The convoy that came was a convoy of heavy trucks.

When Qin Feng heard the sound of the car, the heavy truck was just coming up from the bottom of the mountain.

This kind of heavy truck has a very high base, and this heavy truck has been modified. A circle of hard steel rings is installed around the body to prevent collision.

The carriage behind the heavy truck is even higher, and at this height, the zombies can't touch it at all.

The starting sound of the heavy truck is still very loud. It drove all the way here, and this time attracted more zombies.

They stopped at the foot of the mountain, and the zombies immediately surrounded them.

However, no matter how crazy the zombies hit and hit, they couldn't hurt the people in the carriage at all.

There were only four men on top.

They didn't care about the zombies next to the car at all. They had seen a lot of these squeaking, black foaming, and smelly things.

Several people looked up the mountain at the same time.

Next to the bluestone road was a flat road for cars to go up. They looked at each other, and without saying a word, they increased their horsepower and drove up.

The heavy truck started rumbling, long black smoke spewed out from the exhaust pipe, and the sharp bulldozer installed on the front of the car was like a cutting machine.

It crushed the zombies in front one by one.



The sound of bones being broken and smashed, and the squeezed flesh and blood was drowned out by the sound of the heavy truck engine.

This heavy truck drove to the cemetery with black blood all the way.

The higher they went, the colder they felt.

The wind blowing in their faces smelled of soil and rotten leaves at first, but the smell of blood and rotten meat became stronger and stronger as they went up.

"Wow, what's that smell, it's so fishy."

"This is a cemetery, where bodies are buried, how good do you think it can smell?"

"Never mind, hurry over. I heard there are a lot of supplies inside?"

"I'm afraid they are talking about dead people."

"Go take a look first, grab everything if there is anything, blow it up if there is nothing. Don't give others even a little bit of stuff, damn it."

They increased the speed of the car and quickly got up there. They were stunned when they saw the cemetery.

"What kind of building is this?"

"I haven't seen it before, where is the iron net? Where is the cable? Damn it, what's the use of the ladder we prepared?"

"Why is this place so weird? It's like a horror movie."

They quickly arrived outside the cemetery, not caring what car they were driving, and ran over the red sea of ​​flowers.

They seemed to have a little illusion that there were countless people screaming under their wheels.

There was a creaking sound, and the hard shell was crushed.

The car stopped and the four looked around.

Well-trained, they jumped off the car in a hurry, holding a ladder, a rope, and a knife and a gun on their waists.

The ladder was still the kind of alloy ladder with a fixed spiral at the bottom.

They specially robbed the materials to modify it, and the weight and quality were first-class.

The green fog wall looked like fog and fire, and it looked very strange.

A few people looked at it and decided to climb up from the gate. Ten meters was enough.

Set up the ladder and throw a rope tied to the top of the ladder into the door.

However, just when the rope was thrown over and touched the door.

A blue flame directly ignited the rope, and flew down along the rope. In an instant, the whole ladder was immersed in the sea of ​​fire.


Several people hurriedly stepped back, looking at the metal ladder that turned into black powder in an instant, and their eyes flashed with shock.

What is this operation?

At this moment, a tall figure in plain clothes appeared in their peripheral vision.

Just under the tall black willow tree.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Feng just asked.

Those people turned around and saw Qin Feng. Qin Feng asked, "Someone is here to mess with my cemetery again. Do you want to die?"

Qin Feng had just said this when he stepped out on tiptoe.

Because these people had guns in their hands, many kinds of guns. And they were strong and looked like bad guys.

Sure enough, as soon as they saw Qin Feng, several people opened fire.

The rifles fired, the sound of "da da da da", accompanied by the flash of fire from the muzzle.

They shot at Qin Feng again and again.

They didn't care what Qin Feng had said just now or his identity, whether Qin Feng was the owner of this cemetery or a survivor who came to find this cemetery.

What they wanted was to kill people and occupy this place.

However, Qin Feng flashed and disappeared directly from their sight.

A burst of bullets flew over and hit the willow tree and the land behind him.

Stirring up layers of broken soil.

"Where are the people? Why are they gone? They are running so fast."

"He just said this is his cemetery, and he built these buildings?"

"Bah, no matter if he built them or not, since we found this place, it's ours."

"That's right, attack in, kill the men, and rape the women. If they don't obey, kill them too."

"Then we will occupy the mountain and become the king. We can save a few women and have fun as we want."

As they were talking, a loud noise came from the heavy truck behind them.

The four people looked over, and Qin Feng was still wearing the casual clothes, but he had nothing in his hands.

They were shocked. When did this person appear?

Qin Feng was tall, and his muscles were close to his body curves, not more or less.

Even if he was wearing casual clothes, he still had a sinister murderous aura.

"What do you mean?" The leading man shouted, "You little brat, are you here to kowtow to me?"

"He's handsome. I haven't touched a woman for a long time. A pretty boy is not bad either."

"You climbed up the car and stood so high. Are you going to jump down and commit suicide to threaten us?"


Qin Feng's eyes were full of sarcasm. He kicked his feet and ran down the heavy truck.

He rushed straight towards the few people.

These people were desperate criminals. They killed countless zombies and people in this doomsday. They didn't know how many people who rushed over without knowing whether to live or die.

So several people opened fire directly.

"Don't kill him, cripple him! I want to play slowly."

"Okay, watch me."

Several people opened fire, all shooting at Qin Feng's feet. They wanted to see Qin Feng chewing shit like a dog.

Fire splashed everywhere, da da da da, all hitting the car.

Qin Feng just ran over like this, and not a single shot hit Qin Feng.

It's useless! ! !

However, Qin Feng was about to approach, and several people hurriedly retreated and said, "Fire, first, kill him first!"

The gun moved up, and Qin Feng slid down, so fast that several people could not keep up with the gun.

Qin Feng turned over and came behind several people.

The four people didn't have time to turn around, and one of them was directly grabbed by Qin Feng behind the neck. As long as Qin Feng exerted force, the neck was completely broken.

Qin Feng sneered, grabbed the man's hand holding the gun, pulled the trigger and shot at the other three.

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