The enemy was defeated.

"One level 10, more than 30 level 9, and the rest are level 8. I'll deal with the level 10 one later, and you can help me stop the others. Once I succeed, retreat directly!" Yang Bin looked at everyone and said.

"Don't worry, boss. There are only more than a hundred of them. It's a piece of cake."

Everyone was not too worried. They had withstood the dense blood wolves, so what was there to be afraid of with a hundred mice.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. I have a hunch that these mice are definitely more difficult to deal with than blood wolves." Yang Bin said seriously.


Everyone nodded seriously. Although they didn't feel anything, they never doubted the boss's words. Since the boss said so, it proved that these mice must be extraordinary.

"Get ready!"

"Get started!"

After saying that, Yang Bin led everyone to rush out instantly.

After hearing the sound, a group of iron rat beasts raised their heads and looked at Yang Bin and his group, and then they started to call out "chi chi chi".

Everyone didn't care whether they called out or not, Yang Bin teleported directly above the tenth-level iron rat beast, and then chopped the other's head fiercely with the Fang Tian Hua Ji, he wanted to make a quick decision!

Unfortunately, although the iron rat beast's vision range was not far, its reaction was extremely fast. The moment Yang Bin's Fang Tian Hua Ji chopped down, its head suddenly retracted into its shell.

"Damn, you are a turtle!" Yang Bin said speechlessly.

Just then, a sound of breaking through the air came, and the tail behind the iron rat beast stabbed towards Yang Bin at a speed beyond common sense.

Yang Bin had no time to use the Fang Tian Hua Ji to block it forward.

However, the trajectory of the other's tail suddenly changed, and it instantly bypassed the Fang Tian Hua Ji and stabbed Yang Bin's head.

At the critical moment, Yang Bin disappeared from the spot with a teleportation.

Not far away, Yang Bin showed up, touched the blood on his forehead, and broke out in a cold sweat.

If it was a few tenths of a second later, he would have probably confessed.

Thinking of this, Yang Bin quickly looked towards the position of Chen Hao and the others.

Sure enough, in just a moment, several of them were injured, and the most seriously injured Xiaojuzi was directly pierced by a tail.

"Fuck, what is this thing, it's too fast, I can't stop it!" Lao Hei complained.

At this time, everyone's face was extremely solemn. They finally understood why the boss repeatedly emphasized that this group of rats was difficult to deal with. This was not difficult, this was simply fatal.

The opponent's tail was too flexible and extremely fast. For heavy weapons like them, it was simply a natural nemesis.

Soon, this group of iron rat beasts surrounded them, and their tails stabbed at them like a rain of pear blossoms.

"Earth wall!"

Zhong Yuansen quickly released an earth wall to block the surroundings.

However, it was useless. The opponent's tail pierced through the earth wall and stabbed towards them.

"Freeze!" Lin Yifei instantly used the freezing ability, but it was still slow.




A low sound rang out, and everyone was injured again.

Zhao Kun grabbed a few tails that were about to be withdrawn with his metal arm, trying to tear them off directly, but found that the tails were extremely strong and could not be torn off.

Lin Yifei's long sword chopped directly over and finally cut off a few tails.

But her face was not happy, but heavy.

"This tail is very strong. If you hadn't pulled it, I guess I couldn't cut it!"

Everyone's face became ugly again.

"Xiao Hui, take me up!" Lao Hei jumped directly onto Xiao Hui's back.

Xiao Hui understood instantly and flew directly into the sky.

Afterwards, Lao Hei threw a rain of fire at the group of iron rat beasts.

However, facing Lao Hei's terrifying rain of fire, these iron rat beasts just retracted their heads into their iron shells.

The rain of fire hit the shells on the backs of the iron rat beasts, making a loud noise, but did not cause any damage to them. Their tails behind them continued to stab at everyone.

"What the hell is this!" Lao Hei complained.

The others also looked desperate. Sure enough, things that seem harmless are often the more terrifying.

On Yang Bin's side, he did not give up and teleported again above the tenth-level iron rat beast, and chopped down the iron shell behind it with the Fang Tian Hua Ji.


Sparks flew, and the ground sank a section after he chopped it, but such a huge force of the halberd only left a small crack on the opponent's back.

Just when Yang Bin wanted to continue chopping

At that time, the opponent's tail had already stabbed towards his eyes again.

Facing this omnipresent tail, Yang Bin was also quite troubled. Then he gritted his teeth, tilted his head, and chopped the opponent's tail directly with the Fang Tian Hua Ji.

However, although Yang Bin's head was tilted, the opponent's tail still left a scar on his face, and the Fang Tian Hua Ji chopped on the tail but failed to cut off the opponent's tail. The opponent's tail suddenly became soft and even entangled with the Fang Tian Hua Ji, trying to take it away from Yang Bin.

Yang Bin's face changed, and he grabbed the Fang Tian Hua Ji tightly. At the same time, a long sword suddenly flew out of the space ring and quickly chopped at the opponent's tail.

Just as he was about to chop the tail, the opponent suddenly retracted the tail.

Yang Bin frowned, and just when he was about to attack again, he suddenly felt a little dizzy, and his face suddenly changed.


Then, Yang Bin decisively teleported to Chen Hao and others.

"We can't fight, retreat!"

At this time, Chen Hao and his team were in a much worse state than him. Many people had several holes on their bodies, and many people's faces had begun to turn black. Hu Wenjing was quickly purifying the toxins for everyone.

However, her purification speed was not as fast as the iron rat beast's attack speed.

Facing the attack of hundreds of iron rat beasts, everyone could not avoid them all with all their strength.

Hearing Yang Bin's words, everyone felt relieved and rushed to the nearest mount as soon as possible.

Xiao Hui and Xiao Jin each took three people and left quickly. Yang Bin rode on Da Huang to open the way in front, and Xiao Hua and Xiao Juzi each took one person to follow behind.

Yang Bin's Fang Tian Hua Ji slapped the iron rat beast in front to both sides, and took the two people all the way out of the encirclement of the iron rat beasts.

These iron rat beasts moved very slowly, and basically could not catch up after slapping them away.

However, although they broke out of the encirclement, Da Huang and others, including Yang Bin on his back, were still pierced with many holes.

Everyone gritted their teeth and persisted all the way, and finally fell to the ground after reaching the agreed location.

At this time, in the valley, Chen Hao and others who were taken away by Xiao Hui were receiving treatment from Hu Wenliang and his brother, one to treat injuries and the other to purify toxins.

When they saw Yang Bin and others coming back, they fell to the ground, and they ran over as soon as possible to treat them first.

Fortunately, Hu Wenjing's purification effect was very good. Basically, after a few rays of light, the toxins on the body slowly dissipated.

This skill that had been useless before has now become a life-saving skill for everyone.

If Hu Wenjing hadn't been there, it is estimated that everyone would have died at this time.

Everyone's face was a little scared. This battle can be said to be the first time they have lost so badly in history.

Who would have thought that these harmless iron rat beasts would be so disgusting.

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