However, two big hands like steel pliers tightly clasped his hands.

  His body fluttering forward was like hitting an iron plate.

  Even the inertia of his body rushing forward made him feel a severe pain like a break when he was caught.

  There was a chill in his heart, and he just wanted to kick it and break free from Li Yi's restraint.

  Suddenly, the world turned around in front of him, and his back fell to the ground 330 degrees.

  "Poke the back? It's really cruel."

  Li Yi caught the dagger that fell from the sky, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.

  With his physique, he can dodge bullets. Could it be that this person thought he was faster than bullets?

  Without the slightest politeness, he stabbed it with a knife.

  This knife has no hilt, and the other end even plunged into the ground.

  But it hurts to look at.

  The entire kidney was directly pierced through.

  The huge pain made Chu Ge blushed instantly, like a cooked prawn.

  "Don't be smart."

  Li Yi glanced at Huo Zu coldly, his eyes full of warning.

  Before he got the answer he wanted, provoking him was just courting death.

  Sweeping by his gaze, everyone subconsciously took a step back.

  There was no sign of resistance at all.

  This strength has already crushed them, it is too cruel.

  "Yes Yes."

  Huo Zu's body trembled violently. He didn't expect Chu Ge to lose, and lose so fast.

  Before he could even react, it was over.

  Chu Ge was directly pierced through the kidney.

  "Afah, where is it?"

  Li Yi clapped his hands and stood up, and said lightly.

  This knife is hard enough, even if ordinary people want to pull the dagger from the ground, it is not easy.

  This Chu Ge can basically only die with blood.

  Death is more painful than taking it away with a knife.

  This is also Li Yi's punishment for him attacking himself.

  "That place is on the third ring road, called Jiangcheng Biological Base. On the fifth road of construction, there is a fertilization method there. We had a research institute before, where did it come from, and he also made the automatic incubator."

  Huo Zu didn't dare to hide any more, and he didn't dare to have any careful thoughts.

  For fear of becoming the next Chu Ge.

  "Oh, Xinyan, check this place."

  Li Yi said to the headset.

  This scene surprised Huo Zu, and it really was organized. It seemed that his previous guess was correct.

  But what shocked him the most was Li Yi's communication distance.

  He was sure that Li Yi was not from the third ring, or even from the fourth ring.

  Because they have been to both places, if there is such a person, they would have discovered it long ago.

  The ability to maintain communication at such a distance is simply terrifyingly powerful.

  As for why he thought Li Yi was in contact with the base.

  As for why he thought Li Yi was in contact with the base.

  This problem is naturally obvious, all the base stations in the end of the world are useless.

  If you want to communicate, you can only assume the transmitter yourself. That kind of thing must be not small, how can it be brought out.

  I'm afraid he can't guess if he wants to break his head, Li Yiyi is a military satellite.

  It didn't take long for Li Yi to get an affirmative reply from Meng Xinyan.

  There was a hint of joy on his face, and this information helped him a lot.

  "Okay, you're worthless."

  Li Yi instantly appeared in front of Huo Zu.

  He directly pinched his neck, and Huo Zu didn't even react.

  already dead.

  Killing Huo Zu, Li Yi raised his legs and swept across.

  The power that surpassed the limit of human beings nearly four times, directly swept Huo Zu's body out like a cannonball.

  The fragile human body exploded directly in mid-air.

  Those flesh and bone dregs turned into sharp weapons for murder in an instant.

  Like a shotgun, it directly killed a group of people.

  Those places that were not covered by bulletproof vests were torn apart with countless bloodstains by domineering.

  Most of the forty people lay down directly.

  The rest were also shot by Li Yi quickly, all headshots were harvested.

  Everything happened so suddenly that no one could react, and they were all wiped out.

  Being approached by Li Yi was definitely a nightmare, but being too far away, facing his sniper rifle, was also a nightmare.

  After clapping his hands, Li Yi put away the gun and walked towards the building.

  If he remembered correctly, there was another person in the room of the leader who was sniped before.

  He didn't want someone to destroy his supplies.

  So this person must die.

  At the same time, he will not stay in this base.

  This will be a temporary warehouse for him.

  It didn't take long for him to find Liang Yan, who was hiding in a toilet, ready to fight back.

  He may have done well in hiding, and he can definitely achieve a lot of victory if he is caught off guard.

  It's just a pity that he met Li Yi, who was still five meters away.

  He could already hear the beating heartbeat of the other party.

  You don't even need to open the door, you just shoot down in one shot.

  Liang Yan was already dead and could not die again.

  Li Yi continued to search and searched in the base.

  As a result, he really found a lot of people. If these people continue to exist, I am afraid that they will be a lot of monsters in this base.

  Li Yi did not leave a single one.

  As for those women, they can only be considered okay, but after the torture of the end of the world.

  They all look extremely haggard, and the original appearance of six or seven points seems to be only four or five points at this moment.

  Li Yi, who was raised by a few daughters in the family and had a bad taste, didn't like him at all.

  What's more, he has been played by others, and he is even more despised.

  Li Yi naturally won't stay to make trouble for himself.

  As for keeping them to do things like growing vegetables.

  Li Yi didn't even think about it.

  After all, does he have many people who need to be raised, and he doesn't need such a large-scale planting at all.

  What's more, his villa couldn't hold so many people.

  He also didn't want to keep a group of people in the villa, it looked bad.

  If it is placed outside, it will be even more inappropriate. If something happens, will it be impossible for him to save it?

  Just thinking about it can feel troublesome.

  After finding all the materials and tools Song Xiaoqi needed, Li Yi directly drove a modified off-road vehicle here.

  Drive in the direction where the Black Shark is parked. .

Chapter 161 The Shy Meng Xinyan

  Li Yi glanced at the modified off-road beside him with some regret.

  Although this car is not as good as the Black Shark, it is not bad.

  There are even many black technologies in it.

  It is a pity that it is still not as good as the Black Shark in general, but if these abilities are placed in the Black Shark, the performance of the Black Shark can definitely be greatly improved.

  Make it no less than a real armored vehicle, but now Li Yi is satisfied.

  After all, with his current ability, the car can only be regarded as a means of transportation - nothing more.

  Move everything to the Black Shark.

  Li Yi directly abandoned the car on the elevated, and didn't even bother to pull out the key.

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