Now it's like a little boss.

  Li Yi ignored him, but took Jiang Hanyue and walked towards the factory.

  He didn't have that patience, and waited here. .

Chapter 218 Businessman Li Yi

  "His grandma's, I want to see who dares to break in!"

  Just when Li Yi walked halfway.

  I heard a scolding voice coming from a distance.

  A bunch of torches came from the direction of the factory.

  It sounded like an acquaintance, it seemed that the person who was thrown away by him at the time was this voice.

  There was a smile in Li Yi's eyes.

  This man keeps hitting his gun, and he doesn't know whether to call him unlucky or lucky.

  After all, you can experience the trapeze once for free.

  "Wait for me here."

  After Li Yi explained to Jiang Hanyue, he instantly disappeared in place.

  The next moment, the strong man flew straight up.

  His terrified voice also cut through the night sky.

  "Fuck, this familiar feeling is that the adults are here, ah..."

  Then there was a muffled sound.

  Even though Jiang Hanyue felt a pain in the flesh, this one was not a light one.

  Most people are afraid that they will be directly stunned.

  However, she underestimated the man's ability to fight.

  Although he bared his teeth and grinned, he actually endured the pain and ran over, looking flatteringly at Li Yi who had returned to her side.

  "Sir, what kind of wind is blowing you here. You said you would come, so we'll take the wind and wash the dust for you!"

  His cheeky face was full of flattery.

  Then he saw Jiang Hanyue next to Li Yi, and his beautiful face immediately made him stunned.

  He had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life.

  But for the sake of his own life, he just averted his eyes, looked down at the ground and said.

  "I didn't expect to bring my sister-in-law this time. If you can only say one word, we will definitely kill a pig for you!"

  He said happily.

  Although he has no culture, he definitely knows what to watch and what not to watch.

  Although Jiang Hanyue was beautiful, in his eyes, at this moment, it was no different from the invitation from the King of Hell.

  One more look will be taken away by the King of Hell.

  "You little fat man is sensible."

  This sister-in-law made Jiang Hanyue happy.

  But her next sentence made the corner of the man's mouth twitch violently.

  "But I still want to know how you got up, even if I fell from seven or eight meters, I fell hard enough 々' ."

  Jiang Hanyue is really curious, this anti-fall ability is absolutely incredible.

  Even the soldiers in those troops are far inferior.

  "You get used to it when you fall and fall."

  The man smirked.

  He glanced at Li Yi carefully, if it were another person, he would also want to lie on the ground and not get up.

  But the man in front of him is the one who can smash concrete with one foot.

  As long as he didn't fall to his death, he would get up from the ground.

  "And this statement?"

  Jiang Hanyue looked puzzled and began to think about the feasibility.

  This skill is really useful.

  Whether it's fighting people or running away, it can be used.

  However, she didn't know that the other party was fooling him.

  Li Yi glanced at the man coldly.

  The other party shivered suddenly, and instantly understood what Li Yi meant.

  He quickly said to Jiang Hanyue: "Sister-in-law, you must not learn this ability. Don't think that I am fat now. Before, I only weighed more than [-] pounds, and I was completely swollen. This is not suitable for you!"

  Jiang Hanyue glanced at his body, which was less than [-] jin, and shuddered suddenly.

  Give up the plan to learn this ability.

  Falling more than [-] jins and falling more than [-] jins is too cruel for Nima.

  She didn't want to be like this.

  Otherwise, Li Yike would not like her.

  Seeing Jiang Hanyue give up his thoughts, the strong man was also greatly relieved.

  He finally saved his head, he was sure if his sister-in-law really learned.

  He finally saved his head, he was sure if his sister-in-law really learned.

  That grown-up would definitely screw his head off and kick it as a ball.

  "Sir, sister-in-law, let me take you to see my boss."

  He was smart not to call Big Brother.

  Li Yiqian is not so easy to take, whoever takes the delaminated skin.

  He is very clear about this.

  Li Yi nodded, holding Jiang Hanyue and following behind him.

  This time he came to find the boss of the other party.

  Another thing is to stay here for a night, after all, he doesn't know other places at night.

  Lead the way when this person is heading to the factory.

  The younger brother has been sent to report. Although he has no culture, he is not a fool.

  In case something goes wrong over there, none of them can stop Li Yi.

  A ruthless man who can smash the concrete floor with one foot and throw the [-]-pound man easily.

  Once they want to kill, a group of them are not enough for each other to kill.

  So, Li Yi just arrived at the gate of the factory.

  The group of people was already standing neatly at the door.

  Under the leadership of the nine people, they were waiting for his inspection.

  As soon as Li Yi walked in, he led the crowd and shouted in unison.

  "Welcome to the chief inspector!"

  The voice was earth-shattering, and it seemed that it had been rehearsed for a long time.

  Jiang Hanyue burst out laughing: "I didn't expect you to be the leader of a bandit."

  Li Yi glared at her.

  "This group of people is just a source of food."

  These words did not converge, and those around them heard it clearly.

  The eldest among the ten people had some desire to cry but no tears in his heart.

  Damn, he thought he was a little brother anyway, but it turned out to be just an exploited vegetable farmer.

  What worried him was that Li Yi suddenly arrived.

  I don't know what to do with him.

  "... Chief, who are you?"

  he asked cautiously.

  Li Yi walked towards the factory, he could already smell the aroma of the food.

  I just happened to be hungry and didn't want to stand here.

  When passing by the boss, he turned his head and said to him, "Eat and chat."

  Hearing this, the other party was heartbroken again.

  This is obviously his territory, but Li Yi is like a master at this moment.

  Greet him, the host, to dine together.

  But he didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction, instead he had to go in with a smile.

  At the dinner table, Jiang Hanyue looked at the various fresh vegetables on the table in surprise.

  His eyes were almost straight, and he had no time to speak.

  Just bury your head in eating.

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