Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Vol 3 Chapter 224: : Singles Alpha

From a distance, Denglin City is still Denglin City, but there are many other things.

When Alpha's figure continued to approach and the sense of oppression spread to Denglin City, Denglin City also responded.

The golden light criss-crossed, spreading across the entire city.

Li looked into the distance, and even outside the yellow sand, he could see the iconic science and technology building.

I can also feel the huge energy hidden in this city.

She has always been curious about how this duel will unfold.

Following Alpha along the way, watching Alpha keep getting his body back, Li also once wondered why no one would interfere with Alpha?

Until he saw the golden light that divides the space into countless squares in this city... Li faintly understood again.

With this rigorous space-time formation, even Li You, who couldn't feel the power of space-time, also sensed the aura of time and space being sealed.

To complete this formation, I am afraid there is no time to separate the mind to do other things.

Alpha frowned slightly, then opened his brows relievedly, and smiled calmly:

"not bad."

Jing Yi seemed quite worried:

"I have never seen such a magic circle..."

"Because after I was sealed, there has never been such an array. This is an array that requires huge time and space power to build. With the entire city as the battlefield, in my buried heart, I tried to seal it a second time. I."

Jing Yi is more vigilant:

"Is it left by the tower maker?"

"Yes, I am the Lord of Distortion. He is the Lord of Order. We used to be very good friends. In the short period of time, we developed the power of the well together."

Alpha misses a bit, of course, the greatest respect for the strong is to completely destroy him.

Such nostalgia is even more calm and confident.

"How complete is this formation?" In the face of such a thing, Jingichi, who has always known a lot, didn't have any clues.

It's just that as one of the most powerful twisters in this world, Jing Yi knew very well that once he stepped into this city, he entered the other side's domain.

Countless criss-cross rays of light divide the city into millions of "particles."

They are put together to form a complete city, but each particle seems to be an independent area.

Even if you look carefully, you can see that the climate is different in many places.

It is like an abandoned gymnasium divided into two areas, one area is sunny and the other area is rainy.

This means that not only the space is separated, but the time of each particle is also not consistent.

"Very good, even made me suspect that my old friend is not dead, as if he came alive."

Alpha knows very well that no one in this world can use space-time power to such an extent.

Jing Yi also knew that there was only one person in the world, and it was possible to reach this level.

That person is old K, the ugly child with a mask.

He could only think of this one, but long ago... he was convinced that K's cause and effect had been broken.

Then Jing remembered that it was the bald head.

From the moment that bald head appeared, the future became unpredictable, and the once-determined death became uncertain.

There shouldn't be such a powerful existence in this world, even if one dies, it can leave behind an infinite existence.

Alpha has not experienced the seven hundred years, but he has seen far more information than Jing Yi.

"It turns out that the eye is the monk."

"It's Jingji..."

Jing Yi was not surprised, but rather emotional.

"He is indeed a different kind of us. For 700 years, he has not competed or grabbed, just guarding the world. Even if he is distorted, he still has an indifferent temper. This is my negligence..."

Jing Yi was able to get his memory back and break the formation, Jing Yi thought it was his dereliction of duty.

But Alpha knows very well that all accidents are inevitable. When the bald head appeared, everything was doomed.

"The vast space-time power is not supported by one person. Only my old friend can do it alone to use such a formation. In this city, there is more than one owner of the space-time power."

Alpha said the key, but Jing Yi said:

"So this magic circle... is it really possible to seal you?"

Alpha said:

"This formation will only really start when I step into this city. It all depends on whether I find my heart first or whether they complete the formation first."

Jing Yi could not accept this kind of thing, the great distortion master, is there really a possibility of being defeated?

Alpha is very calm:

"I said, there is more than one of them. That is to say, in this magic formation, there are multiple time-space power controllers. If you remove one, you can slow the progress of the formation...until it is unable to support this. Great formation."

Alpha's figure moved forward, and he quickly crossed the road marker of the lamp woodland boundary.

After a breath, the figure in the yellow sand in the sky disappeared.

Alpha and Jing Yi, as well as Li You, all crossed the boundaries of Denglin City.

The three entered the city from the same place, but they appeared in completely different locations.

Alpha appeared in the northern part of Denglin City, which was 400 years old in the tallest calendar.

Li appeared again at the entrance of Denglin City at the current time.

And Jing Yi appeared in the southern part of Denglin City, which was 600 years old in the tall tower.

This city has been divided into countless spaces and countless times.

It's like a photo of a landmark building. It looks like a complete photo, but it's actually a piece of photos from many different times.

The stalker, Yin He, Jing Si, Xu Wei, Lin Rui, the first generation, the six people are hiding in different spaces and times. Alpha wants to find them and destroy them one by one, which is almost impossible in terms of probability.

God knows which space and time these six people are hiding in?

Although it is in this Denglin City, Denglin City is divided into millions of areas, and millions of areas have been expanded into more areas by the time axis.

Even if it is found in the direction, it may not be at the correct time.

The two stalkers gained space-time power from the old K, while Xu Wei sometimes returned, Jing had reincarnation, and Lin Rui and the first generation mastered the original power.

The six forces of time and space have already used Jing Er as the front of the eye, and they have begun to activate the huge formation of seal distortion.



A golden phantom appeared in front of Alpha.

Not long ago, Alpha crossed three areas, one school in Denglin City, three hundred years ago.

Then there is the Security Department of Denglin City, one hundred and fifty years ago.

Then there is now, the edge of Denglin City ten years ago.

Here, Alpha encountered the worst enemy well in the past seven hundred years-

Old k.

This is naturally not the real old k, but after the arrival of Hong Yin and Jing Er, old k was inspired by Hong Yin’s grievances and developed a spatiotemporal form.

What the golden phantom constructs is just an illusion.

It is an "Easter Egg" in this huge space-time maze.

Facing Alpha, everyone is like a big enemy, deep down in their hearts, in fact, there is fear.

But Old K didn't, the first generation mask weird had already made all the awakenings.

For him, the end of all journeys is this battle.

Won, he unloaded the mission of a hero.

If you lose, you also unload the hero's mission.

So the ending is the same for him, so it's better to enjoy the last battle.

Use a mentality of playing against peerless masters.

"How is my maze designed?" Old K said to Alpha.

"Not bad." Alpha does not deny that this formation is extremely delicate.

The old friend who had sealed him back then could rely on a powerful force to fight against himself while arranging an array.

But now no one can reach that level, and Alpha still doesn't care about it, thinking that the last human resistance is just a waste of time.

But after seeing the first-generation methods, he must admit that this person has played the power of time and space to the extreme.

Yes, these are actually two formations.

One kind of formation is to summon a stone tablet, ready to re-summon the tower and seal Alpha.

The other formation is the space-time labyrinth, dragging Alpha's footsteps, and killing Alpha in a non-combat way.

"In terms of understanding the rules of time and space, I can praise you as the strongest. Unfortunately, you can't do it alone."

"Hahahahaha... this compliment is enough. But, I really did this time-space maze by myself."

The golden phantom was humble for a long time, but in the final battle, he didn't want to be humble anymore.

He looked at Alpha calmly, not afraid, only wary.

As soon as these words came out, even Alpha was slightly moved:

"Can you do it alone?"

"Yes, to seal you, it takes six people to work together, but to trap you, I want to try it alone."

But to trap you, I want to try it alone. A very wild sentence.

If someone else said this, he would definitely be considered arrogant and ignorant.

But this sentence was spoken by the first generation, even Alpha believed that the other party really had this strength.

After a moment of silence, Alpha smiled and said:

"I underestimated you. Originally, I thought that even the best human beings are far from being compared to Inichi, but now I have to admit my mistakes."

"Jing Yi? He takes care of me, too. What a pity, if I were stupid, it would be nice, or if my friend was stupid, it would be nice if we didn’t discover the secret of the farm back then..."

There is no if, the few k at the beginning are the most talented people in the world.

And it is the first generation that has the most talent for combat.

Jing Yi couldn't imagine that seven hundred years later, that ugly child would be able to trap him from the great Twisted Lord with his own power.

Alpha said:

"You showed up to write a war on me?"

"Yes, am I qualified?" Chu Dai looked excited.

"I accept your challenge."

Before stepping into this city, Alpha believed that the most troublesome thing for mankind was the white fog he saw in the well.

It was able to allow the tyrant to come again and kill the seven sins.

Later, Bai Mist collected the doomsday puzzle and returned without success, making Alpha believe that White Mist was the primary threat.

As long as you get your heart back, you must get rid of the white mist.

But now he discovered that there are humans stronger than the white mist in this world.

For example, this one in front of you.

Whether Baiwu or K, they are naturally far inferior to Alpha.

But in a way, they broke some of Alpha's cognition.

Alpha is not a narrow-minded person.

In the era he lived in, he admired genius very much, and looked forward to the combination of genius and distortion to create monsters that the Creator did not dare to create.

So now, he also appreciates the human being in front of him.

But the positions are different, and extinction is the greatest tribute to all geniuses with different positions.

"I hope your formation can make me more interesting."

"Really? I also look forward to the performance of the Lord of Distortion."

Interesting humans.

Alpha was willing to fight, and the first generation did not show weakness.



Well the fifth floor in the world.

Bai Wu opened his eyes, but the memory did not fade away.

Bai Yuan did not erase the memory, but only lowered his own "weight".

It seems that when I recalled Bai Yuan, he was just an ordinary person.

The grudges and grievances of the past, what Bai Yuan did, are no longer important, but he is just a playful perverted father.

The past events have been written off.

Although he always felt that something was wrong, Bai Wu's attention returned to reality.

"What happened? These machines...what's going on?"

All the mechanical bodies inexplicably worship the white fog, and these mechanical bodies that should not have animal characteristics have made their own actions when they surrendered.

Bai Wu no longer struggled with everything that happened in the world, he smiled and said:

"In short, it was a rabbit that almost killed both of us, but I completed the anti-kill, and now the zoo has...cleared."

"Cleared? What do you mean?"

"Literally, there is no need to explore here anymore, we have already got the approval of the guardian...well, no, it's not an approval, it's an acknowledgment of the Lord."

May 9 can't understand, but it is still shocked.

"Go and find the person who has broken and distorted the identity relationship of this city." Bai Wu gave the order.

Then he turned and left, and walked outside the zoo.

The animals in this strange talk zoo were originally set not to leave the zoo, but now they have become creatures...and they have their own mighty animal army, running underground, Those flying in the sky began to look for the last source of distortion in accordance with Bai Wu's wishes.

And these animals are animals for Baiwu, and for those who don't know the zoo experience, they are still extremely dangerous sources of mechanical pollution.

Instead of being trapped by the zoo, Bai Wu possessed an army of machines that was always unfavorable.

When leaving the zoo, Bai Wu glanced at the yellowed page above his head.

The page hasn't moved for a long time.

The above text still stays on the unfinished words of the whole play.

Bai Wu found that his mental activities didn't seem to change the pages of the book.

And what’s interesting is...with the approval of the second guardian...

Bai Wu suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to do a lot of things.

The moment he walked out of the zoo, he had a mysterious feeling, as if he was now--


This is indeed a very illusory feeling, as if it fell on the intuition of the white mist.

Looking at the yellowed page above his head, Bai Wu raised his hand... and lightly nodded towards the void.

May 9 can’t understand, but Bai Wu’s behavior is strange...

But in fact, the white mist is turning the pages of the book.

A thought came into his mind, now I, can I turn the pages of the book?

He thought so, and then did it.

The page of the book was instantly turned back, and everything around it did not change.

But when Bai Wu saw a certain piece of content, he used his index finger... to erase that piece of content.

At this time, Fifty-Nine, who closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes.

In the dark sight, light and shadow emerged.

Fifty-nine eyes... actually recovered.

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