Doomsday Mage Summons the Undead

Chapter 158 The Mechanic's Surprise

Compared with the southeast base camp, which is extremely defensive under the existing resource conditions, the defense of the North City Safety Zone appears to be very fragile.

The ten-meter-high peripheral defensive city wall in Beicheng is all made of common building materials such as concrete and steel bars before the catastrophe.

Except that there are a lot of scrap metal and vehicles mixed inside to strengthen the defense, there is no sign of extraordinary reinforcement at all.

Under the volley of death archers, Qi Lin is confident that they will evaporate their seemingly tall and solid defense layer in an instant.

Even the foundation doesn't have any extraordinary reinforcement.

"Aren't they afraid of the ground-drilling monsters attacking directly from the ground?"

"It shouldn't be incapable, nor unexpected."

"But this defense"

Qi Lin was a little confused and didn't understand why Beicheng's defenses were so undefended.

Compared with the southeast, the North City side can be called tofu.

Qi Lin felt that with regard to the defense of Beicheng, even if he collected all the undead into the dead space and went directly in, it would be fine to have a bloom inside.

On the contrary, the southeast side is too formal. If they attack, they can only grind slowly from the outside and bloom from the inside?

Qi Lin would not go in there no matter what.

While thinking, the ghost reported from the soul link: "Master, the shadow has gone and returned. Judging from the trajectory of the action, the shadow has been avoiding our anti-hidden path, and it seems that it does not want to have any conflict with us. "

The anti-obscurity tools at this stage can be seen by both the enemy and us.

This common anti-obscure tool is equivalent to a bright alarm.

If the stealth unit sees the alarm and tries to break into its range, the anti-stealth item will give a warning, explode, counterattack, mark, de-stealth, etc., depending on the quality of the anti-stealth item.

During the past two months, Qi Lin also obtained a lot of anti-hidden items, but most of them were placed near the main body.

He is not arrogant enough to plant props all over the city.

Previously, the shadows seemed to have the idea of ​​investigating and surrounding the North City Mixed Group, but they were dissuaded by the anti-hidden props.

Then ran back to the southeast, then turned back not too long ago.

Now running back to the southeast again.

"Hey, I'm really surprised, but it's a pity that the quality of anti-hidden props is too low. For the time being, I can only persuade them to quit, but I can't stop them."

Qi Lin thought so, but didn't have the slightest regret.

At least he knew the military had a stealth unit.

And this unit is at most an errand messenger.

After the letter was delivered, Qi Lin looked forward to more surprises.

"It's a pity, why didn't you come to me."

There are several high-quality anti-invisibility items near Qi Lin's body. Once the shadow comes to investigate, the invisibility state will be dispelled immediately, and then captured by the nearby undead.

Qi Lin shook his head and stopped thinking about the shadow, and instead thought about the silver-level skeleton mage skills.


In Qi Lin's view, it is a good skill that can recall the undead who have lost their soul fire.

The strength of the resurrected undead after death depends on the time when the soul fire is lost, and there is no brand mark.

But even so, in Qi Lin's opinion, this skill is still very good.

Just imagine, after the sea of ​​undead absorbs all the artillery fire of the opponent, it will be resurrected with a wave of hands

"Well, Xiao Di's miniature mecha can actually be developed."

Qi Lin was thinking about his own business, when suddenly his thoughts turned to the mechanic.

He got up from the ground while doing push-ups, took out his little book and wrote on it:

Go back and talk to Xiaodi, the development idea of ​​Micro UAV A does not need to be rigidly refined.

Turning into an assembly line, there is nothing wrong with rough manufacturing.

Combined with black hole fireworks, etc., it can be used as a one-time explosive unit.

Even, there are many ideas that can be developed after the enemy is activated such as suicide charge of air thrusters and underground standby ambush.

A little bit of starlight shines on the mountain of corpses through the top of the bare field.

The cold wind slapped the hem of Qi Lin's cloak with the smell of corpses.

The pen in hand continues to record the planning ideas to be considered in the black book.

Whenever there is information about ghosts in the soul link, he will quickly record it and think about it seriously.

At this time, the ghost boss next to him will accurately calculate the time according to Qi Lin's instructions. Whenever the cooldown time of the undead ends, the boss will remind Qi Lin as soon as possible.

In addition, many copper bones carrying the corpses brought the corpses here one after another, and threw the corpses on the corpse mountain to supplement new materials for the master.

Qi Lin would also do push-ups quickly in his spare time when he didn't need to record for the time being, while answering the questions of the ghosts scattered in all directions in his mind.

Qi Lin estimated that such a work process would not end until dawn.

After dawn, according to the plan, he will sleep for four hours. During this time, the commanders of each undead branch will reasonably distribute the newly added subordinates and prepare for the upcoming battle.

At the same time, these four hours are also the arrival time for Qi Lin to give surprises.

Panting, Qi Lin got up from the ground, took out the protein powder prepared in advance and took a sip.

Qi Lin could no longer taste the vanilla-flavored protein powder.

I don't know if it's mental exhaustion, or the sense of taste is gradually disappearing with the decline of physical fitness.

Now Qi Lin could only smell the stench of corpses.

When the sky is about to break dawn.

A residential area near Qi Lin's location was brightly lit.

In the corner of the living room, the child is lying under Xiao Di No. 1 and doing refitting.

At this moment, Xiao Di No. 1 has completely changed its appearance.

From the original upright walking robot to today's four-legged robot.

The child held the Void Alloy gifted to him by Qi Lin and aimed it at the chest and abdomen of the robot. There was a strange hollow ring with seventeen extremely slender metal pointers inside the ring.

The child's mechanical force continued to output and attached to the void alloy. After a long time, when the child's eyelids trembled and cold sweat flowed, the purple-quality alloy finally turned into a pool of liquid, which was slowly separated from the main body to the ring, and then slowly The ground was fixed under the interference of mechanical force and became the eighteenth pointer.

"Huh, great, it's only one stroke away!"

The child stretched his legs hard, and his body drew out the lower body of the robot, his face covered in black and gray was full of joy.

The use of mechanical force not only requires mental values, but also needs to concentrate on shaping, changing molecules, etc. If one is not careful, the material may be destroyed and the mechanical force will be wasted.

If it is an ordinary material, the child will definitely choose to continue to operate.

But this purple-quality material is too precious.

When asking Qi Lin for materials, the child also had the courage to ask for it after a long time of brewing. At that time, the child didn't know that the materials he wanted were of purple quality, and only thought they were ordinary.

Qi Lin, who was the person involved, was also puzzled, not understanding what the child wanted materials for.

And what they want to open their mouths are all purple quality materials!

For materials of this quality, Qi Lin has summed up an experience in more than two months: the probability of obtaining materials of the same kind is high only from the first-killed monsters, and the probability of obtaining them is high only from advanced monsters.

What's interesting is that even for high-level monsters, if it's not the first time to kill them, the quality of the things they get is very average.

So far, Qi Lin has obtained very little purple material.

Although he can't use these things for the time being, after finding an enchanter in the future, they will be necessary for making equipment for high-ranking undead.

However, thinking of the conscientious and meticulous work of the child during this period of time, Qi Lin, who has always been diligent and thrifty in managing the house, did not think much about it. At that time, he satisfied the child's first request to him, gave the child the full amount of materials with a big wave of his hand, and even I gave more, and the child was so excited that he was about to jump on the roof.

When the child was modifying the body around the four-legged No. 1 Xiao Di, No. 1 Xiao Di's eyes flashed green, and a mechanical voice sounded: "Xiao Di, didn't uncle tell you to sleep, why don't you sleep."

The child wiped the sweat from his forehead, and while continuing to inspect the strange body of Xiao Di No. 1, he grinned and said with a smirk, "I'm afraid of the dark! I can't sleep."

"Besides, my grandma is not in good health. Sometimes, when she goes to get an IV drip, she will put me at the teacher's house. The teacher is a good person and takes care of my food at noon. At that time, grandma often said that when I was at someone else's house, Be sure to be diligent, so that others will not hate me."

Xiao Di No. 1's LED eyes flickered, and asked again: "Then why, you didn't tell Uncle that you did this for Uncle, because you wanted to surprise him?"

The child was stunned for a moment, and then happily said: "Ah! You actually think and ask questions! It seems that the newly updated omnic protocol has worked for you!"

"Yes, I am collecting human behavior data, etc., maybe it will evolve in the future." The mechanical voice replied honestly.

"That's right, I'm going to give uncle two surprises." The child paused, and shook his forehead vigorously a few times.

He felt a little dizzy, and his heart was beating faster.

"It's strange, my spirit is still a little bit bottomed out, why do I feel dizzy?"

"Huh? How did your physique drop? Well, I guess I stayed up all night, and I'm done with just one pointer, Xiao Di! Xiao Di! Work harder!"

The child thought it was caused by excessive use of mechanical force and staying up late, but he didn't think much about it.

He clenched a fist in one hand and raised it in front of him to cheer himself up.

After a while, feeling that the condition was almost restored, the child added the last metal needle for Xiao Di No. 1.

"Xiao Di No. 1, we are ready to make it!"

"The command has been received, please add energy."

The child carefully took out a translucent blue card made of high-grade purple quality material [Energy Spar] from his pocket, and gently inserted the card into the card slot that popped up on Xiao Di No. 1's forehead.

The eyes of Xiao Di No. 1 flickered, and the mechanical prompt sounded: "The energy is sufficient, waiting for the materials to be put in."

At the same time as the mechanical sound sounded, the nineteen metal needles on the chest and abdomen of the machine flickered with blue electric light amidst the buzzing sound!

It's mechanical force!

That is mechanical force!

The child at this moment simply doesn't understand what the thing he inadvertently created in the process of preparing a surprise for Qi Lin means to the world!

At this moment, the child just widened his eyes, carefully took out a [Nebulite] and [Space Scaling Crystal], and slowly placed them on the mechanical force flickering on the chest and abdomen of the robot.

When the two crystals were suspended in the center of the guide, a large amount of man-made mechanical force instantly wrapped them, and then, those mechanical forces, like densely packed ants, began to peel off the material on the surface of the crystal, and then slowly fused it into the shape of a button!

"It must be successful!"

The child stares intently at the button that is about to be formed, praying inwardly not to fail.

Although Qi Lin was very generous when giving the materials, he didn't even hesitate, and gave more.

But at the moment of getting the materials, when the child sees the notes about the materials that pop up on the panel.

Only then did I understand how precious these materials that Xiao Di No. 1 had been looking for but had never found were so precious.

Purple quality, these materials are all purple quality!

This is too precious for a child who has never even seen the white quality.

Because of this, children are even more anxious, for fear of damaging these materials.

The button took shape quickly, when the purple button with residual warmth fell on the child's little hand that had been stretching out his eyes.

Related information pops up on the panel.

[props]: dimensional anchor button (special version)

【Quality】: Purple.

Note: The internal space is 10X10 cubic meters, which can be bound to mount weapons, and can be bound to various props and equipment.

Note: When the wearer enters the dimensional space, the bound items will be automatically stored in the dimensional anchor button, and when the wearer leaves the dimensional space, the bound items will automatically appear in the anchor position before storage.

Dimensional anchor button, the original usage is that it can be used for the floating of some large support machinery, and then after positioning, it will fall into the battle from high altitude.

And, put the large machinery into the space ring and other items, or when entering the dimension space, store the attached armor and so on to prevent it from being lost.

But now, this thing has been transformed by the child into a must-have for Qi Lin's undead.

After reading the notes, the child thought carefully that there should be no problem, but the specific results had to wait for the uncle to come back and let the uncle test it himself.

He carefully put the button in his pocket, and immediately prepared to test the second form of Xiao Di No. 1.


The child found that every time he and his uncle moved, they either jogged or ran wildly with the uncle in sunglasses holding them.

Especially when it was raining tonight, I was walking slowly, but suddenly my uncle didn't know why, so he let Uncle Sunglasses rush here with them in his arms.

The child has always felt that Qi Lin should need a vehicle.

In order to make Qi Lin happy, he added a second deformation form to Xiao Di No. 1 on the basis of being able to independently manufacture space buttons.

"Xiao Di No. 1!"

The child put one hand on his hips, and pointed at the four-legged robot proudly with the other: "Transform!"

With the sound of clicking.

The original appearance is that the four legs and the chest and abdomen are hollow rings. Inside the ring is a weird-looking robot surrounded by metal needles. The four legs are retracted instantly, and then the waist is arched and bent forward. At the same time, the elbow joints and knees are turned, making the body Gradually narrows and flattens.

At the same time, the head and tail protrude from the sides of the body, forming a scooter without wheels.

The appearance of the body retains some robotic elements. The tail is the original four mechanical legs, and the front has a light source similar to a car light. It is also equipped with a dashboard and a console, allowing the driver to easily control it.

The focus of the entire design of Morph is to maintain the coordination and fluidity between the robot and the scooter, so that it can not only have the function of making buttons, but also be a practical means of transportation.

The child came to the front of the car, stretched out his little hand to the blue translucent card that popped up on the front of the car, and after pressing it lightly, a mechanical sound sounded.

"Drip, the identity is being confirmed, confirmed, Xiao Di."

As soon as the mechanical sound finished, the scooter suddenly floated up from the ground with a hum!

Even the tail ends of the original four mechanical legs at the tail quickly began to transform into four propellers with blue light, and the blue light flashed and flashed, ready to output at any time.

"The startup is complete, I wish you a safe journey!"

The child lay on the ground and observed the base of the suspension pedal, where a thruster-like thing was operating with blue light.

After the child got up, he took out the small computer he carried close to his body, and quickly connected it to the slot on the front of the car through the data cable to detect the status of the car body data.

"The installation of the suspended crystal at the bottom is a little bit off, and it will be changed later."

"According to the propeller efficiency estimate, the speed of 300 kilometers per hour is not a problem, and the energy supply of a concentrated energy spar can reach about 28 hours. If we can find a better energy source for replacement in the future, it will last longer. "

"The reserve energy can be hot-swapped for replacement, so working for a long time is not a problem."

"Well, the purple material uncle gave is good, with good stability and energy output."

"The self-recharging made by Nebula is also very good, and it can be filled with a spare energy in two nights."


The child took the computer and carefully checked the various data.

With the help of the smart device protocol, even if there is no actual running test, the information of the actual vehicle condition can be quickly compared under the comparison of big data.

When starting the vehicle, the child originally wanted to use facial recognition.

But because both Qi Lin and Heifeng were wearing masks, and Heifeng was wearing sunglasses, fingerprints were taken.

During the collection of fingerprints, the child only collected Qi Lin's, but it was strange not to have Heifeng's.

So the child set the start key as his and Qi Lin's fingerprints.

The original form of the vehicle has wheels, but the child found that Qi Lin recently looked at the world map and drew many lines going south to Zhili and north.

Qi Lin told him that he would go to Jinling after the fog cleared, so he planned first.

Because of this, the car was changed to the current suspension by the child.

Considering that the uncle said that the world will expand a lot in the future, and the terrain will also undergo new changes, which are intricate.

The child wants to configure several suspended robots to be used as lighting for driving at night, and to detect road conditions in advance for live return assistance.

However, the problem of independent energy cannot be solved for the time being, and it can only be modified in the future.

After some fiddling, the child put away the small computer with satisfaction.

All the data of the small floating pedal in front of him are similar to his carefully designed sketch.

With only a few minor changes left, this surprise for uncle is complete.

The child carefully looked at the hover scooter, the body of the car was still in the original color.

"What's the best way to paint it?"

The child scratched his head, thinking about the design of the exterior painting.

Suddenly, he thought of his favorite, the feeling of hiding in his mother's poncho when it rained when he was a child.

At that time, he would guess where the car was when it turned and stopped, and then quietly opened a corner to see if he guessed right.

If you guess right, you will be super happy.

However, if it is too windy, the two sides of the poncho will be blown into waves, and you have to be responsible for holding the two sides when you sit in the back

"I really like hiding in the raincoat, and then blindly guessing where I went all the way."

"Hey hey hey"

The child smirked, thinking of the color of his mother's car, pink.

"Okay! It's the color of my mother's car!"

The children have already prepared oil paints of various colors, but they have not yet chosen which color to use.

At this moment, the child took the pink oil paint and began to spray it according to the appearance of his mother's small scooter in his memory.

Time passed, and soon the sky became completely clear.

The child who had been busy all night sprayed the pink paint earnestly. At this moment, he did not think of the various uses of advanced materials after replicating mechanical force.

I didn't expect that an extremely important item that could only be made by myself suddenly became a possible consequence that a robot could also make.

He even designed an autonomous energy system for this robot, so that its energy system can still operate normally even if it is completely independent of him.

Even, the child has updated the omnic protocol for this robot so that it can learn to evolve independently.

The consequences of these things, the child did not expect.

He just cheerfully painted the robot with the beauty in his memory according to the appearance of his mother's car in his memory.

"Hey, Xiao Di, there are only two seats in the car, and there are only two uncles and uncles with sunglasses. What should you do?"

The instrument panel on the front of the car makes a mechanical sound, and while the child is painting it, the robot is also checking the status data by itself.

"I can squat in front!"

Without raising his head, the child carefully sprayed the last area.

"I originally planned to design it with three seats, because my uncle is not in good health! I am still young and the speed of the car is too fast, so I can only drive us with the uncle in sunglasses!"

"But the central intelligence told me after calculation that if there are three seats, the speed and stability of the car will have a great impact."

"Uncle seems to be very busy, and every time Uncle Sunglasses runs very fast with us in his arms, I think he should pursue more speed, so two seats can ensure the speed to satisfy him!"

"I'll just squat in front of the scooter!"

After spraying the last area, the child stood up and looked at the changed car with a smile.

Pink hover scooter.


The child clenches his fists and bends his arms in front of him, jumping for joy.

But soon, his body shook for a while, as if he was about to lose his footing.

The child hurriedly supported the sofa next to him.

After shaking his head vigorously, he said to No. 1 Di, "No. 1 Xiao Di, quickly change back to the previous robot. There are still some materials. You can make some more buttons."

"Uncle probably will be back soon, I'll make breakfast, and I'll help you change it later."

"Received!" The mechanical sound sounded, and amidst the clicking sound, the pink hover scooter turned into the original four-legged robot.

The pointer on its chest and abdomen emitted a blue electric current, and began to quickly enter the work.

As time went by, the material got smaller and the dimensional anchor buttons became more numerous.

In the kitchen, there was also the smell of fried eggs, steak, and preserved egg porridge.

The small figure was wearing an apron, stepping on the bench and gently flipping the steak.

"How can I just drink protein powder, I still need to eat some meat."

"Grandma said, eat more meat to grow your body, but she never eats meat, and my uncle said the same, but my uncle doesn't eat it either, can't just leave it to me, I can't eat much at such a young age."

The child muttered, and turned down the flame of the gas stove casually.

There was a constant sizzling sound in the pan, and the melted butter surrounded the two golden steaks.

The golden sunlight shines in from the kitchen window, and the reflection of the hair of a small figure like a chicken coop is reflected on the wall.

"I don't know what uncle is busy with when he goes out every night and doesn't come back at night?"

"I have never seen him happy, nor have I seen him smile..."

"I hope that the Xiao Di No. 1 given to my uncle will make him happier."

"If he can take off his mask and smile, it means I have succeeded!"

"Hey Hey."

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