After sighing for a while, the white apes started to eat voraciously, and finished the roasted wolf in their hands in a few bites.

Yang Bin only roasted one in total, and there were eight white apes to share, so naturally there was not much.

Several white apes licked their fingers clean, and almost bit off their fingers, and then looked at Yang Bin eagerly.

"Roar..." (It's so delicious, I want to eat it again!)

Yang Bin smiled slightly. He just roasted one specifically for this result.

"You can let me continue roasting. I'll help you roast meat, and you help me dig crystals!" Yang Bin smiled and began to slowly guide them to help do things. As long as they took the first step, the rest would be easy.


Several white apes looked at him with confusion, obviously not understanding.

Yang Bin walked directly to a blood wolf corpse, smashed its head and took out the crystal inside, pointed at the crystal, and then pointed at himself.

These white apes were really smart and quickly understood what Yang Bin meant.

However, the white apes did not nod directly, but one ape grabbed two blood wolf corpses and threw them in front of Yang Bin, meaning very clearly, we can help you get the crystals, you have to roast these blood wolves.

Looking at the more than ten blood wolf corpses in front of him, Yang Bin nodded decisively without any hesitation: "No problem!"


Seeing Yang Bin's agreement, several white apes were immediately excited, and they punched the corpse under their feet, smashing the corpse's head into pieces, and then they easily picked out the crystal, and then smashed it towards another one.

Seeing their actions, Yang Bin's mouth curled up a smile.

It seems that things are going to go more smoothly than I thought..

Afterwards, Yang Bin did not hesitate and started to deal with the more than ten blood wolves.

After dealing with them, he directly set up more than ten barbecue grills, put the blood wolves on them, and grilled them together!

As the flames ignited, smelling the unique fragrance, several white apes dug crystals more vigorously.

No one could have imagined that several big-name white apes would help people to dig crystals at this time.

Soon, a white ape came to Yang Bin with a large pile of crystals in both hands and grinning.

Yang Bin's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his hand, he directly put all the crystals in the other party's hand into the space ring.

This scene immediately made the white ape's eyes widen, but soon, its sight shifted to the barbecue on the side again, and saliva flowed from its mouth.

"It's not cooked yet, hurry up, keep digging!"


The white ape responded, and then ran to dig crystals happily.

On the other side, Chen Hao and others came to the exit without any obstacles.

As Yang Bin expected, the ape beasts suffered heavy losses in this battle, and they were probably resting in their nests. There were no ape beasts at the exit.

Everyone got out of the passage easily and returned to Blue Star.


Breathing the turbid air of Blue Star, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the air inside is fresh, it is too dangerous. I almost died several times in three days.

Blue Star is still good. Although there are zombies, with their current strength, there is no need to worry about danger.

"I wonder how the captain is doing?" Lin Yifei said with some concern.

"Don't worry, since Brother Bin has decided to do this, he must be sure of it." Chen Hao knows Yang Bin quite well.

"Well, what should we do now? Should we wait for the boss here or go back to the base first?" Zhao Kun asked.

"Let's wait in the town below, so that we can know when Brother Bin comes out first."


On the other side...

A group of ape beasts returned to their old nest valley again.

Su Jin also came back with this group of ape beasts. She was carried back by the ape beast leader all the way.

Su Jin is indeed very beautiful, otherwise Ding Peng would not have been willing to be a dog licker for so many years.

However, her appearance is not within the aesthetic range of ape beasts.

The reason why the ape beast leader has been bringing her with him is that there are no female ape beasts in the ape beast group at present, and the ape beast leader wants to rely on her to pass on the family line.

At this time, the atmosphere in the whole valley is extremely depressing.

In this battle, the ape beasts suffered heavy losses. The ape beast group that originally had more than 800 people now only has more than 400 people left, which is a direct loss of half!

Even four tenth-level ape beasts died, which is simply adding insult to injury for the ape beast group.

What made the leader of the ape beast even more uncomfortable was that this battle was inexplicable, and he always felt that there was a dark hand at work.

The unhappy leader of the ape beast directly carried Su Jin

Walking towards the cave.

Su Jin, who was on the shoulder of the ape beast leader, froze. She instantly guessed what the ape beast leader was going to do, and her face turned pale!

However, Su Jin did not struggle. She knew that her struggle was useless, so she just let the ape beast leader carry her into the cave.

After a long time, the ape beast leader came out, and it seemed that he was in a much better mood.

"Roar..." (Where are those damn guys?)

The ape beast leader roared at the bottom.

"Roar..." (No, we are all fighting and have no time to find them!)

"Roar..." (Then continue to guard the exit, I don't believe they won't go out!)

"Roar...." (What if they have already gone out?)


The ape beast leader frowned.

At this moment, Su Jin trembled and walked out of the cave. It must be said that the seventh-level evolver has strong physical fitness.

Seeing Su Jin, the leader of the ape beast suddenly brightened up, and then walked quickly to Su Jin.

Su Jin was startled, thinking that the other party was going to do it again.

Fortunately, the other party did not attack after standing in front of her.

"Roar..." (You are in the same group with them, you should know where those guys are!)


Su Jin looked at the leader of the ape beast with a confused face.

The leader of the ape beast scratched his head, then danced and gestured in various ways. After a while, Su Jin barely understood what it meant.

Probably looking for a few people like her.

Su Jin's eyes flashed. Although she didn't know who the other party was looking for, it didn't prevent her from operating from it.

"I know where they are!" Su Jin nodded and gave the other party a positive answer.

The leader of the ape beast's eyes lit up.

"Roar..." (Take me there!)

Then he directly carried Su Jin on his shoulders again.

Su Jin pointed to the front.

The leader of the ape beast led a large group of ape beasts towards the direction Su Jin pointed.

After a while, a group of ape beasts came to the exit again.


The leader of the ape beasts looked at Su Jin with a puzzled look.

Su Jin pointed to the exit and said, "They are outside!"

Looking at the location Su Jin pointed to, the leader of the ape beasts felt depressed. Those guys really escaped while they were fighting.

"Let's go, I'll take you out!" Su Jin pointed to the exit again, with a touch of excitement in his eyes.

She couldn't predict how strong the leader of the ape beasts was, but she knew that once he got out, he would definitely sweep everything.

At that time, it would no longer be a dream for her to take revenge or even attack the Jinling base and become the master of the base.

She had lost so much, and it was time for her to get her reward!

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