But that made him feel too insecure and gritted his teeth.

  He flashed to the group of women in an instant, grabbed one of them by the neck, pointed the gun at her beautiful cheek, and said ruthlessly.

  "You can't stand facing those ugly zombies every day in the last days. These women are so beautiful, why don't you want to?"

  "They have been trained for a long time. As long as you want, anything can satisfy you. You don't want to watch such a beauty die."

  He actually wanted to threaten Li Yi with his own woman.

  This kind of weirdness really opened Li Yi's eyes, but it's a pity that this bald head miscalculated a little.

  Li Yi is not alone, there are five beautiful girls waiting for him at home.

  These women can't even keep up with one tenth of the five women.

  "It seems that you still don't understand me."

  Li Yi glanced at the beautiful and terrified women, and there was no trace of waves in his eyes.

  If these women were changed to before the end of the world, they would definitely be a group of beauties.

  There are still [-] to [-] good looks, and an otaku like Li Yi doesn't dare to have extravagant expectations.

  But now....

  But now....

  A flash of coldness flashed in Li Yi's eyes.

  "I don't want anything that others have touched."

  Bang bang bang!

  The pistol fired several times, and the naked women were all headshot by Li Yi.

  The last shot hit the bald man's finger holding the gun, directly knocking the gun down.


  The bald man screamed and fell to the ground, his eyes full of horror.

  Li Yi walked in front of him and looked down at him condescendingly.

  "My patience is limited, don't try to touch my bottom line."

  The bald-headed man was sweating all over his body, shaking slightly while holding the bleeding severed finger.

  It was terrible, he seemed to have only heard a gunshot just now.

  Several women were hit almost at the same time as his fingers.

  This kind of incredible marksmanship is simply not something that humans can have.

  "What kind of monster are you?"

  The bald man smiled wryly...  

  Li Yi didn't pay attention to his words, which was a compliment.

  With his current strength, it is not unreasonable to say that he is a monster.

  In order to survive, the bald man finally said what he knew.

  After he finished speaking, Li Yi shot him down.

  It is impossible to close his subordinates, and Li Yi doesn't trust anyone.

  He only believed in his fist and the gun in his hand.

  So the only way is to keep getting stronger.

  With the ability to step on everyone under his feet, he can still do whatever he wants.

  After cleaning the entire base, it was confirmed that there were no living people.

  Li Yi moved some of the supplies and ammunition into the best police armored vehicle.

  The Type 03B police armored vehicle has a weight of 14 tons, a length of 6.8 meters, a width of 2.84 meters and a height of 3.047 meters.

  The internal space is much larger than that of the Black Shark, and the only disadvantage is that it does not run very fast.

  The full speed is only 85 kilometers per kilometer, which is less than half of the black shark.

  However, the firepower configuration makes up for its shortcomings.

  Otherwise, Li Yi may not choose it.

  After filling up all the space in the car, it still only moved one-twentieth of it.

  This time the harvest is really big.

  Not to mention that he only raised five people, even if he had five more mouths, he would be able to eat for more than ten years.

  Li Yi doesn't need to think about the problem of too many women to support.

  After driving out of the base, Li Yi galloped towards the villa.

  At 0.8 along the way, Li Yi said to the headset: "Xinyan, help me check a few places."

  Then he reported the names of several places in Jiangcheng.

  These places are all within the Third Ring Road, which used to be very prosperous places.

  According to the bald man, these places are where those people he guessed might be.

  Before the end of the world, he was considered a powerful character in the underworld in Jiangcheng.

  Although they are not as good as the top bosses in Jiangcheng, they also know their previous positions.

  Even more his guess, although the end of the world came suddenly, those people may not be able to stand firm.

  "good husband."

  Meng Xinyan's voice came over.

  Not long after, Li Yi heard Meng Xinyan's exclamation.

  "Husband, all those places you mentioned actually have survivor bases!".

Chapter 143 The power in the city center

  Among the six ring villas.

  Li Yi sat in front of the computer with a solemn expression on his face.

  In the computer screen, there are aerial photos of several survivor bases that were found earlier.

  By zooming in on the lens, it is not difficult to see the whole picture of these bases.

  Each area is very large.

  Not relying on a certain building, but directly in the city center with countless zombies, forcibly circled a piece of land.

  Such strength is much stronger than Jiang Ye and the bald man.

  At least they can't do it yet.

  "I don't know what means to do this."

  Li Yi's face was a little heavy.

  The opponent is also very strong. Unlike him, his personal strength is against the sky.

  The other party relies on power, but it is undeniable that Li Yi dare not underestimate them.

  Such a person will inevitably have some trump cards, even if he has a 1500-meter long-range sniper ability, Li Yi also dare not be careless.

  "I know this family. It is the top family in Jiangcheng, and it controls almost one-third of Jiangcheng's economy."

  Wang Qinya pointed to a sign in the computer and said.

  The flag raised by the other side is the symbol of which one is. twenty three

  "I used to have some cooperation with them. I was lucky enough to go to their home to attend a banquet. His bodyguards are said to be retired special forces."

  Li Yi followed Wang Qinya's finger and looked over, it was a survivor base in the second ring.

  Size is not the most powerful of those survivor bases.

  But Li Yi dared to say that it was definitely the most difficult to attack.

  Because it is a bird's-eye view, he can easily see the opponent's defense situation.

  If you let him attack, there is no possibility of any breakthrough except for hard rushing.

  But if he wants to break through, the heavy machine guns on the barrier are definitely enough for him to drink a pot.

  The deterrent power of heavy machine guns in the hands of special forces is much more terrifying than in the hands of ordinary people.

  Even Li Yi did not dare to be careless.

  Once the opponent got used to his speed, the advance shot was enough to give him a headache.

  "Does anyone know about this family?"

  Li Yi pointed to a survivor base in the downtown area.

  This place is the smallest of those survivor bases.

  But that defensive posture made the scalp tingle, and countless statue-like people stood on the fence with guns.

  Even if the zombies below screamed, no one could shake it.

  These people are definitely the most elite soldiers, and the strength of individual soldiers may not be as good as Li Yi.

  But if the team suppresses, it can definitely bring a lot of pressure to Li Yi.

  What makes Li Yi more concerned is that they can establish a foothold in the city center.

  Naturally, there is something to rely on. When the zombies broke out, the most serious one was the city center.

  Even if Meng Xinyan's troops were lost, one could imagine how terrifying it was.

  Even if it's just a foothold and there is no head-on conflict with those zombies, it is already very terrifying.

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