qin Feng and this cemetery, but there was also jealousy and a hint of possessiveness in the praise.

Some people also questioned: "Are the mercenaries in your company too weak? Oh, there are no mercenaries in the great China?"

"After all, before, our China was extremely calm and peaceful," said the leading real person, "unlike your country, which is so turbulent, preparing mercenaries everywhere."

The man was choked and speechless.

The real person said: "We formed this alliance to control the human world. Now there is a person who is beyond our control. Don't you have any other ideas?"

The others looked at each other.

One of them said: "Even if we have an idea, isn't this your territory? Can you let our army fly over?"

Another person: "The current conditions do not allow it. Many of our places are abandoned and we can't take out the weapons for the time being."

"Why don't you go and destroy him? Your Ark Spiral Company should be very powerful."

The real person in charge smiled and said: "No, if we want to conquer him and the cemetery, I don't think we need to do it ourselves."

"Oh? Do you have any better ideas?"

The man said: "Now, the zombie virus has been out for nearly three months, and the world We are all in a fleeing convoy. Everyone is looking for a place to stay, and they are constantly killing and besieging each other for this place. "

"And they are also actively using our only remaining radio signal to find other survivors, trying to survive together."

"If at this time," the man's eyes became cold, "we tell these people through the radio that this cemetery is an excellent place to stay. There is an excellent defense system and inexhaustible energy.

Do you think those who are running for life and death will go to this cemetery?"

The others nodded, that's right.

The man said again: "No matter how strong that man is, he is still just one person, and no matter how strong the defense system is, it cannot withstand thousands of troops."

"I don't believe that he can kill all the convoys that go to find him?"

"Wait until those people weaken the man's strength and his defense system, and then we will spend the least manpower and material resources to fight for him."

"At most a month, he will soon be unable to hold on."

"Being surrounded by people, without water and food sources, how long can he live?"

The man's words gradually convinced everyone, and they nodded.

"Then this matter depends on you. If you succeed, we will increase our investment in Ark Helix Company."

"We too."

"We too."

The meeting ended, and only three real people were left sitting in the huge round table conference room, and the man in the lead had a scornful smile on his face.

"Master," the two people beside him, both his assistant and security guard, asked the assistant, "Do we need to monitor that man?"

"No," Li Tianfang said with a look of confidence, "Just increase the publicity. A Feng Shui treasure land has appeared in Hongteng City. Let those poor people fleeing on the road help us explore the way."

"Master is really wise," the assistant flattered, "Miss will be very happy when she knows it."

Li Tianfang is not the biggest boss of Ark Spiral. They are a family business.

Above Li Tianfang is his beautiful sister, Li Ruohan. In a chaotic world, a strong woman made their Ark Spiral Company still invincible.

She is also the person Li Tianfang admires the most.

"I will find time to tell my sister about this," Li Tianfang said, "Let her be happy."

On the other side, Qin Feng quickly harvested the zombies running around in the mountains and transported their bodies and those of humans back to the cemetery.

The dark cemetery was like a layer of phosphorescent fire in the night.

He kicked the human corpse onto the Soul-Dropping Willow Tree.

[Transforming human corpses, estimated transformation time 10 hours]

Qin Feng: It's really long.

"System, don't tell me that the Soul-Dropping Willow Tree also needs to be upgraded," Qin Feng said helplessly, "I will despise you."

[The Soul-Dropping Willow Tree has not been upgraded, the transformation time is determined by the number]

Qin Feng nodded, otherwise it would cost thousands of dollars to upgrade a thing, and it would not be upgraded much, he could vomit blood.

Entering from the green fog wall, Xiaotong was still diligently throwing zombies into the cemetery.

Qin Feng patted the package on his waist, and in an instant, there were many zombie corpses with green water flowing on the ground.

Compared with the dark corpses over there, it was more disgusting.

"These scientists," Qin Feng looked at it with a little brain twitching, "they have nothing to do but do some research, and they benefit mankind, God damn benefit."

Qin Feng looked at a total of 36 mutant zombie corpses. According to the nature of the system, if mutant zombies can be detected, then they must be buried in special tombs.

So he asked: "System, tell me, do you need special tombs to bury these things?"

[Yes, the host has made rapid progress and has learned to draw inferences from one example. ]

".Thank you for the compliment," Qin Feng said, "then what kind of tomb is it, can I buy it?"

[According to the level of the host, there is no power to buy it yet. 】

Qin Feng:.

"Then why the hell did you let me kill these zombies?" Qin Feng's brain was twitching. It turned out that he couldn't bury them. "I only collected these 300 ordinary zombies in the second city this time."

He thought he had made a fortune this time. With so many mutant zombie corpses, he would become a superman.

[The system did not expect that the host could be so strong under the blessing of the system]

[But they can't be buried. The host can choose to build a building to preserve the corpses of these mutant zombies]

[Prevent them from rotting and disappearing until the host can buy a special tomb]

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