This time, there is less 99A to open the way, and I don't know how many soldiers will die.

  The convoy quickly drove to the Jiangcheng Military Region, and all the soldiers along the way were full of determination.

  They know that there is a good chance that there will be no return.

  But they didn't regret it.

  The will to fall into the battle, there is death but not life.

  This is the basic rule of thumb for a good soldier.

  Soon, they came outside the Jiangcheng Military Region.

  Everyone patted the guns in their hands heavily, cheering for themselves.

  Then they jumped out of the car and gathered outside.

  Jiang Hai looked at the soldiers with majesty in his eyes.

  Jiang Hai looked at the soldiers with majesty in his eyes.

  "My warriors, I am with you!"

  Just a simple sentence, but it pushed the morale to the peak.

  "Open the door!"

  With an order, the gate of Jiangcheng Military Region slowly opened.

  However, a look of consternation suddenly appeared on Jiang Hai's face.

  In front of him is not a flood of zombies, but an empty space.

  On the ground not far away, there is a large pit of more than ten meters, surrounded by a lot of blood and debris.

  "What happened here?"

  Jiang Hai was full of doubts, but still ordered the troops to move forward.

  They cautiously moved towards the Jiangcheng Military Region.

  Suddenly, the communicator on the command car rang.

  Someone is trying to access their channel.

  Jiang Hai was startled, and then looked at the communicator.

  After a rustling sound came from inside, Li Yi's voice sounded from it.

  "Don't worry, go in, the zombies were temporarily led away by me, don't make too much noise, you can still have ten minutes."

  "Li Yi!"

  Jiang Hai's heart skipped a beat, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "Where are you now?"

  After a moment of silence on the other side, a voice slowly came out: "On the way home."

  Jiang Hai slapped the table heavily: "Mummy, don't let Lao Tzu catch you, or I want you to look good!"

  However, Jiang Hanyue's laughter came from the opposite side: "Dad, you can't beat the little baby, he is a superman!"

  Jiang Hai's blue veins suddenly appeared: "You little bastard, who made you run around with others, see if I don't break your legs!"

  However, Li Yi's icy voice came over: "... Commander Jiang, you don't have much time. In addition, I advise you that you don't need to go to the communication base, and all the instruments are damaged."

  The random communication was hung up, apparently Jiang Hai's remarks annoyed Li Yi, who was protecting the shortcoming.

  "That bastard."

  Jiang Hai rubbed his head, but there was an unstoppable smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Although Li Yi kidnapped his daughter and even stole the tank.

  But he led all the zombies away, but it was enough to keep one of his soldiers alive.

  Compared with the losses, his gains are absolutely enormous.

  The only pity was communication, he didn't think Li Yi was lying to him.

  Instead of wasting time and causing losses to the soldiers under him, it is better to directly carry the arms.

  The adjutant on the side also had a smile on his face: "I just said that this kid is a good person, this really helped us a lot, hahaha."

  Jiang Hai shook his head: "It's a pity that my daughter was kidnapped."

  "But how did he lure those zombies away, did he use cannonballs?"

  He looked at the irregular pits in the distance with some doubts.

  In his impression, even a mortar can't create such a big hole.

  And in the air, he did not smell the smoke of gunpowder.

  "What the lady said before may mean something."

  The adjutant's eyes darkened a bit.

  The crack didn't have any burning marks, but it looked like something heavy fell from the sky.

  But no similar objects were seen in the crater...

  This also means...

  The two looked at each other, and both saw shock in each other's eyes.

  "I'm afraid this Li Yi is not just a super soldier!"

  The adjutant said solemnly.

  However, Jiang Hai shook his head: "Forget it, what time is it now, we don't have the time to manage so much."

  "Just make sure he's harmless to us, that's enough."

  "After all, he is still my son-in-law!".

Chapter 214 You are so handsome

  "Xinyan, is the password correct?"

  In the driver's seat of the Black Shark, Li Yi pressed his earphone and asked.

  "The password verification was successful, and the first-level authority has been unlocked. Unfortunately, the missile system failed to activate."

  Meng Xinyan's slightly regretful voice came from the earphones.

  If they can mobilize the missile system, their strength will be terrifying.

  Those missile bases all over the country are actually independent power sources.

  Even if no one handles it, it can still last for decades.

  Once you can get the order, you can launch it at any time.

  Then the whole country will be within their reach.

  "It's okay, it's enough."

  Li Yi was not surprised, after all, he had already known about it from Jiang Haikou.

  He also did not require the missile system.

  After all, his real strength is the improvement brought by mobile games.

  That's the real strength.

  It's a pity that even if there is more than [-] batteries now, the next game still has no intention of coming out.

  I don't know how much it needs to accumulate.

  Suddenly, Jiang Hanyue, who was beside him with a contemplative face, exclaimed, "You are Xinyan? Why are you there with the little baby!"

  Her eyes were full of surprise, and her expression was also very excited.

  Li Yi looked at her with some doubts: "Do you know 887?"

  After asking, he felt like he had asked something stupid.

  Meng Xinyan was surprised even by Jiang Hai, how could she not know Jiang Hanyue's character.

  And it seems that the two have a good relationship.

  Because Jiang Hanyue looked happy.

  "Yes, she is my best friend. She originally accompanied the troops to Jiangcheng, but I thought she was eaten."

  Jiang Hanyue's face was full of smiles.

  Because they are all beauties of different colors, so both of them have innate good feelings, and it does not mean that they will become best friends.

  When the news of the fall of Jiangcheng came back, she was still sad for a long time.

  "Yes, Xiao Yue? Why are you with your husband!"

  Meng Xinyan's surprised voice also came.

  She also thought that Jiang Hanyue died in the apocalypse, but she did not expect to be met by Li Yi.

  "Hee hee, I'm also the wife of the little baby now, you won't be jealous!"

  Jiang Hanyue laughed heartlessly.

  Obviously, she wasn't worried about Meng Xinyan being jealous at all, but their relationship was real.

  After all, the two had said at the time that they would always be together in the future.

  There is no problem with serving a husband together.

  The result has now come true.

  "How come, when are you coming back?"

  Meng Xinyan asked.

  Jiang Hanyue glanced at Li Yi, Li Yi thought about it, and said, "After three days, there are still some things."

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