Ten minutes is not enough for handling these precious parts.

  Li Yi was not wasting time.

  He took out a wide-blade machete from his backpack, and then jumped directly into the dense group of zombies below.

  With its own strength and falling strength, it directly smashed the two zombie heads on the soles of the feet.

  The machete in his hand was swung toward his side, and a piece of severed limb blood splashed up.

  With Li Yi's current physique, cutting these zombies is no different from cutting tofu.

  No zombie can stop him even with a knife.

  "Go away!"

  Li Yi swept his foot behind him.

  The zombies on his back were about to be caught, and they flew out in an instant as if they were hit by a truck.

  Not only that, but he also bumped into a piece of zombies and emptied his surroundings.

  He is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and zombies can't stop his attack at all.

  If these zombies were not conscious, they would have already started to flee.

  However, except for the devouring instinct, a zombie that is completely unconscious.

  There was no fear at all, but instead it kept coming towards Li Yi.

  Then it was either cut in half or swept away.

  Li Yi swept the invincible just like Lu Bu who opened the unparalleled snake.

  Nothing could stand in his way.

  This seemingly disparate battle was only ten minutes before it was ended by Li Yi.

  Doing six or seven hundred zombies is not much more difficult for Li Yi than crushing an ant.

  If it wasn't for his physical strength, he could even kill all the zombies in the entire city.

  If it wasn't for his physical strength, he could even kill all the zombies in the entire city.

  Putting away the machete, Li Yi glanced indifferently at the hideous zombies on the outer wall.

  He suppressed the urge to kill in his heart.

  Killing is really addictive, so many people liked the game Wushuang Orochi back then.

  Isn't it the excitement of killing?

  What's more, Li Yi is still a reality version, which has completely inspired the violence in his heart.

  Turn around and walk towards the inside of the 4S store.

  There are also many high-end sports cars parked in the hall.

  These cars were replaced before the end of the world, and I am afraid that any one of them will be no less than 8 digits.

  However, in the end times, they are worthless.

  Not as practical as an SUV.

  Because being handsome is useless in the apocalypse, the trump card is too low to even hold the corpse down.

  However, this can also reflect the strength of this store from the side.

  The cars in the hall are so expensive, how can the parts be simple?

  No wonder Huang Yiqian took a fancy to this place.

  After all, it is only a store that opens its doors for business, so the basement is not difficult to find.

  The dim passage made the basement a little more serene.

  The blood stains on the walls also made this place as terrifying as a haunted house.

  But Li Yi didn't feel anything.

  Strength determines everything, even if there are ghosts and ghosts.

  He also believed that his yang qi and evil spirit were enough to suppress them.

  At the end of the passage in the basement is a flashing ornate door.

  There are still a few stumps left at the door that haven't been gnawed clean, which should have been left at the beginning of the end of the world.

  Li Yi pushed the door, and the door was locked from the inside.

  It is estimated that someone hid in the beginning, which made his brows slightly wrinkle.

  Hope those guys didn't damage the parts inside.

  When people are extremely hungry, they will definitely become violent.

  It's not impossible to drop something.

  If he really fell, he would lose blood.

  Li Yi raised his foot and kicked it directly, and the terrifying force directly kicked the entire gate 480 down.

  Several zombies that were at the door before were directly pressed.

  Currently struggling under the door.

  Li Yi stepped on it with one foot, and the zombie movement stopped in an instant.

  The parts of the zombies caught under the door have all become meat sauce.

  I didn't care whether the zombies died or not.

  Li Yi stepped forward and walked in.

  The sight in front of him surprised him, except for the dust.

  In this basement, there was not the slightest trace of shattering.

  Parts worth tens of millions are neatly placed on booths.

  Just like a small auto parts exhibition hall.

  He has seen many parts described by Huang Yiqian, and none of them have a price lower than 6 figures.

  Li Yi's mouth couldn't help showing a smile.

  Things are going so smoothly, except for some hands and feet.

  Nothing else ever happened.

  However, before his thoughts were over, the ground suddenly trembled slightly.

  A roar that was even more terrifying than the black shark came in from outside.

  How is this going!

  Li Yi's face suddenly became serious, and he faintly felt a trace of unease.

  Quickly rushed out of the basement and ran outside.

  When he jumped to the top of the building, the scene not far away made his complexion change dramatically. .

Chapter 179 Doomsday Chariot

  Looking at the behemoth in the distance.

  Li Yi couldn't help being a little shocked.

  He didn't expect this car built for the end of the day to actually see it here.

  The car is called the Amodillo Conqueror.

  Before the end of the world, it was named the strongest car in the end by doomsday fans.

  Not much smaller than a heavy truck.

  And steel skirts are installed on both sides of the body.

  It also perfectly blocks the wheel, greatly reducing the possibility of the wheel being broken by side objects.

  The body was like a steel fortress, but after adding countless steel plates, it was like a moving fortress.

  The roof of the car that was originally used as a roof is now equipped with five or six stiletto machine guns.

  In terms of firepower, it is the crime that Li Yi has seen so far.

  He didn't know how many people were in the car and whether there were bazookas.

  Otherwise, the threat of this car can still increase a lot.

  This is basically a small mobile base.

  "Xinyan, where did these people come from?"

  Li Yi asked in the headset.

  What he was most worried about was what special means the other party used to discover his location.

  So take action against him.

  Such an unknown threat made him a little uneasy.

  They can have military satellites as the eyes of the sky, and others may not have other means.

  There is no need to worry about his own safety.

  But the women in the family are not good, they are basically ordinary people.

  There is no way to stop such an attack, but such a car is enough to eat them.

  Meng Xinyan's voice quickly came from the earphones, and her voice was a little surprised.

  Because the car has never been seen before.

  She quickly said, "Husband, the path they traveled has been detected. It came from the base on the second ring road."

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