Chapter 56: Occupy the mine, the miners defect

The giant dragon has appeared, and it’s a fart!

Almost all the dwarves of the cruising tribe turned around and ran towards the back of the mine.

What’s more, get on the chariot directly and speed up to escape.

Seeing this, Vulkan snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain: “Are they all a bunch of cowards?”

However, how can dwarves be as fast as dragons.

Blazing, Frost, Silver Thunder and other giant dragons started chasing without a word.

Kill all the dwarves of the wandering tribe who are trying to escape.

Three minutes later, Su Ye recalled all the troops.

This battle was fought beautifully, and the dwarves of the wandering tribe guarding here were almost wiped out.

The only ones who escaped, it is estimated that those few escaped in chariots.

But don’t worry, because Su Ye’s next plan is to break into the base camp of the wandering tribe.

At this moment, Vulkan took the dwarves back to Su Ye.

“Great, I didn’t expect to be able to take this place back so easily.” Vulkan said.

The corner of Su Ye’s lips raised a smile: “Don’t underestimate the strength of the dragon.”

Vulkan was overjoyed, the Twilight Mine was created by him, and now it is back in his hands, which makes him very excited.

Greeted a group of dwarves and walked towards the mine.

The dwarves in charge of mining may not know what happened outside!

Su Ye had nothing to do, and followed him with his three daughters.

Riding the mine cart all the way down, soon came to a huge cave.

Here, the clanging sound of mining is endless.

It was also mixed with the screams and curses of many dwarves.

“You stupid pigs who eat rice, hurry up, if you can’t complete the task required by the leader of Jace today, you will have nothing to eat.”

Then there were a few crisp sounds of whips hitting his body.

This made Su Ye and others frown.

Vulkan jumped from the minecart and walked towards the mine with thirty dwarves.

“All stop, this place has been occupied by the Warhammer tribe.” Vulkan shouted.

Thirty fully-armed dwarves behind them drew their muskets in unison and aimed them at the miners and foreman in front.

The miners are dumbfoundedForced, under the threat of muskets, they all dropped the mine manuscripts in their hands and squatted with their heads in their arms.

The overseers, on the other hand, took out their weapons and prepared to resist.

“You are from the Warhammer tribe, how did you get in?”

“Get out of here, or we’ll be rude to you.”

Vulkan’s heart was filled with fire, he raised his musket, and pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang…

Several dwarf overseers named Chong were killed, their bodies fell, and the ground under them was soaked with blood.

Vulkan killed the overseer, and this scene fell into the eyes of the miners, making them even more fearful.

She stepped back tremblingly.

Until then, Su Ye and the others could see the situation on the field clearly.

There are 200 miners crouching on the ground, a small number of them are dwarves, and the rest are enslaved goblins, goblins, and some unknown humanoid creatures.

Their clothes are ragged, their exposed skin is covered with welts, and what’s more, they can see the bones under the flesh.

Combined with what the dwarf overseers said before, it seems that these miners are not doing well here.

Vulkan also saw this scene, clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, “Jess, this cruel tyrant, is simply a scum among the dwarves.”

Having said that, Vulkan climbed up the overhead in the mine and glanced at the miners below.

“I announce that the Twilight Mine has been occupied by the Warhammer tribe, wait, we will invade the wandering tribe and completely destroy Jace, and you, if you are willing to serve my Warhammer tribe, please stay, if not, you can now leave.”

Vulkan’s voice just fell, and several dwarf miners asked questions.

“Join the Warhammer Tribe, can you manage your food?”

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you work diligently, eat as much as you want.”

“Will the Warhammer tribe whip us?”

“We will only punish those who make mistakes, and we will never beat people.”

With Vulkan’s promise, several dwarf miners below stood up, raised their hands and shouted, “Okay, I’ll join the Warhammer tribe.”

“I’ll join too.”

“Count me in, that tyrant Jace, I’ve had enough.”

With a shout, all 225 miners in the mine agreed to join the Warhammer tribe.

This made the other dozen supervisors go wild.

“You will regret it when the leader of Jace comes back.”

“That’s right, you will be punished tenfold…”

Vulkan snorted coldly and glared at a few overseers coldly: “Even if that day happens, you won’t see it anymore.”

After speaking, Vulkan clenched his fist, and thirty dwarves rushed up to control the overseers.

And the miners who have been bullied by the overseers are even more crazy, grabbing the overseers one by one, you punch, I kick.

In an extremely inhuman way, the overseers were executed.

After doing this, Vulkan was about to lead his troops away, but was stopped by the miners.

“Wait a minute, Vulkan leader, are you going to attack the wandering tribe now?” asked a prestigious dwarf miner.

Vulkan nodded: “Yes, I’m going to seek revenge on this old bastard, Jace.”

When the dwarf miner heard this, he immediately became excited: “Okay, please let me join.”

The miners behind also raised their hands one after another, and the group was excited.

“Please take us with you.”

“Kill Jace, destroy the wandering tribe.”

Looking at the excited miners, Su Ye was a little speechless.

What kind of thing is this dwarf Jace, so many people oppose him?

It is a miracle to be the leader to this day.

Facing the requests of the miners, Vulkan did not refuse.

With a big wave of his hand, he shouted and set off.

The mighty more than 200 miners followed Su Ye, Vulkan and others towards the outside of the mine.


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