Chapter 494 It’s time to play! (Please subscribe)|Lord of the Last World: Starting with the tenth-order arms|Lord of the last world: Starting with the tenth-order arms Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

Su Qianer, Lin Yanxi and others also looked in that direction.

At the same time, the ground beneath everyone’s feet began to vibrate slightly.

The surrounding snow began to crack.

Sensing that something was wrong, Blazing looked back and his eyes widened.

I can only see the ancient interior in front, and there are already tens of thousands of figures at this moment.

They are all babbling bears.

The body is huge, and the length of any end is more than ten meters.

The white fur is mixed with the surrounding snow, making it difficult to distinguish.

Just now, these guys were taking a nap in the snow.

The body is covered with snow, so it cannot be seen that it is a creature.

Now, because of the huge movement caused by Blaze’s shot just now, he has successfully awakened these sleeping bears.

The result is predictable.

Now the entire Sky Vault Alliance team has been surrounded.

The surrounding water is blocked.

“Looks like something’s going to happen.”

Yafei murmured.

His eyes looked very far away.

Over there, there are also bears waking up.

If a battle breaks out here, will the entire ninth floor be awakened by the bears, and they will rush towards them.

Imagine that hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of ninth-order 9 monsters will show youBesiege.

I can’t imagine how your results will be.

Even Su Ye will be fatally threatened! But now the war is imminent, it is impossible to retreat.

So Su Ye gave an order.

Tens of thousands of combat units quickly assumed a fighting stance.

Form a circle and face the bears outside the circle.

Roar! The bears roared furiously, moved their limbs, and rushed towards Su Ye’s troops.

And Su Ye and the others naturally wouldn’t stand and let them take pictures.

So, the fierce battle began.

The giant dragons lifted off in an instant, stirring their wings, and their huge bodies quickly swam in the air.

As he walked, he opened his mouth wide, spit out the dragon’s breath, and swept away towards the bear below.

Other attacks such as lightning, holy light, ice crystals, wind blades, etc. are also emerging one after another.

Say hello to the bears.

Those guys, who were originally impatient, were attacked by the giant dragons at the moment, and suddenly became angry.

Jump up to attack.

However, the giant dragon can fly, and the speed of each one is very fast, how can it be obtained by the bear, so a magical scene appeared on the battlefield.

The Papa Bears on the periphery of the battlefield kept jumping, trying to attack the giant dragon flying in the sky.

But to no avail.

The huge body jumped up and down, making a dull impact.

And this kind of crashing sound awakened Papa Bear in the dormant period.

Looking around, a large white wave surged, making the scalp numb.

“Damn, this time I really played a big game.”

scolded secretly.

Immediately ordered, let the troops maintain the formation and save their stamina by the way.

This battle may be a long battle.

Can’t beat it for a few hours.

Therefore, it is necessary to conserve physical strength.

Secondly, Su Ye has no way out.

All the troops have been surrounded by the bears.

The surrounding water is blocked.

In the center of the battlefield, the spirit of the storm is at the top, and some low-level troops of the seventh and eighth orders are


Concentrate in the middle.

Attack the outside world.

The Spirit of the Storm kept throwing out the eyes of the storm one by one, and threw them into the camp of the Bears.

Then it quickly draws energy, and when the energy is drawn almost, it bursts open.

A huge, violent explosion swept through and devoured everything around it.

Even the bears are not spared.

The body was blown to pieces.

The red blood stained the white snow.

Soon, the blood was frozen into ice crystals and condensed on the ground.

It looks like a beautiful picture.

Within the encirclement of Storm Spirit, there are other low-level units.

Fortunately, Su Ye and others came this time and were fully prepared.

The basic ones brought are long-range attack units.

Right now it comes in handy.

The spirit of the storm is at the outermost periphery, and other units are protected inside, constantly launching long-range attacks.

In an instant, these attacks killed an unknown number of Papa Bears.

In the sky above the battlefield, in addition to the giant dragon, there are also the eighth-order unit Hua Xianzi, the ninth-rank and ninth-rank unit Lightning Bird, and the eighth-order unit Gargoyle.

They can all fly.

At this moment, he is cooperating with the giant dragon in the air to launch a fierce attack on the monsters on the ground.

The dense raindrops of attacks fell, and the Papa Bears were continuously killed.

A large number of corpses piled up together, making the situation at the scene: once complicated.

Fortunately, the refresh rate of this secret realm is relatively fast, and those killed Papa bears will be refreshed in about five minutes.

The fierce battle is going on quickly.

Su Ye, Lin Yanxi, Su Qianer and other lords’ minds.

The system beeps continuously.

“Your unit kills a ninth rank 9 unit, and you will be rewarded with 9 points.”

“Your unit kills a ninth rank 9 unit, and you will be rewarded with 9 points.”

“Your unit kills a ninth-rank 9th unit, and you will be rewarded with 9 points”

At the same time as the sound sounded, their points balance was also rising rapidly.

And these are all wealth! As Su Ye expected, this battle lasted for a long time.

After a full eight hours.

Only then did Papa Bear’s offensive slowly subside.

Su Ye rode blazing into the air and looked around.

Seeing that the number of bears on the outermost periphery is decreasing.

And no new Papa Bears appeared.

In this way, as long as Su Ye and others can gather the rest of theAfter all the Papah Bears gathered have been eliminated, the battle is over.

Congratulations! Otherwise, if we continue to fight, there will be a moment when Su Ye’s troops will be exhausted.

At that time, it will be dangerous to face the mad Papa Bears.

“Everyone, work harder, the battle will end soon.”

Su Ye shouted in the communication channel.

When everyone heard the words, they were overjoyed and quickened the speed of the battle.

The remaining 200,000 Papa Bears persisted for half an hour before they were all killed.

When the last Papa bear is electrocuted into coke.

Su Ye fell from the sky.

“Cook the fire and cook, everyone seize the time to rest. The difficulty of this layer is higher than I imagined.”

When everyone heard the words, they did not dare to neglect.

I quickly found a fairly clean place.

Clear the snow and get ready to cook

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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