The other side...

"MD, bad luck, I thought they were a group of strong men, but they turned out to be a group of scum, a waste of time." Wang Ruikai said with a gloomy face.

"That's right, we are so polite to them, I should have just killed them and robbed all the supplies." Wang Yueming said unhappily.

"Master, it's a good thing you didn't act impulsively just now!" A bodyguard behind him frowned.

"What do you mean?" Wang Ruikai looked at the other party.

"Everyone inside... gives me a great sense of oppression, I feel... I can't beat any of them!" The bodyguard said with a serious face.


"How is it possible!?"

Both Wang Ruikai and Wang Yueming widened their eyes and looked at each other in disbelief.

"He's right. You can't feel it, but we were both mercenaries before, and we often hovered on the edge of life and death. So, we have an instinctive sense of danger. If we had just taken action, we would... die!" Another bodyguard said seriously.


"Didn't they say that they didn't even have a third-level?"

"Brother Kai, I remember he seemed to say that there was no third-level person there. Is it possible... that they were all fourth-level!?"


Wang Ruikai wanted to say it was impossible, but he couldn't say it. Even Ah San said that they were not opponents. What else could they be except fourth-level?

However, six people in a team, all fourth-level, this was too hard to accept.

At this time, Wang Ruikai's expression was extremely wonderful.

What did I miss! ? Six fourth-level people, if they could join the Wang family, the strength of the Wang family would definitely increase exponentially.

"Xiao Ming, do you think we will be kicked out if we go back?" Wang Ruikai whispered.

"Brother Kai, how about we bring some things to visit them tomorrow? If we go back now, it feels a bit..."

"Yeah, that's right. Let's prepare some things tomorrow. Fortunately, we didn't offend them today." Wang Ruikai said thankfully.

Late at night..

Yang Bin and others lay on the recliner and watched the stars all night.

Although the improvement every day is not much, this thing depends on perseverance. As long as you keep persisting, you can be infinitely ahead.

And there is good news tonight, that is, Xiaojuzi has broken through to the fourth level.

Xiaojuzi is different from Yang Bin and others. He is completely self-cultivating and does not need to rely on crystals to improve.

Except for occasionally needing some crystals as food, it is still very easy to feed.

When I first collected Xiaojuzi, it was just a whim. Now I find that it was really wise. At least with Xiaojuzi guarding the house, they don't have to worry about being robbed.

Now Xiaojuzi is at the fourth level, and the safety factor is higher. Unless there are a large number of zombies or a large number of high-level evolvers, there is basically no need to worry.

Yang Bin opened his true vision and looked at the backyard of the villa not far away, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, there are two."

Then he looked at the others and said, "You go downstairs and sleep first, Haozi and I will go pick up some crystals."


Soon, Yang Bin and Chen Hao came to the back of the villa again.

At this time, the four people in the villa were still guarding the surroundings.

Perhaps because of yesterday's mistake, today the four people are trying to keep their eyes open to prevent themselves from getting sleepy.

Yang Bin took Chen Hao up the tree and pointed to the two zombies in the iron cage.

"Those two are fourth-level zombies, but they are in different positions. It's a bit difficult for you to take the crystal without alarming them."

"Don't worry, Brother Bin, watch me." Chen Hao smiled, and then he climbed into the yard invisibly.

Chen Hao picked up a stone in the yard and smashed it directly on the glass on the window.


The sound of glass breaking was heard, which immediately scared the people hiding around, and they hurried over to check.

As the sound of breaking sounded, the zombies in the iron cage also roared one by one.

Chen Hao seized the opportunity and chopped one of the zombies with an axe, and his figure flashed away.

Then he quickly took out the crystal and put it in his pocket.

The zombie roared louder, but because it was already screaming, the few people did not realize the difference, and still looked at the suddenly broken glass with some surprise.

"Why is the quality of this glass so poor? It broke inexplicably, which is scary." One person said.

"I guess the person who installed the glass used inferior products as good ones. I have to have a good talk with Wang Shao tomorrow."


As they were evaluating the glass

While they were discussing, Chen Hao had already taken the opportunity to deal with another fourth-level zombie, and then left in style.

When a few turned around and saw the scene inside the iron cage, they were immediately shocked.

"Fuck, how come two more zombies died?"

"Don't these zombies know that we are watching them, and they started fighting each other when we weren't paying attention?"

"Hurry up, dig out the crystal first, otherwise Mr. Wang will definitely not let us off tomorrow."


Several people quickly ran to the iron cage and quickly touched the heads of the two zombies with their heads split open.


"How could there be no? Was it eaten so quickly?"

"These zombies wouldn't attack their own kind just because of the crystals."

"But, I haven't heard that zombies eat crystals."

"Is it possible that they weren't killed by zombies? I see the wound on the head, it looks a bit like an axe."

"Fuck, don't scare me, there's not even a ghost in the middle of the night, who the hell would use an axe to chop zombies."

"How should I know, but the wound really looks like an axe."

"MD, there's no ghost."

Several people immediately felt a chill. In the middle of the night, two zombies' heads were chopped off for no reason. Just thinking about it makes people's backs cold.

"What should we do now? Should we wake up Young Master Wang?"

"You want to be criticized in the middle of the night, and how will you explain if you wake him up?"

"Just tell the truth."

"Tell the truth? Haha, if you don't believe it yourself, do you think he will believe it? Maybe he will even suspect that we are stealing from the company. With his personality, I don't need to tell you what will happen to him then."


"What should we do then? If we don't call him now, he will still be miserable when he finds out about us tomorrow."

The few people suddenly fell into silence..

"Damn it, it's the end of the world, and I still have to be controlled by others. I'm done. Anyway, the doomsday money is useless. With my strength at the peak of the third level, I can make it anywhere. At worst, I'll leave Xingcheng. I don't believe that the Wang family can still find me in this world." One person suddenly said.

The others were shocked. The fear of the Wang family for a long time made them dare not think about it.

But soon they thought that it was the end of the world, and the Wang family didn't seem to matter, so the eyes of the other people also brightened.

"Okay, let's go together, maybe we can do something big."

"Haha, I don't dare to do big things, but at least I won't live such a cowardly life."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go!"

"Why don't we kill all these zombies before we leave, these are all third-level crystals."

"Forget it, if we make too much noise and wake them up, we won't be able to leave."


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