Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 9 Take Chen Qiaoying away

The reason why I came back is partly because the terrain is too difficult to navigate. Who designed this prison? It’s like a maze.

On the other hand, it is the person who currently dominates this prison.

Through the system, Qin Feng can roughly see their combat effectiveness.

Although compared to others, it is a huge difference. But compared to normal people, they are all outstanding. The combined fighting power of so many people cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, almost everyone here has a gun and surveillance cameras.

Most importantly, there are a lot of traps set up to catch the zombies that break in.

Just like when he went out just now, if he hadn't been smart, he might have been cut in the middle by two tiger gates.

So, after thinking about it, I took Chen Qiaoying away. She is the clerk of this prison and works here, so she should know the terrain here very well.

After Chen Qiaoying cried for a while, Qin Feng let go of his hand and said, "Okay, stop inking. If we don't get out, we will be thrown into the zombie area to feed the zombies."

"Well, okay." Chen Qiaoying shed tears.

Qin Feng handed Chen Qiaoying the small pistol that she had used to threaten him before and said, "For self-defense."

"Fight, fight zombies?" Chen Qiaoying stuttered. She had seen those zombies before, but she couldn't do it at all.

"No," Qin Feng pointed to one side and said, "I was about to go up from here just now, and found that there were dozens of people guarding the top. And this place should still be in the basement, and the only way to get out is through them. So, when I went there, , I'll stand in front of you and kill them, but I can't guarantee whether they will get close to you.

When you see someone coming, you break him. "

"Are you going to kill someone again?" Chen Qiaoying's face turned pale.

"If you don't kill them," Qin Feng said, "wait for them to give way or should I capture you and feed you to the zombies?"

In the apocalypse, human nature will be wiped out, and people will be destroyed by heaven and earth if they don't do it for themselves.

Chen Qiaoying hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

Taking the pistol and wearing the police uniform, Chen Qiaoying took a deep breath and thought: "They are criminals, and I am a policeman! I, I am so scared!"

Qin Feng looked at Chen Qiaoying and said, "She's so beautiful, she doesn't have any murderous intent at all."

"Ah, then, what should we do?" Chen Qiaoying said, her face a little red, this eldest brother praised her for her beauty.

Qin Feng thought for a while, then reached out and wiped a handful of rust on the rusty iron railing next to him.

Following the lines on the faces of soldiers fighting in the field in TV series, I painted a few lines on Chen Qiaoying's tender face. After looking at it, I felt it was not enough and drew a few more lines.

Then he took off her hat and put it aside, ruffling her hair.

Finally, he looked at Chen Qiaoying and said with a few clicks: "It's almost done now. It looks like a field team, rolling around in the shit pit a few times."

Chen Qiaoying:

"Why don't you really roll on the ground a few times?" Qin Feng said, "Tear your clothes to pieces by the way, it's almost like coming out of the Amazon jungle."

Chen Qiaoying:

"Okay! Hurry up," Qin Feng said, "Since you want to follow me, hurry up. We will be discovered later. More than a hundred guns are shooting at us and we won't be able to run away."

"Yeah." Chen Qiaoying took a deep breath and followed Qin Feng.

This is three floors underground, and you can only reach the ground by going two floors up.

There are several entrances to this floor, but Qin Feng just observed that there is an exit going up a ladder that is the most hidden.

The ladder was more than ten meters long. Qin Feng stood at the bottom and jumped up with a slight jump, grabbing the top pole.

Pushing open the lid, I saw several people walking around in front of me.

They should be the guards preventing Chen Qiaoying from escaping.

Qin Feng jumped out of the hole and jumped to the ground. The movement alerted the people who had their backs turned here.

However, the few people did not look back. Qin Feng raised his hand and pulled out a short knife from the waist of one of them, and shuttled between the few people in twos and twos.

20 points of speed and strength should not be underestimated.

He raised the knife and dropped it, and fresh hot blood poured down his mouth like a splashing fountain.

"Ah!" Chen Qiaoying was shocked, it was blood!

The movement then alerted more people here, and a team of about seven or eight people also rushed over.

"Who is it?" the leader of the team shouted, "Intruder? Whether it's a zombie or not, open fire!"

However, before they could get here, Qin Feng rushed over and struck first.

No need for a gun, just this short knife taken from someone else can solve everything!

The silver light formed by the short blade shuttled between the group of people, and with a "whoosh" sound, seven or eight people fell to the ground before everyone could see clearly the people in front of them.

After jumping down from the passage, Qin Feng looked at the stunned Chen Qiaoying and said, "I have cleared away some of the people above. Can you go up by yourself?"

Chen Qiaoying shook her head with a pale face and said, "No, no."

Her physical strength has always been very weak, and she learned how to handle paperwork when she was in the police academy without any training. She can't climb such a high ladder!

"Tsk, are you from the police academy?" Qin Feng shook his head and said.

Chen Qiaoying blushed with embarrassment. Well, she had embarrassed the school.

Qin Feng looked at the equipment on his body, thought for a moment, and then stretched out his arms to hug Chen Qiaoying. Just like that, he jumped directly to the upper level.

After landing steadily, Chen Qiaoying saw nearly ten human corpses lying on the ground, with fresh blood flowing out.

He couldn't help but hide in Qin Feng's arms, not daring to look anymore.

Qin Feng let go of Chen Qiaoying. Chen Qiaoying blushed with embarrassment, her heart beating fast as she looked at these corpses.

"Hurry up, where should we go now!" Qin Feng said. With such a big commotion, it would be quick to alarm the people here.

Chen Qiaoying took a deep breath, pointed in a direction, and said, "Follow me, they have surveillance cameras, and they will find us soon."

Qin Feng looked up and looked around. Sure enough, there were surveillance cameras on this floor.

Qin Feng snorted, raised his hand and threw the small short knife in his hand directly over. With a snap, the surveillance camera was cut in half.

He made a sound of "tsk", reached out and took Chen Qiaoying's slender hand, and quickly left here from the long corridor.

It's called surveillance, but in fact, where are there so many people to watch each surveillance camera at this time? The people in the monitoring room had already gone to have fun by themselves, and didn't notice how bloody things happened here.

Just about a few minutes after the two of them left, the people who changed shifts came over.

"Fuck, that girl last night was really tasty."

"You really have a strong taste, you can do it with a black girl too."

"You don't know how strong it is until you go. I still want to go back and try it again."

Several people came slowly, and with a click, someone stepped on some liquid.

Looking down, it was actually full of hot blood!

Several people rushed over, and the people guarding here were all killed!

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