Chapter 784 Tangxi Baima Plain Defence Line collapsed (seeking subscription)

This is not laziness, but recovery.

You know, Susie’s troops stationed on the walls of the Dryad Territory, but most of them fought continuously for several days.

Physical strength has reached its limit.

Without rest, the combat power that can erupt is very limited.

Su Ye saw this too, so she didn’t ask Su Qianer to follow along.

Instead, Susie gave her order to rest her troops.

And Su Ye’s own units began to attack the portal.

Leaded by Chi Lie and Lei Batian, they are aggressive and rampant.

Soon he arrived near the three portals.

Because of the siege just now, Su Ye and Su Qian’er have eliminated most of the monsters.

So now there are not too many guarding monsters near the three portals.

And this happens to be an excellent offensive opportunity.

With Su Ye’s order, the dragon, the Titan giant, the spirit of the storm, and the shadow hunter have already rushed forward.

The monsters who had just been teleported out of the portal didn’t even have a chance to resist, and the formation was directly dispelled.

Then, there is no more.

How high the dragon’s attack is depends on how fast the portal’s durability drops.

The three portals, how could they not even last ten minutes.

Was completely destroyed.

Only the mess all over the floor is left.

Su Ye looked happy in his heart and ordered to continue the attack.

As a result, Su Ye’s half-million troop troop, turned around, and smashed toward a further place.

Ten hours later, Susie’s troops were finished.

Eat and drink enough and have plenty of energy.

Then leave a part, and all the others leave the city.

Join Su Ye’s army and begin to clear the portal near the Dryad territory.

It’s like when the Star Territory cleared the portals near him.

Although there are many portals in Dryad Territory, they are still a bit short compared to Star Territory.

Plus Su Ye’s troop reinforcements.

It is also handy to destroy.

One by one was destroyed, one by one was wiped out, and large tracts of monsters evaporate directly.

That kind of feeling makes people feel comfortable.

Time comes to fight ten days later.

The ten-day battle can be regarded as destroying all the portals within a radius of 50 kilometers centered on the Dryad territory.

Of course, monsters still exist.

This has to be cleaned up slowly by Susie.

No way, there are too many, and it won’t be cleaned up in a while.

Besides, Tangxi still needs Su Ye’s help!

Therefore, after solving the dilemma in the Dryad Territory, Su Ye immediately returned to the Star Territory with his troops.

Then he went to Tangxi.

Not surprisingly, as soon as Su Ye arrived here, he heard the news that the Tangxi line of defense had been breached.

No way, Tangxi’s line of defense is too long and too long.

There are always weaknesses.

And this weak place has become the most dangerous place.

One day ago, the western section of the Baima Plain was breached.

More than three million monsters poured in from the gap.

The destruction is being done in Tangxi.

Duan Qinglian and Fang Yun had already led the troops.

Su Ye came here after hearing the news.

Also immediately ordered the dispatch of troops.

Riding a blazing fire, led two hundred thousand dragons to set off first.

Go straight to the White Horse Plain.

The Baima Plain is not far from the clear water territory.

It took less than twenty minutes to fly.

Then, in the scene below, Su Ye frowned.

The line of defense is indeed broken.

Not only was it broken, but the width of the gap continued to expand and expand under the impetus of the monsters.

And beyond the gap, there are more monsters waiting.

Waiting to come in from outside the city wall.

There are also a lot of them, probably about ten million.

Within the city wall, about five million monsters have rushed in.

At this moment, Fang Yun and Duan Qinglian’s units have formed a wall, ready to forcibly block the gap and prevent the monsters from spreading towards the inside of Tangxi.

Unfortunately, the situation is not optimistic.

There are too many monsters, but their arms are limited.

The monsters are offensive very fiercely, and their units have experienced many days of hard fighting, and they have long been exhausted.

So now we can only send flying units to the monsters that are still outside the city and have already swarmed into the city, and drop the Burst III.

Only in this way can the expansion speed of the monsters be slowed down.

At this moment, the rear headquarters of the Baima Plain.

Duan Qinglian and Fang Yun looked in the direction of the breach in the city wall together, their faces were not pretty.

*””One day, the monster (good Zhao) advanced three kilometers, and the advancing speed is still accelerating, it may take another day, our defense line will be completely collapsed…” Fang Yun Daoji.

Duan Qinglian clenched her fists: “Why don’t you persevere, I will go to the leader, and now, I am afraid that only him can solve this problem.

Fang Yun was silent upon hearing this.

To be honest, he doesn’t want to trouble Su Ye as a last resort.

But the current situation…

He really has no choice.

When they were about to agree, suddenly there was a dense burst of sound above their heads.

At the same time, the light in the place where the two of them were, suddenly dimmed.

It’s like being blocked by something from the sun.

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