Her mind still stopped before the end of the world, thinking that human beings should help each other.

  Maintain such a mentality, if there is no protection from Li Yi.

  There are absolutely no bones left to be eaten by those survivors.

  She was lucky, she was sheltered by Jiang Hai before, and now she is also sheltered by Li Yi.

  "Because they were afraid."

  There was a sneer at the corner of Li Yi's mouth, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.

  "They are afraid that you will grab their territory, that you will shoot their supplies, and that you will have a gun in your hand."

  He protected Jiang Hanyue behind him and walked towards the gate.

  Since these people chose to kill, he would not show any mercy.

  They shouldn't have attacked their women, these people should be damned!


  Jiang Hanyue, who was still in shock, couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw Li Yi approaching the gap before.


  Just as she remembered her voice, the sound of iron drills rubbing against the iron door rang out.

  The blood-stained iron rod stabbed Li Yi's chest fiercely.

  However, the next moment, Li Yi grasped the iron drill, and then slammed it hard.

  A scream suddenly came from the door.

  The iron drill was directly pulled out, and there were still a lot of broken flesh on it.

  Thick plasma flowed out from the gap in the iron gate.

  Being pulled out so violently, the man's hand holding the iron drill was absolutely useless.

  The powerful friction directly scratched the flesh.

  "It's fine if you don't ask indiscriminately, but it's a pity that you offended me."

  There was a sneering smile at the corner of Li Yi's mouth.

  The next moment, he was too strong in the iron drill in his hand.

  Then he slammed down towards the iron gate in front of him.

  Then he slammed down towards the iron gate in front of him.

  Stab it!

  A harsh voice sounded, on the iron gate, which was three or four millimeters thick.

  Like a piece of paper, a scratch was pulled out in an instant.

  Li Yi swung down again with an iron drill, and a scratch appeared on the other side.

  Through this gap, you can even see the frightened faces behind.

  They may have regretted why they had to provoke such a being.

  But Li Yi doesn't care what they think.

  Instead, proceed with your own demolition.

  Soon, a huge hole was drawn on the iron door.

  He walked in, and several survivors with steel forks looked at him in horror.

  One of those people clutched his injured hand and looked at him with resentment.

  "You are very brave."

  Li Yi looked cold and walked towards the group of people.

  "But you were also unfortunate enough to not kill me."

  Jiang Hanyue also followed Li Yi into the cave.

  Seeing Li Yi walking towards the group of people, her eyes were a little complicated.

  Not because of pity, she couldn't have pity for those who almost killed her.

  She is a little afraid of the world.

  · · · Flowers 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  In the end, what have these people become?

  Human life is completely worthless at this time.

  Walking in this world, you no longer only need to worry about zombies, but more about these casually killed survivors.


  She looked at Li Yi's back and muttered in a low voice.

  She knew that this man would shelter her from the wind and rain and prop up the sky in this apocalypse.

  Just as before, he was keeping her behind him.

  The strength of these few people is only the same, but they are only the strength of ordinary people.

  Li Yi easily solved them in just three or two strokes.

  Leaving the iron drill in his hand, Li Yi walked towards Jiang Hanyue.

  His hands were stained with blood, and he looked at Jiang Hanyue without speaking.

  .. . 0

  Just stared at her calmly.

  This is the first time he has shown a cruel side in front of Jiang Hanyue.

  If Jiang Hanyue had a trace of fear for him, or felt that what he was doing was wrong.

  Then Li Yi will reconsider Jiang Hanyue.

  There is no shortage of women in the apocalypse, and he doesn't want those who hold him back.

  He doesn't have the time to wait for growth, nor the energy.

  Fortunately, Jiang Hanyue did not disappoint him.

  She took out a bottle of water from her backpack and carefully washed the blood on his hands.

  And he kept saying: "Little baby, what's the matter with you, you have to do it even if you have a gun, how dirty it is."

  "Also, you should have left a living hole just now, so that we can save our time to find it, otherwise this place is so big, when will we find it."

  Li Yi was very satisfied with Jiang Hanyue's performance.

  His eyes couldn't stop smiling.

  Jiang Hanyue did not disappoint him.


  His voice was still cold, and he couldn't hear the joy in his current mood at all.

  "Hey, we have to find out when, this place is so big."

  Jiang Hanyue held him helplessly and walked towards the factory.

  Because it is a factory integrated with breeding, slaughtering and processing, the area here is very large.

  This is just a corner of it, I'm afraid it will take a day to finish.

  Even Jiang Hanyue felt her scalp go numb.

  "It's okay, we're not short of time."

  Li Yi spoke slowly, not thinking at all that the reason for this was entirely caused by his quickness. .

Chapter 216 Do You Know How Precious Women Are!

  where they are now.

  It is the warehouse part of the factory.

  That is where the finished product is stored, countless canned beef that is properly processed.

  Almost filled the entire warehouse.

  Even though Jiang Hanyue was shocked when she saw it.

  There are so many cans of beef, at least tens of thousands, and the portion is huge.

  Even an ordinary adult man.

  You will definitely be full after eating one.

  And these cans are stored for a very long time, even if they are stored for decades.

  They won't have beef for a long time in the future.

  Both Jiang Hanyue and Li Yi felt a burst of joy.

  As for taste, that's not a thing at all.

  After all, these cans are not impossible to reprocess.

  With the craftsmanship of a few girls in the family, this is easy to do.

  "Oh my god, there are so many canned beef, I've eaten enough for my whole life!"

  Jiang Hanyue shouted in surprise.

  Married daughters are like poured water, which may be what it means.

  Jiang Hanyue didn't even consider bringing these resources to her father's base.

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