It's a pity that the Black Shark is only a civilian vehicle after all, and the capacity of the vehicle is not as good as that of the police armored vehicle, and it only holds one-thirtieth of the materials.

  There's just too much stuff here.

  After locking the door, Li Yi stepped on the accelerator and knocked a bunch of zombies into the air.

  Under the powerful horsepower, the zombies can't stop it at all.

  The roar soon set foot on the way home.

  However, in a building ten miles away from the base, a group of survivors were holding binoculars.

  He looked at the black shark who walked away with a look of jealousy.

  He looked at the black shark who walked away with a look of jealousy.

  A young man gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, that kid actually had such good luck and picked up such a big bargain. If only I could have that car."

  They were not far from the bald man's survivor base.

  I have always known the existence of the other party, but those people are too cruel.

  They saw that many survivors who had taken refuge in the past were killed by the other side.

  So I haven't been able to get close to the past.

  Simply the building where they are located is a large shopping mall.

  On the day of the zombie outbreak, it happened to be closed for maintenance.

  There were not many people inside, so after clearing the zombies in the building.

  This is their site, but unfortunately there are less than a dozen people left in the end.

  At that time, there was a sudden large-scale gun battle (cddc) nearby.

  They all heard it too, but unfortunately they didn't see what happened.

  However, they could see that all the people in the survivor base were dead.

  It's a pity that the previous war attracted too many zombies. Even if they wanted to go in and get some guns and ammunition, they didn't have the ability.

  Others also responded, and they clearly saw the man dragging a cart of supplies.

  There were even two heavy machine guns strapped to the roof.

  The firepower made them jealous.

  If they can have it, their probability of survival must be greater.

  Just as they sighed and sighed, there was a beautiful woman in the crowd who looked at least nine points.

  Looking at the direction where the black shark left, I don't know what to think.

  There was so much depth in her eyes that it was impossible to read her emotions.

  At this time, the young man came to her side.

  He smiled and said, "Xiaoqi, don't be afraid. Although we are not like him, the supplies here can be eaten for at least a few years."

  The woman glanced at him and said coldly, "Then what? What's the difference between now and waiting to die, but being locked in a grave."

  This building is their mausoleum.

  Somewhere in ancient times, there was such a custom.

  When people grow old, they are sent to a tomb that has not been sealed yet.

  Every day, future generations bring food to ensure that the elderly do not starve to death.

  But in the same way, when meals are delivered every day, a brick is added to the entrance of the tomb.

  Until the end of the tomb was completely sealed, it became the so-called living tomb.

  What is the difference between them now and the old people waiting to die in the living tomb.

  Every day I can't make ends meet, and sooner or later one day I will consume all the food.

  The woman turned her head and looked at the direction in which the black shark was leaving. A trace of envy appeared in her calm eyes.

  Instead of waiting hopelessly to die in a place like this.

  She hopes to be like that person, looking for a chance in the zombie pile.

  There was a trace of resentment in the young man's eyes, and this woman always spoke without mercy.

  If she hadn't kept a hand, this hand would be related to their lives.

  She and others had already made her strong.

  After all, this is the end of the world, and there is no legal morality at all.

  With a good-looking face, it is bound to be watched by countless people.

  It's a pity that without this woman, their protection at the lower level would not be safe at all.

  It may be knocked away by zombies at any time, and the reason why it was able to block the zombies rushing into the first floor.

  It has a lot to do with the special mechanical structure that this woman puts them on.

  Otherwise, under the tireless impact of so many zombies.

  How could an ordinary fire door be blocked.

  It's a pity that they haven't learned this skill yet, otherwise this woman would have been their crotch plaything. .

Chapter 146 Li Yi's Worries

  Li Yi drove the car back to the villa.

  Not far away, the sound of the Type 05 micro-sound submachine gun was heard.

  The corners of his mouth couldn't help but reveal a smile.

  Presumably the five women are practicing guns, but they don't know the effect - how.

  Thinking of this, Li Yi stepped on the accelerator.

  He increased his horsepower and rushed over, and the situation at the gate of the city wall suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

  The five women were wearing neat sports attire, leaning on the wall and aiming at the zombies below.

  It does have an air of arrogance.

  Especially Chu Mengxin and Wang Qinya, who already had a bit of a royal sister's aura, at this moment they were like gunfire queens.

  It's a pity that these gunfire queens have terrible marksmanship.

  The human body's ability to stroke is not generally strong, and even the largest chest can't be shot a few times.

  The zombies will only die if they hit the head.

  So there are not many zombies killed at all.

  On the contrary, Meng Xinyan killed the most zombies, and nearly exploded her head within [-] meters.

  But in order to train the other four, she didn't shoot much.

  Seeing this scene, Li Yi couldn't help showing a smile in his eyes.

  Sure enough, marksmanship is not achieved overnight, and it is impossible for the four girls to suddenly become masters.

  However, with Meng Xinyan around, most people in the villa really couldn't get in.

  Although he is a technical soldier, although this pistol method is not as good as that of special forces, it is definitely much better than ordinary veterans.

  Seeing Li Yi coming over, the five of them were a little excited.

  One by one, they went down the stairs and ran outside the door to wait for Li Yi.

  Li Yi's handling of the zombies that followed into the Weng City was much simpler and rude.

  He directly carried their clothes and threw them all out.

  The speed is as fast as those zombies are flying at the same time.

  The five girls have long been surprised. Ever since they saw Li Yi jumping dozens of meters, they already knew that their husband was a superman.

  After Li Yi drove in, they were the first to surround him.

  Wang Yao pulled Li Yi's sleeve excitedly: "Husband, I hit several zombies just now!"

  She, who is not yet an adult, is extremely excited at this moment.

  After all, this is a real shot at a target, an experience she has never had before, no matter who it is, she will be so excited.

  As for why she was able to overcome the difficulties and shoot at the zombies.

  Totally benefited from the experience at the gas station.

  She was extremely cruel to the group of zombies who pushed their mother and daughter into a desperate situation.

  Even a soft heart can become as hard as iron.

  The same is true of several other people, plus the idea of ​​not wanting to drag Li Yi down, let alone zombies, even people they dare to shoot.

  "Try to start."

  With a smile in his eyes, Li Yi rubbed Wang Yao's head.

  Then he said to the other four: "I still have something to do, you continue."

  There is still a lot of materials to be transported over there, and it will take at least five or six days for him to complete it.


  The five women did not pester Li Yi, and they were also very interested in practicing guns.

  More importantly, they also want to improve their strength.

  At least don't let Li Yi worry about them.

  Li Yi didn't delay much, got into the car and drove towards the villa.

  It took a while to evacuate things.

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