Once the thing is put on it, almost no one but him will know.

  No one can get it.

  After all, even if the other party knew that Li Yi was hiding something upstairs.

  It is absolutely impossible to hit it and take it away.

  Thirty-story building, just climbing up is enough to exhaust them half to death.

  Add those zombies to obstruct.

  I am afraid that even if they know, they will not have the slightest idea.

  But this building is not a problem for Li Yi.

  On the contrary, this kind of high floor also has certain convenience for him to glide.

  At such a high place, he can glide farther.

  The things on his back are not particularly heavy, and he can even glide directly onto the viaduct.

  Li Yi went up first to check the situation.

  The gate of the rooftop should have been locked before the end of the world.

  The gate of the rooftop should have been locked before the end of the world.

  It can't be opened from his side at all, and the situation inside is not very clear.

  However, the zombie will not open the door, but he is not worried that the zombie will open the door and destroy his things.

  After that, Li Yi moved everything up.

  Regardless of whether it is used or not, the entire basement is generally clean.

  For these six-figure stuff.

  If you can't use it now, it doesn't mean you can't use it in the future.

  Li Yi was busy moving things here.

  On the other side, the one-eyed middle-aged man has returned to the base with the chariot.

  After a trip of more than a dozen people, there were only four people left.

  This loss made everyone in the base look at him.

  Who does not know that the team led by the one-eyed man is the most elite group in the base.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ace team, but this time it has suffered such a heavy loss.

  Makes them all a little curious about what happened.

  But there are also people who are happy.

  There are only so many people left in the ace squad, so they will have their day.

  The treatment of the ace squad, these people have been envious for a long time.

  No matter what good resources, or good women, they have priority to enjoy power.

  How this doesn't make them jealous.

  The one-eyed man entered the boss's office half an hour later.

  Suddenly, an alarm sounded inside the base.

  "The base is on first-level alert. All positions above the team leader, please enter the conference room for an emergency meeting."

  In the base, everyone was stunned.

  The first-level alert is the second-level level of the base in addition to the special alert.

  Once the alarm is activated, everyone must put down what they are doing and enter a state of combat readiness.

  Since the establishment of the base to the present, there has only been one occasion when an accidental zombie invasion has been sounded.

  Everyone took action and did not dare to delay for a moment.

  Because of the last level of alert, they lost dozens of people.

  The captains and the captains rushed to the conference room one after another.

  At this moment, their boss, Chu Tianyang, was sitting in the main seat, his face as black as iron.

  The one-eyed middle-aged man was standing beside him with a respectful look.

  "What's wrong, boss."

  A stout captain asked.

  Seeing that all the captains had arrived at 870, Chu Tianyang nodded to the one-eyed middle-aged man behind him.

  The other party came out immediately.

  Under the sarcastic or doubtful gazes of the captains, he slowly said, "Brothers, there is a monster around us, a real monster."

  His face was solemn, and he didn't mean to joke at all.

  "What do you mean by that?"

  A captain frowned and asked.

  He didn't think the one-eyed middle-aged man would dare to joke in such a situation, and it was impossible for Chu Tianyang to accompany him.

  So this is most likely true.

  "My team was almost wiped out and died in his hands. Even at the end, I could see his figure clearly."

  The one-eyed middle-aged man sighed, recalling the scene, and his heart still palpitated.

  When he fired back, he glanced at Li Yi.

  Just that one glance made him still a little unforgettable, and even made him a little scared.

  The way the other party looked at him didn't look like he was looking at a living person at all.

  Nor did he see him as a dead man.

  But he didn't see him as a human at all, as if he was just a game monster.

  There is no killing pleasure in the eyes, only the relaxation at the end of the game.

  The other party regarded the round-up of their ace squad as a game.

  Even in order to make the game more interesting, the other party also took the initiative to increase the difficulty.

  Obviously there is such a terrifying marksmanship, but it is not used. .

Chapter 184 Base Response

  "One-eyed, you're not lying to us, are you piercing the concrete wall with a steel pipe?"

  "The strength must be at least three times that of us, so is that still human?"

  "And as you said, his marksmanship is also excellent. A round of strafing is all headed. How is this possible? Could it be a big mistake? I guess it's a fabricated lie."

  A group of captains spoke up.

  Part of them did not believe in the monster described by the one-eyed middle-aged man.

  The other part is trying to detain him and drag him into the water.

  After all, all the ace squads under One-Eyed are dead, but he still has the ability.

  If they want to ascend, they must pull the one-eyed off the altar.

  One-eyed smiled wryly and shook his head. After saying this, he couldn't believe it himself.

  How could he believe in this world if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

  There really is a superman.

  The youth he encountered in that place had definitely surpassed the limit of human beings.

  If the other party didn't use the machine gun to deter him in the end, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to come back.

  "What I said is by no means false. This time it was my fault. I didn't quit the first time. I applied for demotion."

  The one-eyed middle-aged man interrupted those people's words with a solemn expression.

  He was to blame this time, and did not judge the situation in the first place.

  He has a lot of responsibility as captain.

  If they don't take the initiative, the boss will also not be able to come down on stage. This is what they have discussed before.

  Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, all the captains stopped talking.

  Such results they have been satisfied.

  Although the one-eyed man will climb up sooner or later.

  But they dare not offend each other to death.

  In terms of strength, they are a group of people together, I am afraid that it is not enough for the other party to fight alone.

  This was once a ruthless man no less than Qin Meng.

  "Okay, what do you think about this matter?"

  Chu Tian, ​​who supported his chin, raised his voice.

  What he has already said is that this topic has been interrupted, and no one dares to continue to entangle.

  The captains and squad leaders below all turned serious.

  The meaning of their boss seems to be that the monster really exists.

  "Boss, is there really such a monster~¨?"

  Their physical fitness surpassed them several times, and their marksmanship was also extremely terrifying.

  It would be fine if this opponent was just a brainless zombie, but the one-eyed man was quite sure that the opponent was a human.

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