In April, the sun sets very quickly.

As the last ray of sunlight disappeared, the sky gradually darkened.

It was the first day of the doomsday. Although many facilities were destroyed, the power system was not affected, and the street lights were on as usual.

Under the pale white street lights, the swaying zombies on the street looked even more terrifying, especially the roars that sounded from time to time, which made people’s scalps numb.

It seemed that with the arrival of night, these zombies became more excited.

There were still many survivors in the residential buildings and shopping malls around.

They all gathered on the balcony and by the windows. In the dim environment, although they could not see clearly, they looked shadowy.

Although they knew that the zombies outside would not react to the lights, they still did not dare to turn on the lights, as if doing so would make them feel safer.

Buzz buzz buzz – a bus slowed down and drove slowly from a distance.

Finally, it stopped at the door of a luxurious hotel.

The bus was so conspicuous that the survivors couldn’t help but look over.


Are they so brave?

It’s dark, and they dare to run around outside?

Aren’t they afraid of death?

Sure enough!

The sound of the bus engine quickly attracted the zombies around. There were quite a few of them, almost more than a hundred.

With so many zombies, the people in the bus are dead!

But the next moment, they widened their eyes and showed disbelief.

There were actually a few young students in the bus?


They didn’t run away, and the two young men and women actually rushed into the zombie tide? What did they want to do?

Aren’t they afraid of death?

As soon as their questions came up, they saw the answer immediately.

The two young men and women rushed into the zombie tide, and they were like entering an empty land. Wherever they passed, no matter whether there were a few zombies or more than a dozen zombies, they couldn’t stop them.

It only took one minute!

The more than a hundred zombies that rushed over were killed by the two young men and women like chopping melons and vegetables.


The two young men and women took the other two girls and the beautiful woman with long golden hair and rushed into the luxurious hotel.

How is this possible?!!

All the survivors who saw this scene were stunned!

The strength shown by the two young men and women, is it really something that normal people can do?

Although it is a little hard to believe!

But the facts are in front of them, this is what they saw with their own eyes.


Many people became excited!

The other party is so powerful, and they have a car. If they are willing to save them……


Four Seasons Hotel!

In the lobby, in the elevator.

Lin Yuan and his companions, who had just gotten off the bus and rushed into the hotel, breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the elevator door slowly close.

“Huh… I never thought that after dark, these zombies would become so scary, just like taking stimulants.”

Saya Takagi leaned against the wall of the elevator, patted her chest, and felt a lingering fear.


After escaping in the academy during the day, she thought she had gotten used to it.

Until just now, she realized that she had overestimated herself. The zombies after dark were so terrifying, their faces became more hideous, their speed and strength became faster, especially the roars and roars, which sounded even scarier than those of wild beasts.

It’s not that she is timid!

But the zombies during the day and at night are really like two different species.

“It doesn’t seem that scary, right? Teacher, I feel fine!”

Marikawa Shizuka said with her head tilted.

She didn’t feel anything the whole time, because after Lin Yuan killed the zombies outside, she was carried on his back.

“Teacher Ju Chuan, you still have the nerve to say that. You have always been carried by Lin Yuan, how could you be afraid! And! Now we are all safe, why don’t you get off Lin Yuan’s back?……”

Takagi Saya only realized at this moment that the school doctor, Marikawa Shizuka, was still on Lin Yuan’s back. Her eyes widened immediately, and she put her hands on her hips, asking Marikawa Shizuka to get off.

How many times has this happened? This is really too much!

She has never been carried by Lin Yuan before!

“”Takashiro, Lin Yuan is here to help the teacher out of kindness, you can’t think wrongly~”

Although she said this, Marikawa Shizuka still got off Lin Yuan’s back with a slightly red face.

Feeling the amazing pressure from behind disappear, Lin Yuan couldn’t help but rolled his eyes,”Takashiro, if you don’t speak, no one will think you are dumb.”

Takashiro Saya curled her lips and looked at Busujima Saeko

“Senior Busujima, you don’t mind at all?” Busujima

Saeko said lightly:”Compared to you whose intentions are obvious, I still think that Mr. Marikawa is more trustworthy.” Takagi

Saya was choked and speechless.

Miyamoto Rei didn’t say anything. She looked at Busujima Saeko with doubts in her eyes.

Just now, when she got off the bus and watched Busujima Saeko and Lin Yuan harvest those zombies like cutting melons and vegetables, she felt that Busujima Saeko’s strength was much stronger than before.

Was it her illusion?


Top floor, 38th floor!

In the corridor.

Swish, swish, swish—

Lin Yuan and Saeko Busujima had just come out of the elevator when they encountered several zombies in cleaning clothes rushing over. The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, easily harvested them.

Marikawa Shizuka and the other two followed behind. Next to them was a huge French window, and they could clearly see that a large number of zombies had gathered downstairs. It looked like there were at least several hundred of them.

“Lin Yuan, there seem to be more zombies gathering downstairs.……”

Marikawa Shizuka’s voice rang out, but her breath was a little unstable, and she was panting when she spoke, which sounded strange.

Lin Yuan and Busujima Saeko were moving too fast!

There were not many zombies along the way, only a few appeared occasionally. With the current strength of Lin Yuan and Busujima Saeko, they were not a threat at all. They harvested them directly before they even got close, so that Marikawa Shizuka and the other girls had to jog to keep up with the two.

“Don’t pay attention!”

“The elevator we took just now has been locked by me. No one else can use it except us. Moreover, we are on such a high floor that the sound cannot penetrate. It is meaningless even if there are more zombies gathered downstairs.”

“Don’t worry, there won’t be any problems tonight!”

Lin Yuan looked back at Marukawa Shizuka, especially at her big truth that was rising and falling because of her fast jogging. This big sister is really unbearable!

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