Chapter 208 Discuss Life!!

“Oh, what’s the inside, Sue”

Tong Chang looked at Su Yang with a mischievous smile.

But Su Yang didn’t give him a chance to speak at all, and directly punched him in the face and knocked him unconscious.

Su Yang planned to put him and the commander of the Emerald Kingdom together and let the two of them discuss life!

Sunset City.

The first time Su Yang returned, he went to HarukawaMi’s villa.

“You’re all right?”

Su Yang asked.

Harukawa shook her head, her face lost its former brilliance, and all that was left was sadness.

If she didn’t have two children to raise, Harumi would most likely die with Kawaichi staying in Sakura Kingdom.



Su Yang seemed to have guessed what Qingchuan was going to say, long pain is not as good as short pain, Su Yang simply told Qingchuan directly.

Harukawa choked up, and the tears in her eyes kept swirling!

“Your task is to raise two children!”

“I’ll come to see you often, your daughter is very much like my sister!”

Su Yang left a word and left!

“Her name is Nagawa,” Haruka shouted from behind.

Su Yang did not look back, but only leaked a long-lost smile, although the smile was not very bright, but the slightest smile was always stronger than those fake smiles.

Su Yang kept walking, did not stop, until he reached the bridge, then sat down, Su Yang would go to the bridge every night to sit for a while.

Because the opposite side of the bridge is John City, the head of John City is the place where Wan Er died, Wan Er is Su Yang’s obsession, only this obsession goes on, Su Yang will always destroy the whole world, after destroying the world, Su Yang can see Wan Er again, although there is no memory, it does not matter! Su Yang was naked, and the bright moonlight gently caressed Su Yang’s body

The scarlet pupils are like a machete, killing the creatures of the entire world

Lighthouse Nation. Naval Command.

“Boom boom boom!”

“Come in!”

Azabe sat on the couch smoking a cigar, two pairs of slender legs curled up on the bench

Walked in formally Secretary of Defense Payton.

Azabe saw that the person who had come was Payton and sat down from the sofa.

“Here it comes! How are things going? Is there any progress? ”

Azabe asked anxiously.

Payton was not in a hurry, after all, he was a Vincent, unlike Azabu, who had been on the battlefield for decades!

Payton sat down on the bench and watched as Azabe didn’t speak.

“You say!”

Azabe shouted anxiously, but his voice was extremely low.

“Things are going well, it’s all half right, and now I’m waiting for an opportunity!”

Payton said word for word, afraid that Azabe would not be able to hear clearly. Azabe also had a smile on his face and seemed to be making good progress!

“Who else joined?”

Azabe asked again.

By this time Azabe had already lost his cigar.

“And the Commander of the Air Force, Molina!”

Payton laughed when he mentioned her name!

“What? She’s here too! ”

Azabe seemed a little disbelieving, but looking at Payton’s confident expression, he dismissed the idea.

“You can Apaton, she you can all flicker!”

Azabe patted Payton on the shoulder!

“What is flickering?”

Payton is not lost to being the first counselor of the Lighthouse Nation. This air force commander Molina, by nature, is stubborn, but upright, and sits on an equal footing with Azabe, but sometimes don’t look at Azabe brave, but in front of this air force commander, he is still very afraid of Molina!

Once, when Molina first joined the army, on a mission, in the harsh Far North, she was the only one left in the whole squad, and the enemy aircraft forced Molina to the Far North and returned.

Coincidentally, Molina’s plane just ran out of fuel, so she had to make an emergency landing on an ice field, a white expanse everywhere, and there was no end in sight.

The communicator on the plane was also broken, and there was no way to contact the headquarters.

After the headquarters determined that Molina’s plane had crashed in the far north, it immediately sent a rescue team.

The radar shows Molina’s last coordinates, not the coordinates after Molina’s fall.

So the difficulty of rescue has increased!

When Molina woke up, she found that there were already many wounds on her body, and she was still bleeding, so she struggled to get up, and crawled out after a simple treatment of the emergency raw bag on the plane.

When she saw a snow field with no end in sight, her heart was already extremely broken.

At that time, she thought that she would simply die here, and she would not move. But after seeing several polar bears around the plane, she immediately dismissed this idea, even if she died, she could not die under the mouth of the polar bear, she pulled out the pistol in her waist and killed a polar bear, and then looked at the only bullet left in the magazine, she quickly put away the pistol, this last bullet was for registration, and the other polar bears heard the gunshot and immediately ran!

Molina hurriedly climbed over and ripped off the polar bear’s skin, wrapping it directly around herself, and the temperature in the Far North had reached minus forty degrees Celsius.

Molina basically lost her body temperature, and she didn’t feel a little body temperature until she had draped the polar bear’s skin on her body.

The remaining flesh of the polar bear, Molina cut it with a dagger and scattered it. He walked aimlessly on the white snowfield, occasionally encountering a few penguins, but Molina did not go to slaughter the penguins, not because the penguin meat was not delicious, but because the polar bear on her back was enough to feed her for two days.

Molina walked unconscious, her legs were frozen purple, her mind had begun to hallucinate, and her eyes had been illuminated by strong ultraviolet rays and could not see the road ahead.

The polar bear meat on her back was enough for Molina to live for two days, and Molina rummaged through her supplies, which were only a pistol and a bullet, and a few pieces of polar bear meat, and her clothes were only the skin of a polar bear

The pilot’s clothes were so thin that they couldn’t withstand such cold weather.

On the first day, Molina slept in an ice cellar, but returned the next day

The ice cellar has completely collapsed, and there is even a possibility of an avalanche, and if Molina is still sleeping here, the relentless avalanche will bury Molina in the ice and snow.

Molina had to find another shelter the next day, but the snow was boundless

It was unrealistic to find a suitable shelter, Molina suddenly remembered the Aurora Station in the North Pole, she took out the map, with her profound memory ability, found her location on the map, looking at the location of the Aurora Station, which was 20 kilometers away from herself

On the snowy field, there is no marker, and if you want to go to the Aurora Station, you can only rely on your own willpower to survive somewhere!

But this is not easy to talk about, after Molina ate the last bite of meat, there was only one bullet left in the pistol, she could be completely relieved here, but she did not want to die so easily, the husband and children in the family were still waiting for her, and her comrades were also looking forward to their return to the base.

On the third day, Molina was only 10 kilometers away from the Aurora Station, but her physical strength was extremely exhausted, there was no food, no fresh water, and she was limping in the far north, and the scars on her body were completely inflamed, and if it was not dealt with in time, it was likely to be fatal.

Just when Molina was only 5 kilometers away from the laser station, the staff of the Aurora station found Molina, who was already unconscious, through a thermal imaging scanner!

After being rescued back to China, with this excellent combat ability and command ability, she was directly transferred to the Air Force Command, and in the following decades, Molina continued to improve herself, and finally reached today’s point, Air Force Commander!

The reason why Azabu admired her was that this alone could convince everyone to live in the Far North for 4 days without resources for food.

The first words after being rescued were “Mission accomplished!” ”

At that time, various media outlets in the Lighthouse Nation rushed to interview Molina, and even if it weren’t for Molina’s teammates taking care of her in the hospital, there was a good chance that the crazy reporters would have rushed to the ward!

They can do whatever it takes to make a big news, even if Molina is already in danger in the ward, they will rush in without hesitation.

Azabe’s competitive spirit is very strong, but in front of Molina, all the competitive spirit is illusory.

“Come in!”

Payton yelled out the door!

Then a woman with beautiful blond hair and long legs walked in, and Azabe’s eyes were straight, this person was no one else, it was Molina and his assistant!

Azabe and Peton and Molina are the same batch of graduates of the military academy, but the wrinkles and white hair on The faces of Peyton and Azabe cannot be covered up, but Molina is still radiant, and there is no wrinkle on her face, and I don’t know which military school has just graduated from college!

“Hello! General Azabe! ”

Molina took the lead in greeting Azabe, “Ah! ”

Azabe was stunned at first, and then immediately got up and saluted Molina, a standard salute.

Although Azabe saw that others had always been saluted by others, the woman in front of him gave Azabu no more oppression than their instructor!

Montenegrin Old Demon!

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