Chapter 283 Fairy Dragon

Please ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for everything! Besides, today is the fourth day that Gold Mine No. 1 Territory, the Gold Coin Workshop has been officially put into production.

Just as Banas had estimated before, the daily output of gold coins in this workshop is a full 50 million.

It is comparable to the one in the secret realm of Qingyuan Canyon in Tangxi.

50 million gold coins are injected every day, plus ten level 10 resource points in the orange secret territory, as well as the enshrinement of the hundreds of subordinate territories in the Tangxi territory, and finally the purple and blue secret territories occupied by Su Ye. There are resource outputs.

Su Ye’s daily income from gold coin resources is close to 100 million.

One hundred million a day is simply beautiful.

It is also in this context that the Star Territory has truly entered a stage of rapid development.

With the expansion of the star field day and night, Su Ye’s fame gradually spread throughout Hannan City and the cities around Hannan.

Almost all the lords kept their distance from Su Ye.

The kind of… provocative incident that happened before has never happened again.

This saved Su Ye a lot of time.

Otherwise, it would be annoying to have to deal with some low-level territory every few days.

On this day, Su Ye returned to the Star Territory.

Check out the dragon near the Dragon’s Nest.

Up to now, more than 400 giant dragons have all been trained.

Su Ye now has a thousand dragons in his hands.

Although the number is not large, the strength is absolutely arrogant.

If it is a class of troops below the seventh rank, Su Ye, a thousand-headed dragon, is enough to fight against more than 100,000.

There is a reason why this ratio is still a little small.

That’s because there are too many newly trained dragons, their level is only one level, the primary attribute, although stronger than the low-level arms, there is a limit to how strong they are.

As long as you find a way to raise the level of the giant dragon, the ratio of one thousand to one hundred thousand will increase accordingly.

Su Ye can even predict this, as long as all the thousand dragons are upgraded to the full tenth level.

Then cooperate with your own on-the-spot command.

It is not a problem to fight against an army of 250,000 low-level arms.

However, the upgrade of the giant dragon is a long way to go.

It takes a lot of time to accumulate experience slowly, and there is no rush.

Su Ye always believed that only the dragons that grew up in wars would be stronger.

This time, after training more than 400 giant dragons in a row, a new breed of giant dragon appeared.

The whole body is pink, and every scale on the huge body shimmers with faint light consumption.

She is slim and beautiful.

The specific information is as follows: [Fairy Dragon] Tier: Tenth Tier Level: 1 Health: 200,000 Attack Power: 10 Defense Power: 10 Speed: 50 Skill: Mind Control: The fairy dragon’s spiritual power is extremely strong, and it is released in battle , can confuse the enemy to achieve the effect of mind control, the control time is proportional to the level gap between the fairy dragon and the enemy, the controlled enemy will obey all the orders of the fairy dragon during the control period.

Fairy Dust: During the battle, the fairy dragon will secrete some dust on the dragon scales, which will be sprinkled within minutes. Enemies who inhale the dust will be affected by hallucinogenic effects, the attributes of the whole body will be reduced by 30%, and they will not be able to use skill attacks.

Bursting Fairy Ball: Congealing


Gather strength, create a magic ball of 1, control the magic ball to fly to the designated position, and can actively control the explosion. After the fairy ball bursts, it creates an explosion range with a diameter of 30 meters. All enemies within this range are affected by a huge amount of energy. harm.

Fairy Holy Light: Fairy dragons have their own sacred attributes, and the colorful light they release has a healing effect, which can heal the wounds of wounded allies shrouded in the colorful light.

Description: The most beautiful branch of the dragon family, all individuals are female, with strong control and magic damage, and have a fatal attraction to all male dragons.

When the Fairy Dragon was first trained, Su Ye was not in the Star Territory.

So the dragons in the star field are not restricted by him.

Because the fairy dragon can revive the male dragon’s heart, when Su Ye came back, he saw that all the male dragons were showing their favor to the fairy dragon.

The scene was once very hot.

Make Su Ye very speechless.In the end, they had to take the more than 30 fairy dragons that they had trained to an open space in the outer city for placement.

No way, most of the dragons trained by Su Ye are male.

And the giant dragon is very promiscuous, and now a large number of fairy dragons are added to the giant dragon team. If Su Ye doesn’t stop it, there will be trouble.

When the time comes to do bad things in broad daylight, it will be bad.

In the end, he also gave the death orders to those male dragons, absolutely not to harass the fairy dragons.

Then the matter settles down.

After patrolling around the Dragon’s Nest, Su Ye returned to the Lord’s Hall.

Sitting on his throne, gently rubbing his temples.

Counting the time, the two-month agreement he and Yafei agreed on is almost here.

Su Ye decided that in just one or two days, all things on the side of the Star Territory will be settled, and then head to the north.

Help Yafei stabilize the overall situation.

Thinking of this, Su Ye stood up and left the Star Territory.

There are three places that make him feel uneasy about leaving this time: 3.

First, the gold mine.

Su Ye’s top priority at this stage needs to be well protected.

So Su Ye decided to send 500 giant dragons over.

You read that right, five hundred heads.

This is half of the total amount of Su Ye Julong.

Sent to the gold mine to guard against other territories or monsters.

Second, the level resource point of the Orange Rift.

As the lords grow stronger day by day, the units that Su Ye placed in the resource point before are no longer enough to ensure the security of the resource point.

A total of thirty level 30 source points, Su Ye transferred a hundred giant dragons over.

It is evenly distributed within each resource point.

With the addition of three giant dragons, I believe that the resource point will be worry-free.

Finally, it is the safety of the Star Territory, the Dryad Territory, and the Galaxy Territory.

Su Ye redistributed it, leaving two hundred giant dragons behind.

The three 3 territories are evenly distributed.

In the end, there are still a hundred giant dragons left, which is the reserve army that Su Ye plans to store in the arms ring and carry to the north, and it is also the strongest group of giant dragons.

All levels are ten

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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