However, a mere group of ordinary people dared to call themselves predators.

  I don't know what kind of confidence makes them so inflated.


  At this time, there was a sudden roar of a car in the distance.

  The eyes of the survivors beside the car suddenly showed despair.

  "It's over, the predators are here, we're dead.".

Chapter 196 I like this game

  Cars in the distance are densely packed.

  It is estimated that there are at least [-] vehicles.

  Just like in those apocalyptic movies, it looks mighty.

  "Is this the so-called predator?"

  Li Yi was a little disappointed.

  The configuration of these people is not even as good as those of Jiang Ye who met in the sixth ring.

  Anyway, those people are driving modified cars.

  With a submachine gun in his hand, it looks like that.

  But the group of people in front of them.

  It's all about something.

  Not only is it not a luxury car, but even the site is not high enough.

  If they were in Jiangcheng, they would be scrapped if they couldn't even drive [-] meters.

  Only in this poor suburb with a small number of zombies.

  They can show off their power.

  More importantly, the best weapons of these people are just machetes.

  "Three six three" is also worthy of being called a predator, and is not afraid of being laughed off.

  However, the people outside the car were very panicked. They slapped Li Yi's door frantically and yelled.

  "Let us in, why are you young!"

  "You can't wait until you die, they'll be here soon."

  "Are you fucking trying to watch us die!"

  They were so anxious in their hearts that they even meant scolding in their words to Li Yi.

  Faced with death threats, they completely forgot who was sitting in the car.

  Is it also possible that it is a killing god.

  The corner of Li Yi's mouth evoked a sneer, this is the inferiority of human beings.

  Always pin your hopes on someone else, even if you don't meet that person.

  Because I feel that the other party is capable, I feel that the other party has to protect myself.

  Li Yili didn't want to pay attention to such people.

  After he glanced at these people indifferently, he withdrew his gaze.

  The distant convoy quickly approached.

  The people around were no longer expecting Li Yi to open the door.

  Instead, run away from both sides of the road.

  After all, there are fields on the side, and when they run, it is not easy for the other to drive.

  However, the other party is a car after all.

  Soon he came to the surrounding of the black shark. The huge and domineering black shark made the group of people look straight.

  The convoy was directly surrounded by the black shark.

  Many people were whistling, their eyes full of excitement and greed.

  "One team kills the prey first! The rest come with me!"

  A young man who looked like a leader stepped out of the car.

  Take a group of people towards the Black Shark.

  The other group of people, already waving blood-stained weapons in their hands, screamed and killed those who ran into the fields.

  They actually took pleasure in killing people, and the cruelty was simply outrageous.

  The young man walked to the driver's seat, knocked on the window, and said with a smile, "Hey, brother, the car is nice."

  Li Yi glanced at him without speaking, waiting for this person to follow up.

  "Come on, open the door, let's discuss something."

  The young man did not touch the door.

  Because there were still several people lying on the ground and convulsing, it looked like they were electrocuted.

  He still has some eyesight, knowing that some cars cannot be touched casually.

  But this also proved that this was a good car, and it made him a little bit greedy.

  "whats the matter?"

  With a hint of sarcasm in Li Yi's eyes, he opened the door and jumped down.

  The other party thought that he was covering up well, but unfortunately he couldn't escape Li Yi's eyes.

  What's more, in Li Yi's eyes, they are not even a fart.

  "Hey, we want to play an escape game with you, have you heard that, bro!"

  "Hey, we want to play an escape game with you, have you heard that, bro!"

  Seeing that Li Yi was so cooperative, the young man got out of the car with a very bright smile on his face.

  If there are more such fools, then he doesn't need to spend so much thought.

  "This game is very exciting, you will love it."

  At this moment, he is not hiding his intentions, and the expression on his face is extremely grim.

  Li Yi didn't seem to see his expression.

  He said with interest: "Escape game? Similar to Dead by Daylight, or PUBG?"

  "I like this kind of game very much."

  His gesture made the people around him burst into laughter.

  The young man patted Li Yi on the shoulder and said with a sympathetic expression: "Brother, have you broken your brain? Since you like it so much, let's start now."

  Li Yi nodded: "In that case, I allow you to run 300 meters first."

  However, at this moment, the audience was completely silent.

  No one dared to laugh at Li Yi's nonsense.

  Because a pitch-black pistol was already on top of the young man's head.

  "Brother, you... are you a real guy?"

  The young man's voice trembled.

  Although he didn't believe it in his heart, the cold texture on his forehead clearly told him...

  This thing is definitely not fake.

  Li Yi shrugged nonchalantly and motioned him to give it a try.

  However, it was so frightening that the young man almost fell to the ground with weak legs.

  Under the threat of death, there are very few people who can take it lightly.

  "There are so many of us here, you just have a gun, it's better not to act rashly."

  He said a little sternly.

  "You're right, this gun only has twenty bullets, which is indeed not enough."

  He opened the door with one hand, took the Type 81-1 automatic rifle from the passenger seat, and held it in his hand.

  "You can kill 50 now."

  Everyone's scalp was numb for a while, and they didn't expect this man in front of them.

  There are even automatic rifles.

  "There's something to say, big brother, didn't you suggest that we run 300 meters first? I think that's a good suggestion!"

  He said in horror.

  If he knew that such an iron plate would be mentioned today, he would definitely not hold a hunting conference.

  This is so special that I have to fold myself in, according to the other party's statement.

  Obviously to hunt them down.

  "Okay, let you run 300 meters."

  Li Yi said indifferently.

  300 meters only, not even out of rifle range.

  What's more, how could these people's cars be on a par with the Black Shark.

  Not to mention 300 meters, it would be useless to let them run for three minutes first.

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