Jiang Hanyue, who had a foolish smile on her face, rolled her eyes with a smile, and looked at Li Yi's back foolishly.

  Her little baby is so handsome!

  Wang Hanlin had a bad premonition in his heart, and he was madly warning him.

  He hurriedly turned his head and shouted to Li Yi: "No, just relax..."

  "Six seven three" click!

  A crisp cracking sound came into everyone's ears, and the sound made the scalp burst.

  Wang Sen's head showed a strange arc, which is impossible for normal people to do.

  Obviously he was dead and couldn't die again.

  Wang Sen's face still had a look of fearlessness.

  Obviously he didn't expect Li Yi to really dare to do it.

  "Fuck Nima!"

  Wang Hanlin roared loudly and took a gun directly from his pocket.

  However, before he could take aim, a huge force directly snatched the gun from his hand.

  And his whole person was also pressed to the ground by an irresistible force.

  The cold muzzle was already on the back of his head.

  "The family just needs to be neat and tidy, what do you think?"

  Li Yi looked at Jiang Hanyue softly.

  Li Yi was very satisfied with Jiang Hanyue's reaction. He didn't scream when he saw the dead man, and his eyes didn't change.

  Although the behavior is a little perverted, this shortcoming is acceptable.

  Jiang Hai looked at Li Yi speechlessly, and only then did he realize that he was self-indulgent just now.

  Li Yi asked from the beginning to the end, it was his daughter.

  He didn't care what his old man thought at all.

  "Don't kill me, I know I'm wrong, don't kill me!"

  Wang Hanlin burst into tears at this moment.

  He didn't expect Li Yi to react so quickly.

  Before he could even react, he was captured by Li Yi.

  "Jiang Hanyue!"

  Seeing Jiang Hanyue who was really ready to answer, Jiang Hai quickly reprimanded.

  Wang Sen is already dead, if his son also died, it would be really troublesome.

  How should he explain to those politicians' groups?

  After all, they are responsible for the internal affairs of the base.

  Jiang Hanyue, who originally wanted to say yes, shrank her neck and looked at Li Yi pitifully.

  "I am here."

  Li Yi glanced at Jiang Hai indifferently, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

  Even Jiang Hai felt a chill in his heart.

  If it wasn't for Li Yi to look at his daughter, he would bring a touch of softness.

  He even had to suspect that Li Yi was an emotionless robot.

  Jiang Hanyue suddenly became excited, her little baby is really great.

  She is so fond of her!

  "Of course the family must be neat and tidy! Don't let him go!"

  In Wang Hanlin's desperate eyes, Jiang Hanyue sneered.

  This person is not a good person, he has been plotting against her, and even once wanted to get some raw rice to cook cooked rice.

  As a result, she was beaten to the ground by her.

  As a result, she was beaten to the ground by her.

  Now that Li Yi can help her out, she is naturally happy.

  Before Jiang Hai could make his final struggle, Li Yi directly pulled the trigger.


  Blood and brains splashed everywhere, and Wang Hanlin's head exploded in an instant.

  The loud gunshots attracted countless soldiers below.

  When they saw Li Yi who committed the murder, they were stunned for a moment, and then quickly surrounded Li Yi.

  "lay down your weapon!"

  "Drop your weapons! Or we'll shoot!"

  A group of people quickly approached Li Yi.

  However, they just wanted to get close, but they were just shocked by the fierce light in Li Yi's eyes, and no one dared to approach the past.

  Drop the pistol in hand.

  Li Yi ignored these people and walked towards Jiang Hanyue.

  "Don't put a gun at me or you will do it at your own risk."

  His tenderness has always been only towards his own woman.

  If these people dared to shoot, he didn't mind letting them see his cold side.

  Jiang Hai couldn't deny these words, and looked at the soldiers who were about to riot.

  He hurriedly stopped drinking: "Let's get back! Do you think I'm dead!"

  He was really afraid that Li Yi would do something, these soldiers were innocent people.

  And they are all good elites, if they die like this.

  That would be such a pity... .

  Those soldiers were a little confused, but they still put down their guns and acted as elite soldiers.

  Prohibition is a must.

  Li Yi sat back beside Jiang Hanyue, and Jiang Hanyue threw himself directly into his arms.

  "Baby, I'm so happy."

  It was the first time she had tasted the taste of being spoiled by others, which made her like Li Yi even more.

  Jiang Hai's face was very ugly, and finally he sighed and said, "Li Yi, what can you do to me?"

  Wang Sen and his son died in front of him, and the group of people was afraid that they were going to fall out.

  Thinking of this picture, he felt a headache.

  Li Yi glanced at him, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm: "I'm afraid Chief Jiang has never experienced the end of the world."

  "Do you really think it's still the same as it was before the end of the world?"

  Such a high-level military leader is definitely under the protection of the army, how can he experience the despair of the survivors.

  Even Li Yi had experienced that feeling of despair in the end times.

  How could he understand the thoughts of those survivors.

  Someone can give them a safe place, can give them a bite to eat.

  Those people can even pay any price.

  Jiang Hai's current concept has not been turned around, as the master of a base in the end of the world.

  This mentality is unacceptable, it will only affect his judgment.

  Countless great opportunities were missed.

  Jiang Hai was stunned, and after a while, a wry smile appeared on his face.

  He is also a smart person. After listening to Li Yi's words, he has already thought of the key points of 3.8.

  "It's my fault. I didn't expect that one day I would have to remind the younger generation."

  "Thank you."

  Jiang Hai stood up, without the face-loving mentality of some older people.

  He saluted Li Yi very seriously.

  "Thank you for your kindness, I will remember your kindness."

  he said cautiously.

  However, Li Yi grinned and smiled: "No need to remember, after all, your daughter, I accept it."

  Jiang Hai was stunned for a while, then laughed loudly.

  Yes, Li Yi is his son-in-law. With such a son-in-law, he really doesn't need to thank him.

  However, he still didn't understand what Li Yi meant.

  If he knew that Li Yi was planning to take his daughter away, he would never have laughed.

  He even tried desperately to find Li Yi. .

Chapter 207 Prove Your Ability

  "Can you tell me why you don't build a base in the military region?"

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