Her eyes are full of brilliance. As a special tuner, she knows a lot about cars.

  To be able to hold the steering wheel with one hand in this environment requires at least 500 kg of strength.

  This kind of terrifying power, even many athletes do not have.

  I didn't expect that Li Yi, who didn't look strong, actually had such great power.

  "How strong are you?"

  Huang Yiqian asked excitedly.

  "You'll know."

  Li Yi didn't squint and didn't explain. (ciag)

  Huang Yiqian might not believe it if she said it, but she is suspected of boasting.

  It's better to let her feel it.

  What's more, he didn't bother to explain.

  Not long after, the black shark came to the gate of Wang Tianhao base.

  Li Yi said to Huang Yiqian next to him: "You wait in the car, I'll come when I go."

  After that, he opened the skylight and climbed out.

  Huang Yiqian only felt the body sink slightly, and Li Yi had already entered the front door.

  This brightened her mind.

  She glanced at the driver's seat beside her, her eyes glowing again and again.

  If you are driving now, you can walk.

  Li Yi hasn't turned off the engine now. She wants to drive away, and there is no problem at all.

  At best, she couldn't start after turning off the flame.

  But there was a trace of struggle on her face.

  If she drives away, what will Li Yi do?

  Under the siege of so many zombies, there is no possibility of life.

  There was a hint of hesitation in her eyes, and finally she sighed and gave up her previous thoughts.

  "Sure enough beauty is misleading."

  "Sure enough beauty is misleading."

  She whimpered and slammed her back against the back of the chair.

  She was really unwilling to leave like this.

  Such a superb man.

  She had never seen it before the apocalypse, and if she missed it after the apocalypse.

  The ghost knows if there is another life to see.

  She knocked down the backrest and lay on her back.

  As a result, I just saw the Type 85 sniper rifle and Type 81-1 automatic rifle that Li Yi placed in the back seat.

  Huang Yiqian's heart skipped a beat.

  Take the gun.

  The heavy texture and smell of gunpowder told her that this was definitely a real gun!

  She gasped suddenly.

  The man she just relied on was definitely not easy!

  There's even a gun.

  At least she has seen so many survivors during this time.

  There are very few pistols, let alone such long guns.

  Except for those large survivor bases.

  At this moment, the body suddenly trembled slightly.

  Li Yi jumped in from the sunroof and landed on the driver's seat perfectly.

  Put your things in the back seat.

  Looking at Huang Yiqian's appearance, her brows slightly raised.

  "What, are you interested in guns?"

  Huang Yiqian nodded: "It's the end of the world, and it's the uncle who has a gun."

  Li Yi smiled, took the gun from her hand and put it back in the back seat.

  Huang Yiqian saw that she had never used a gun before, so it's better not to touch it, as it would be bad if it got caught.

  "When you go back, you will also learn with Xinyan."

  He deliberately didn't turn off the fire just now, which was also a test for Huang Yiqian.

  If she ran away just now, it would be [-]% dead.

  No one can escape his hunt.

  However, Huang Yiqian was very lucky and did not do anything out of the ordinary, so she passed the test.

  really became his woman.

  If Huang Yiqian knew about this.

  I will definitely be glad that I was moved by Li Yi's appearance.

  If she changed her face, she might have actually run away.


  The name of this woman made Huang Yiqian's heart move slightly.

  She is estimated to be a certain woman from Li Yi.

  But she doesn't mind, it's the previous woman who should mind.

  After all, she was the one who took advantage.

  Without bothering more about this issue, she looked at the box that Li Yi brought: "What did you bring back?"

  Li Yi stepped on the accelerator and said indifferently: "Automatic sprinkler and egg incubator."

  "It's a pity that no eggs were found, and Bai found the fertilization device."

  Thinking of today's experience, Li Yi frowned and complained.

  In such a foul-smelling place, I killed a bunch of zombies that were comparable to biological weapons, and found nothing.

  That taste is definitely not good.

  Just thinking about it, Li Yi felt nauseated.


  Huang Yiqian is a little puzzled, is this thing difficult to find?

  Li Yi heard that Huang Yiqian's voice was wrong and turned to look at her.

  "Do you know where it is?"

  Huang Yiqian saw Li Yi's appearance and immediately knew that he wanted it.

  A sly smile suddenly appeared in her eyes: "Of course I know, and it's not just eggs!"

  "I'll take you directly to the chicken!"

  She had met a group of survivors and saw chickens in their hands.

  It's a pity that they always had bad feelings for her at the beginning, and she finally drove away.

  Live a life of wandering alone.

  Now that she also has a man to back her up, she naturally wants to find a way back. .

Chapter 171 Huang Yiqian's Hero

  There was a hint of joy in Li Yi's eyes.

  He didn't expect Huang Yiqian to give him such a surprise.

  If there is chicken, it is better.

  No special care is needed.

  After all, raising chickens not only takes time, but also has a certain mortality rate, which is very troublesome.

  "Okay, you show the way."

  His tone softened, and the look in Huang Yiqian's eyes softened a bit.

  This change made Huang Yiqian speechless, and her feelings were not as good as a few chickens.

  However, it became a little gentler, and I was able to enjoy the gentleness of this iceberg.

  Even for the chicken it's worth it!

  "In the seventh ring, you know Yongshu Road, right?"

  At the beginning, she was only on the periphery of Jiangcheng. If it weren't for this, she would not be able to avoid so many zombies.

  Uncle Yong Road?

  Li Yi thought for a while. When he looked at the map before, he only remembered the route, but he didn't remember the name of the route.

  I really don't know how to go.

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