Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Vol 2 Chapter 96: : Mysterious white fog

Regional Union...

Bai Wu still doesn't know what the situation is, and the remarks give too little content.

He could guess a little bit about the travel ticket.

Since they are all called travel tickets, it is very likely that the ability of that piece of debris is that the holder can break through the regional restrictions.

If such a thing really exists... does Cain know about it? If Cain doesn't know it, it means that the area where it exists must be an area that even Cain doesn't dare to go.

If Cain knew about it, but didn't get the fragment, it also means that the holder of the travel ticket is very scary.

"Let's go, there are traces of excavation behind, we go forward, it should be the place where the miners disappeared." Wu Jiu said.

The surrounding area was dense with fog, and he couldn't make any judgments, but since it was a white area, he was confident and confident to deal with it even in danger.

Bai Wu looked at the vast expanse of white in front of him, and realized that his name was quite appropriate, the thick white fog.

"Captain, if we don't find the miners, will there be any impact?"

"That's not true, but life is priceless. If you can find them, it's best not to leave empty-handed."


Bai Wu felt a little bit in his heart, and he was still not sure about the difficulty of this mission. He could only take one step at a time.

Now the team is quite convinced of his ability to observe, and if they find an irresistible enemy, they will return to the city decisively.


The group followed the wind and Bai Wu preliminarily concluded that there should be a cave hidden in the endless mountain range.

Inside the huge rock, there may be a cave.

The speed of the team was very fast, and the mountain road was much flatter than expected. Bai Wu frowned as he watched the debris, broken leaves and branches on the road.

The remarks did not give him feedback, but the way the branches broke apart was definitely not a natural fall.

As we continue to go deep into the mountains? Some trees are found in the white mist? Directly into smashing fractures.

"Xiao Yi, did you feel anything?" Bai Wu asked.

"No? There is no evil in the vicinity." Shang Xiaoyi was convinced of his perception.

Bai Wu shook his head and said:

"You follow along."

Bai Wu lowered his head? Looking at the dirt on the ground, he walked at an angle that looked like an arc but not an arc.

He went in a big circle.

Some trees in the mountains? Everyone also found an unusual place.

The trees outside the white mist are intact, the trees inside the white mist...without exception are not broken.

It was like being trampled on by a terrifying force.

Originally, the thick fog obscured the line of sight? They also saw part of it? But in my mind, they didn't put together the places they had walked before.

And Bai Wu traced the places he had walked in his mind from beginning to end, and he spelled out a pattern in his brain——

"What's going on, what's wrong with these trees?" Wang Shi asked.

Yin Shuang's face was pale, and the value of the watch fluctuated:

"Could this be..."

"Footprints. The footprints of a huge monster"

Everyone was shocked? The range they walked just now? The circle is the size of a basketball court...

If this is just a footprint, what level of monster must it be?

Bai Wu continued:

"Looking at the traces of the mud, this monster has stepped on here. It didn't take long. I don't expect it to be more than an hour. The force of horror directly caused these tall trees to shatter and break? Where I am, there are also obvious signs of collapse."

"Is this monster related to the collapse of the mine?" Wu Jiu asked.

"It's hard to say? I'm afraid of more than one evil fall now." Bai Wu looked into the distance.

"Sorry, such a huge monster? I can't feel it..." Shang Xiaoyi blamed himself.

Generally, before exploring an area, he is like an accurate detector? It can quickly report the specific number of fall within the range.

"The induction of the companion force can't be done? Maybe the evil depravity has some ability to shield perception?" Lin Wurou patted Shang Xiaoyi on the shoulder? There is no ridicule.

Bai Wu shook his head and said:

"This possibility can be ruled out. From the depth of the soil collapse, I can simply calculate the monster's weight, and its height is at least five times the height of these seven-meter-high trees. In addition, the outline of the monster's footprint gives me It feels like an ape-like creature. This kind of creature is usually very noisy, but do you feel any fluctuations?"

Everyone was silent.

The accompanying power and the induction of the five senses can't capture anything.

Bai Wu tried to look at all directions, but there was only a cloud of white mist in his sight, and his eyes would not give any feedback.

Only by looking at a specific thing, those ridiculous notes will pop up.

This reminded him of the time in the sewer, staring into the darkness. Now his surroundings are equivalent to being surrounded by "white darkness".

Except for things in the visibility range, the surrounding area is completely white. There is only one place, and that is the outline of the distant mountains.

Now Bai Wu suddenly doubted... the authenticity of the outline of this mountain, it appeared in the sight of everyone, even the white fog could not isolate it, it looked like a signpost, and a bait.

Suddenly, Bai Wu seemed to have thought of something, he asked quickly:

"Are there ropes?"

"No... only bandages." As a doctor, Yin Shuang has some commonly used trauma props in his hand.

"A bandage will do, too, is it 15 meters?"

"Not enough. What are you going to do?"

Bai Wu nodded and said:

"You don't need a bandage, Sister Lin, you stand five meters in front of me. Xiao Yi, you stand beside me, so are the captain and Yin Shuang, Wang Shi, you stand ten meters in front of Sister Lin."

Everyone didn't quite understand what Bai Wu was going to do, but now he has gradually gotten into the habit of "he has always done a good job". Even Lin Wurou did not retaliate against his new nickname.

Because everyone feels that this place is a little weird. In the white area, is it possible that the super giant apes described by Bai Wu appear?

So Shang Xiaoyi, Wu Jiu and Yin Shuang all stood behind Bai Wu.

Lin Wurou was five meters away from Baiwu, Wang Shi was ten meters away from Lin Wurou, and more than fifteen meters away from Baiwu and others.

In the eyes of everyone, because of the thick white fog, they could only see Lin Wurou, but not Wang Shi.

Shang Xiaoyi judged the visibility of 15 meters, which was very accurate. Bai Wu thought about the air surging here, they kept going down the wind, but the dense fog did not clear.

The visibility has been at a range of 15 meters, which is too abnormal.

Now he is going to do an experiment.

"Wang Shi, can you hear me?" Bai Wu shouted loudly.

Lin Wurou really wanted to complain about you, why are you so But what surprised him was that the king's power ten meters away couldn't hear the voice of Baiwu at all, and she still looked at Lin blankly. No softness.

Lin Wurou was the one in the two groups, Bai Wu Wujiu and others could see him, Wang Shi could also see him, but Wang Shi and Wujiu could not see each other.

Lin Wurou is not stupid, she reacted...

Beyond the distance of fifteen meters, it is not only invisible, but also inaudible.

At this time, Shang Xiaoyi saw that Wang Shi had not spoken, and habitually used his perception ability.

As a result, he was so frightened that the value of the watch soared by fifteen points, the first thought in his mind——

Why is Brother Wang gone?

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