Chapter 1019 Ollie directly do it (for subscription)

Time flies, it is the next day!

Su Ye woke up early.

The morning sun rises from the sea in the east, and the golden sunlight falls on the sea. As the sea floats, it shimmers and is very beautiful.

Su Ye stood up and stretched, his bones crackling like violent beans.

The angel Jueying, Blazing has already risen.

The former is planning today’s leveling route, while the latter is using a huge tortoise shell to boil the broth.

The broth was bubbling, and the rich scent came into Su Ye’s nostrils.

Let Su Ye’s eyes shine.

Chi Lie saw Su Ye get up, and hurriedly greeted the latter: “Lord Lord, come here, taste my newly developed broth, drink some hot in the morning and keep it warm all day long.

Su Ye’s lips twitched, so God had a hot drink in the morning and kept it warm all day long.

Greedy is gluttony, don’t take any major principles!

But having said that, this giant tortoise soup looks really good.

The scent is strong, and the wine is sprinkled, which is fascinating.

Su Ye walked over, took out the tableware and drank a bowl.


The taste is very good. It is completely different from the giant turtle barbecue last night, but it is delicious.

Su Ye fell in love with this taste all at once.

“Not bad, good at cooking!” Su Ye exclaimed.

This admiration was the best encouragement to Chi Lie, which made this guy happy for a long time.

Soon, Angel Lingxi and Angel Chasing the wind came over.

Looking at the broth in the giant tortoise’s shell, my index finger suddenly moved, and he ate it.

After more than ten minutes, everyone ate and drank. Angel Jueying took this opportunity to report to Su Ye.

“Lord Lord, I have already seen it. Flying from this direction to the east, there is a deep sea area. There are more monsters over there, and the rank is not low, which is suitable for us to level up.”

“And in that direction, there are a few big bosses entrenched. If you kill, you should get a lot of experience points.

“And here…(chcg).”

Angel Jueying is making a meticulous report.

It makes Su Ye feel a little dizzy, whether he sees it or not, this is the real right-hand man.

The reporting work is so careful and subtle.

It can save Su Ye a lot of time and give orders directly.

Worthy of being a king-level angel, indeed powerful.

After listening to the report from the angel Jue Ying, Su Ye stood up and waved his big hand: “Okay, just follow what you have found out, go over here first, go to the deep sea area, and kill the monsters!!

With an order, everyone became energetic.

Then he got ready to go and flew towards the deep sea area.

Su Ye is no exception, riding Blazing, straight to the direction of the deep sea area.

At the same time he also summoned many angels.

Let the angels be so beautiful, the angels chasing the wind, and follow behind you.

When flying over the shallow sea area, Su Ye had already found a lot of monsters in the sea.

Not many, most of them are amphibians, which can survive in sea water or on land.

In terms of type, it should be a crocodile, a super-giant crocodile.

At this moment, without Su Ye’s personal order, Angel Chasing Wind had already led a small group of angels and pounced on the crocodiles.

There is only one plan this time, and that is killing monsters.

No matter what monster it is, what rank, and how strong it is, after seeing it, there are very few and no mercy.

The sea area is huge, and the monsters contained in it are even more uncountable.

At this moment, under the leadership of Su Ye, the angel army marched towards the deep sea area.

When encountering monsters along the way, some angels will be left behind, temporarily staying, and killing those monsters that are found.

Not only is it necessary to kill, but after the kill is completed, it also needs to explore the surrounding area.

Kill more monsters.

Only in this way can you gain more experience points and improve your level.

The battle went on frantically.

On Su Ye’s side, the angels Jueying, Blazing, and the remaining angels came to the deep sea area.

The color of the sea in this place is different from that of the shallow sea. The shallow sea is still pale yellow, and you can even see the sandy beaches and corals on the bottom of the sea.

But not in the deep sea area.

Only an azure sea area can be seen in the deep sea area.

What’s on the bottom of the sea, I can’t see clearly.

The only thing that can be seen is that the black shadows are moving.

From time to time it broke open the water and appeared on the sea.

Needless to say, these are monsters in the deep sea area, and there are a lot of them.

And it was completely unaffected by the coercion of angels, which surprised Su Ye a bit.

It stands to reason that the angel warriors are the twelfth-tier arms, the king of all arms, and the coercion they release should be very strong.

But now, why are these monsters not afraid at all?

It’s weird!

After thinking about it, there is no answer, and Su Ye simply throws these messy thoughts out of his head.

Forget it, anyway, he came here for only one purpose, and that is to kill monsters. The more monsters you kill, the better.

Others have little to do with him.

Then think about it!

Just do it directly by Ollie, okay!

“Prepare, attack, save your energy, and always respond to emergencies.” Su Ye ordered.

When the angel Jueying heard the words, he nodded to express his understanding.

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