Chapter 368 John Chris: You are old, not my opponent

Outside the entrance to the secret realm of the Mechanical Kingdom.

Su Ye and Banas have arrived with the army.

“Enter there, and you will arrive at the mechanical kingdom.”

Banners stood on a hill and pointed somewhere.

Su Ye looked in the direction Banas pointed.

Sure enough, in that mountain pass, there is a huge portal.

That is the entrance to the mechanical kingdom.

Seeing this scene, Su Ye didn’t immediately.

Ordered to go, but ordered the troops to rest.

This is his usual style.

Before the battle comes, let the troops rest and eat well.

In this regard, Banas didn’t say anything, just sat quietly on the side, wondering what he was thinking.

Su Ye brought together the giant dragon, storm spirit, mountain-shaking giant spirit and other arms.

Take out enough food from the lord’s space to make these guys fill their stomachs.

The giant dragons are eating happily, and their physical strength is rapidly recovering.

About two hours later.

Su Ye got up again, looked at the legion that had recovered its strength and was in its peak state, and gave the order to move forward again.

And Banas also woke up from his contemplation.

The only remaining naked eye flashed a decisive light.

“Are you ready?”

Su Ye asked.

Banners didn’t speak, just nodded heavily.

The two of them reached an agreement and started to move on.

First, the rough-skinned and thick-skinned giant dragon served as the vanguard and entered the portal.

Immediately followed by Su Ye, Banas, and other troops behind him.

Filed in in the direction of the portal.

It seemed to pass through a layer of water curtain, when Su Ye and Banas reappeared, they had already entered another world.

That is, the mechanical kingdom.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Su Ye’s eyes was a huge city.

The tallest building is more than 100 meters.

The city wall, which is nearly thirty meters high, seems to be made of steel and looks extremely thick.

On the city wall, a dense array of troops lined up neatly, looking directly in the direction of Su Ye and Banas.

“Looks like they’re ready.”

Su Ye said solemnly.

Banas clenched his fists: “It’s also what we expected, isn’t it?”

Su Ye pouted and said nothing.

I just waited quietly for all my body types to come in from the portal.

Not long after, all the troops brought by Su Ye and Banas.

Standing just behind the two of them, their momentum was nothing compared to the army of the Mechanical Kingdom on the city wall.

At this moment, the mechanical kingdom city is on the head.

John Criss, who received the news, has come out of the castle.

Standing on the top of the city, it looks in the direction of Su Ye and Banas.

When he saw that there were only ten thousand troops behind the two, he couldn’t help laughing.

Hearing Martingale’s report before, he still didn’t believe it.

But now, it believes.

Banas really only brought 10,000 troops back, is this his brain caught in the door? “You said, Banas is asking for his own death.


John Chris smiled, and by the way looked back at the few people behind him.

Haimon is the number one licking dog of John Criss. Hearing this, he quickly echoed: “It is estimated that after this old guy left us, he has forgotten the power of our mechanical kingdom, thinking that with these ten thousand troops, we can fight against us. Threatening, hahaha”

Many high-ranking officials of the Mechanical Kingdom started to laugh.

Only Martingale, whose face was still grim.

It never believed that Banas would be so stupid! How to say this guy is also one of the six leaders of the Mechanical Kingdom, and he is very clear about the existing strength of the Mechanical Kingdom.

If the troops he brought with him really have no chance of winning, why would he really be courting death for doing this? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

John Criss didn’t think in this direction, but behind it, two mechanical wings suddenly spread out.

Immediately after a wave, it propelled its body into the air and flew towards Su Ye and Banas.

“Bannas, if you are wise, give me the blueprint, and then accept my transformation, I can let you go.”

Before the John Crisis arrived, the voice had already passed over.

It fell into the ears of Banas and Su Ye.

Banners snorted coldly, looked up and looked at John Criss: “You think beauty, don’t you know why I came back this time?”

As soon as these words came out, John Criss laughed.

“Why don’t you just want to push me down! But you can do it with less than 10,000 troops behind you. Don’t joke about Banas, you are old and not my opponent!”

Banas’ teeth tickled and his fists creaked: “Is it the opponent who has to try to find out.”

After saying that, Benners waved his hand.

Twenty of the fifteen hundred doomsday mechas standing behind him quickly charged towards John Criss under the advancement of the thrusters.

The speed is almost extreme.

Seeing this, John Criss’ electronic eyes flickered a few times, and then he took a fighting stance.

Collision with the twenty doomsday mechs that came.

The first collision, John Criss seemed to be a little down.

He was knocked back several dozen meters away.

Twenty doomsday mechas moved in unison, and launched a fierce attack on John Criss.

The latter dodged frantically, but despite the fact that there were so many people on the opposite side, he was also hurt many times.

This made John Criss very embarrassed, and immediately stepped back.

While flying in the direction of the Mechanical Kingdom, he turned back and roared at Banas: “Banners, are you really going to go against me?”

Banas said in a flat tone: “I just don’t want to see the mechanical kingdom destroyed in your hands.”

As soon as the voice fell, more than a thousand doomsday guards behind Banas attacked.

It turned into more than a thousand figures and flew towards the direction of the castle.

Seeing this, John Criss naturally wouldn’t look at it, immediately.

Order, let the army of the mechanical kingdom on the castle prepare to fight.

The next moment, the sound of dense artillery sounded.

The troops deployed on the top of the mechanical kingdom city launched an artillery covering attack at the same time.

Used to resist the approach of the doomsday mech

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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