Chapter 110: Tier 4 Thunder Spirit, Tier 5 Siege Battle Begins

Time flies, and another five days have passed.

In the past five days, Su Ye and Su Qian’er did not have a day to spare.

In the morning, the tree demon will be auctioned, and Jinke waste fertilizer will be sold.

In the afternoon, start the construction of the territory and explore around.

The blue secret realm that Su Ye discovered before has been captured.

It’s a Lei Ling secret realm.

The so-called Thunder Spirit is the same as the Fire Spirit that Su Ye met at Hannan University, it is a pure ball of lightning energy.

After giving birth to spiritual wisdom, they began to gather together to occupy a secret realm.

Fourth-order 4 Thunder Spirit, the damage ability is not bad, and it has the effect of electric shock to control paralysis.

Most importantly, there is a strange connection between Lei Ling and Yin Lei.

Silver Thunder devours Thunder Spirit, which can increase one’s own experience value.

This phenomenon was discovered by Su Ye inadvertently in the first battle he encountered in Lei Ling’s secret realm.

As I said before, the Lightning Dragon has a very special attribute.

That is, you can temper yourself through lightning, lightning, etc., and make yourself stronger.

This is the case with Silver Thunder and Silver Thunder No. 2. By swallowing Thunder Spirit, a lot of experience points can be obtained.

And its own lightning power is also increasing.

After discovering this, Su Ye seemed to have discovered a new continent, immediately.

Let the blazing, ice and other dragons stop fighting.

There are more than 300 thunder spirits in the entire secret realm, all of which were handed over to Yinlei and Yinlei No. 2.

The two guys have a meal: Hu Shihai plugged down, and the level has been significantly improved.

The silver thunder level has reached the eighth level, which is the same as the blazing.

Silver Thunder No. 2 is the second, and the level is now seven.

The attributes have greatly increased, and the strength has increased a lot.

After that, Su Ye opened the secret treasure chest and successfully obtained the Lei Ling arms template.

After recognizing the master, he brought the Lei Ling arms template back to the territory.

And put into training.

After a few days, the number of Thunder Spirits in the territory has reached 30.

The number of other orcs and snow monsters80 and 100 heads respectively.

Plus 60 subspecies ground dragons.

The population of the Dryad territory is full.

So, twelve hours ago, Susie spent a lot of money to upgrade the level of the Dryad Domain.

Until now, the progress bar for the level up of the Dryad Domain has officially reached its full value.

Outside the city began to hear the movement of monsters rushing towards.

Su Ye and Su Qian’er climbed the city wall.

Different colors.

I can see that at the end of the horizon in front of the territory, a burst of darkness is swarming towards this side, with great power.

“Ready to fight!”

Su Ye shook the bell.

The ding ding ding sound spread throughout the dryad territory.

Wake up all the troops.

It was the first time that Su Qianer faced so many monsters, and she was a little flustered: “Brother, brother, what should I do?”

Seeing the embarrassed look of the little girl, Su Ye laughed: “Don’t worry, take your time, you can stop it, now let me arrange.”

Susie nodded quickly.

Look at the darkness


The monster, she was a little flustered.

Su Ye had a calm expression on his face, and calmly ordered: “Open the city gate, let the subspecies earth dragon and orcs go up, and then, the big snow monster, Lei Ling, climb the city wall, ready to fight.”

Hearing Su Ye’s words, Su Qianer dared to hesitate, and hurriedly ordered.

The gate of the Dryad’s territory opened wide.

The subspecies earth dragons and orcs walked out of the city in a mighty manner.

Pass through the city gate and form a line of defense in front of the city wall.

On the city wall, behind Su Ye and Su Qian’er, footsteps sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the two felt that the temperature of the surrounding air dropped several degrees.

Looking back, I saw more than a hundred big snow monsters climbing up the city wall from the stairs on both sides of the city wall.

They have long-range attack capabilities, and when there is a city wall for cover, it is naturally better to stand on the city wall and attack.

This will reduce casualties as much as possible.

As for Lei Ling, like the big snow monster, it also has long-range attack ability. The specific attribute information is as follows: [Lei Ling] Level: Fourth rank 4 Level: 1 Health: 35 Attack: 15 Defense: 50 Speed: 13 Skill: Thunder: During battle, Lei Ling can summon thunder, causing massive damage to random targets within a radius of 30 meters, and has a 30% chance to cause a numb effect.

This effect is ineffective for enemies of the same rank as the mine pool trap: Lei Ling is charged for ten seconds, and a trap is placed at any location within a radius of 40 meters. Once the trap is triggered, a three-meter diameter mine pool will appear in the area. The enemy inside causes huge damage, and the thunder pool lasts for 20 seconds. During the duration, it can cause continuous damage to the enemy.

The longer the charging time of this skill, the larger the coverage area of ​​the lightning pool and the higher the damage.

Description: When a group of thunder and lightning gives birth to wisdom, they become thunder spirits. They are born with the power to control lightning and have extremely strong destructive power.

From the analysis of attribute information, Lei Ling is a typical magic monster, with low health and defense, but very high attack.

And the skills are all long-range attack skills, and if they cooperate well with some meat shield units, they can play a big role in group fights.

Just like now, Lei Ling followed the big snow monster and climbed the city wall.

As soon as he reached the city wall, he was ordered by Su Ye.


Accumulate energy to build the danger of thunder pools.

This is his first gift to the siege monster.

The Lei Lings obeyed and raised their illusory hands.

The electric current of Zi La La continuously flowed out of their bodies, and then transported to the open space in front of the city wall.

In order to avoid accidentally hurting his own people, Su Ye asked the Thunder Spirits to send the Thunder Pond Danger as far away as possible.

One next to the other, or even overlapped together, frantically accumulating power.

The thunder and lightning traps are beginning to take shape, enough to imagine, wait: the wonderful performance of these monsters when they touch the traps.

The big snow monsters also found their positions and prepared for battle.

The big palms rubbed out large snowballs from his body, raised them above his head, ready to throw them at any time.

In addition, there are giant dragons.

The six-headed dragon spread its wings and flew high, overlooking the earth from the air, fully prepared for battle.

Just waiting for Su Ye’s order, they will fall from the sky and give the siege monsters a fatal blow.

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