"Kill him quickly!"

The surrounding soldiers shouted, with their rifles in their hands, they fired wildly at Qin Feng.

Clang, clang, clang... the bullets hit the outer shell of the Mark 3-7, and there was a dense sound of metal collision!

But Qin Feng inside the armor didn't understand. Too lazy to pay attention.

Alloy steel is immune to conventional bullets, let alone gold and titanium alloys that are more than ten times harder than alloy steel! Bullets from ordinary rifles cannot even leave a white mark on the Mark 3-7!

The paint surface is No damage!

Against the hail of bullets, Qin Feng walked, raised his hand, and used his palm cannon to destroy the enemies in front of him as if he was spreading out in his back garden.



Particle beams can easily penetrate the human body!

Sometimes even The bunkers they were hiding in were all broken down!

"Just that little strength?"

"Don’t you have superpowers and super soldiers? Qin

Feng said, walked to the protective wall outside the Blackhand Building, raised his arm, and the armor bounced off!

An anti-armor penetrating missile escaped from the cabin!

Like a sharp arrow, it flew straight out and hit. On this four-meter-high reinforced concrete wall!


With a roar, a large piece of the four-meter-high protective wall collapsed!

The anti-armor missile not only exploded the wall.

The direction of the explosion was controllable, It also formed a large cone-shaped impact flame stream that penetrated the wall and burned the Black Hand soldiers hiding behind the wall to charcoal.

"Sir, I'm aiming!"

In a window of the Black Hand Building, a soldier carrying an anti-material sniper rifle was already aiming at Qin Feng, who was killing everyone below.

"Shoot quickly!"

The commander hiding in the underground base did not finish his words.


With a soft sound, a particle beam instantly penetrated the sniper's head!

The high temperature directly melted most of his head!

"Who are you going to snipe at?"

Qin Feng's tone was cold.

Mark3-7 has a built-in biological scanner. Within a range of two hundred meters, as long as the cover is not too thick, no creature can escape Qin Feng's eyes.

Dong Dong Dong...

Suddenly, a heavy sound Footsteps came from the side of the Black Hand Building!

The footsteps sounded like a herd of elephants running over!

The armor also scanned dozens of life forms with strong biological energy!

They were displayed in front of Qin Feng's eyes through the HUD!

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived..."

Qin Feng just finished speaking.

Dozens of super soldiers rushed out from the side of the building!

Not wearing any clothes!

The muscles that are tightly arranged like rocks are exposed. During running, the muscles are pulled and drawn, and they are full of explosive power all the time!


Almost all their little wisdom is used to identify the enemy and ourselves! As soon as they appeared, these super soldiers rushed towards Qin Feng in a swarm!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Qin Feng raised his hands and fired continuously with the palm cannon!

But these guys can't even hideone time!

As long as they are not hit in the vital parts, they will not fall down. Even if their bodies are penetrated by the palm cannon, they will still act as if nothing happened!

No pain!

It is indeed an advantage sometimes.

Under the bombardment of particle beams, these super warriors rushed to Qin Feng in just a moment!

The leading man is the tallest and strongest among these super warriors!

Three meters tall like an iron tower!

The muscles are as if they were made of steel, bulging high!

Revealing the purest sense of power!


I saw him roaring angrily, raising his iron fist, and the veins on his right arm were clearly visible!

However, before he could land his punch, a whip cord glowing with electric light fell on his raised arm!

The strong man Reflexively, he opened his hand and grabbed the whip cord!


But the next second, the high-heat sparks carried by the electromagnetic whip cord burned and penetrated the strong man's palm!

"Do you really dare to catch anything?"

Even Qin Feng admires the courage of the strong man.

He can split a Rolls-Royce with a whip and cause burning damage to gold and titanium alloys. This guy actually dares to take it with his hands!

"remarkably brave!"

Qin Feng said, pulling back the whip cord, and the strong man's palm was cut in half!

The cut was charred, and the smoky bones could be seen!

"Kill you!"

But the strong man roared as if nothing was wrong, raised his half-broken palm, and continued to attack!

This time,

Qin Feng did not continue to dodge, and the electromagnetic whip cord in his hand was also transferred from his right hand to his left hand.

"Come! Try it!"

Qin Feng roared angrily, making a fist with his armored right hand, and the leg boosters suddenly started!

A pair of real iron fists, under the dual action of mechanical force and propulsion, crashed into the severed palm of the strong man!


Accompanied by the beating. There was a roar like a drum!

The strong man's severed palm shattered instantly. The terrifying impact along the arm shattered all the bones of the strong man's arm!

A piece of broken bone was stabbed out directly from the right shoulder!

"Well, the impact is okay?"

Compared to the miserable condition of the strong man, Qin Feng only felt a little numbness in his hands.

This punch was just used to test the buffer device of the new armor.

As for the strength of the armor?

I'm sorry, even if the strong man tried his best, it would shatter. Even the bones in my body cannot pose even the slightest threat to the gold-titanium alloy.

"OK, your role is over."

After finishing the fist fight with the strong man, Qin Feng didn't even look at the strong man with a broken arm. He turned on the propeller and soared into the sky!


The dozens of super warriors following the strong man couldn't even touch Qin Feng. They could only watch Qin Feng fly into the sky!

They couldn't touch him!

"If it wasn't for the testing of the new armor, you would have been gone long ago...."

Qin Feng hovered in the air and said in his heart.

He's not that Tony Stark guy!

The advantages of the Mark series of armors are obviously air superiority, long-range strikes, and air-to-ground strikes, but Stark, who is such a loser, has to fight in close combat with a group of non-human beings!

I got hammered every time!

"This is the generation of pretenseah..."

Qin Feng finished speaking.

The propeller increases the power, and the whole person flies into the distance like a sharp arrow!

"Sir! The target seems to be gone?"

In the underground base, the commander looked at the picture on the big screen and said in disbelief.

A smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

We seem to...Won?


"He didn't leave!"

But soon, two exclamations from the people around him made the smile on his face freeze instantly and disappear!

Only the picture could be seen.

Qin Feng, who had just flown far away, turned and flew back again, and this time, there was no trace of anything. Anti-aircraft weapons can limit his flight!

"What is he going to do?"

One of the commanders said in a trembling voice.

After hearing his words, others also guessed what they were talking about, and the expressions on their faces changed instantly!

"He's going to bomb us! ?"

With an exclamation.

Qin Feng in the picture dives downwards, and the armor on the front side of Da Yuehui unfolds outwards, revealing four spiral-type ground-attack missiles arranged inside!

Four on one side, that is, eight.!

The next second, all eight missiles were thrown down!

They spun and hit the ground!

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