Entering the building,

Jarvis immediately scanned the structural diagram of the building, and then fed it back on Mark3-7's HUD.

Qin Feng took a look and walked straight to the command room. His pace was neither fast nor slow, as if he was strolling in his back garden.

"Stop him quickly!"


The soldiers in the building shouted in jittery language.

Then they kept shooting at Qin Feng!

Gunshots kept ringing in the building!

Bullets of various types hit Qin Feng's armor, bounced off one after another, and landed on Qin Feng's armor. There were bullet holes in the surrounding walls.

Occasionally, there were unlucky people who were hit by the ricocheting bullets and died under their own guns!

The worst one was Navas, who was being carried by Qin Feng!

Whether it was strafing bullets or ricocheting bullets bounced off the armor, he didn't know how many times he suffered!

If it weren't for his strong physique, he would have died tragically on the spot!

"What kind of bird language are you talking about?..."

Qin Feng said impatiently.

Although he completely ignored these rifle bullets, the tinkling sound of the bullets hitting the armor was still very disturbing.

Coupled with the chirping of these two monkeys, it becomes even more annoying.

"Really looking for death! Qin

Feng said.

Holding Navas with one hand, the palm of the other hand was facing forward, and particle beams shot out!

Boom boom boom...

Almost every time he raised his hand, an Er Monkey soldier was penetrated. His head fell back with a look of horror!

Even hiding behind the bunker was useless!

The walls of ordinary buildings could not block the particle beam at all, and the walls were penetrated together!

When Qin Feng found the command room of Guman Base , he had killed countless people along the way, and he was even a little numb by the end of the killing!

As long as he saw someone, whether male or female, he would raise his hand and shoot a palm cannon!

In the command room, he listened to the gunfire that gradually stopped outside. , and the heavy footsteps of Mark's armor getting closer and closer.

The Kshatti swallowed in horror.

There was a dead silence in the command room, and everyone didn't even dare to take a breath!


Listen to the sound coming closer and closer outside the door. At the sound of footsteps, a soldier instinctively took out his pistol, holding it with trembling hands, and pointed the muzzle at the door.

In extreme panic, he didn't even turn off the safety of the pistol!

"lay down!"

"Put the gun down!"

The Kshatti shouted to the soldier sternly and quietly.

When he broke in with so many bullets and bullets, and forcefully accepted the existence that was fine even with a punch from Gas, what use could a small pistol do?


Hearing Kshatti's words, the soldier also reacted.

He quickly threw the gun to the ground, kicked it far away, and then raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"I didn't ask you to vote..."

Seeing this scene, the Kshatti just wanted to get angry, but then, being a cunning man, he realized something.

He quickly whispered to the others:

"quick! Put your hands up!"

"No one is allowed to shoot!"

"Do you understand?"

Under the order of the Kshatti, everyone in the command room threw away their weapons and raised their hands. They listened with fear to the footsteps getting closer and closer outside the door.

Dong Dong Dong...

Soon, the heavy and unique Mark armor The sound of footsteps stopped in front of the door of the command room.

No one dared to take a breath!


The next second, the closed door was kicked away!

The heavy door panel flew in and hit an unlucky person. Dan's body was smashed out, and it fell heavily to the ground together with the door panel. His chest was sunken, and he died instantly!

Qin Feng broke in, and as soon as he came in, he knocked out Navas, who was left with only his last breath. , casually thrown on the floor of the command room.


With a dull impact, Navas, who was covered in bruises, fell heavily to the ground! He also slid forward a little.

He didn't stop until he hit the Kshatti's feet. down

"help me...newspaper...newspaper..."

Navas, who had no tongue, squeezed out the words with difficulty.

But before he could finish his last words, the Kshatti quickly kicked him beside him with his foot. The expression on his face was like saying, 'You will die if you f*ck, don't implicate me'!

"What does raising your hands mean?"

After throwing away Navas, Qin Feng also saw the situation in the command room. Everyone in the command room, including the Kshatti, threw away their weapons, raised their hands, and looked at him with eyes full of fear and uneasiness.

"My lord, we surrender, we surrender."

The Kshatdi said, and knelt down without hesitation.

He surrendered to the ground!

He expressed his surrender to Qin Feng in an extremely humble posture!

Immediately afterwards, the others also knelt down in surrender, with their faces completely pressed to the ground. The body that was kneeling down was still trembling slightly.

"Surrender, right?"

"Why are there only a few of you? Shouldn't there be an American named Jock?"

Qin Feng looked at this scene expressionlessly and said indifferently.

"Chief Jock..."

"At this..."

A soldier lying on the ground pointed at the corpse beside him and said tremblingly.

It was Jock who had his heart ripped out by Navas just now!


Qin Feng suddenly realized

"Okay, you guys stand in a row against the wall and stand straight."

The plain voice penetrated the armor without a trace of emotion.

"OK OK."

The Kshatti was the first to get up from the ground, walked to the wall and stood up straight.

He acted as if he would be in disaster if he was slow for one second!

Others also ran over and stood.

Although they didn't know what to do next, What will happen when they come down, but they are still standing in a row against the wall as if they were punished, looking at Qin Feng with fearful and uneasy eyes.

Navas, who was thrown to the ground and ignored, in his final moments, Seeing this scene, I understood everything instantly

"You stupid Asan, he doesn’t care about our life or death at all..."

But he would never be able to say this. at the same time.

Qin Feng looked at the Shadi and others standing in a row and said in a calm tone:

"Turn around."

Three simple words.

In Kshatti's ears, they exploded like thunder! It made his head buzz!

"Sir, I, we, have surrendered, surrendered."

The Kshatti said in panic.

He knew better than anyone what it meant to say these three words at this time.

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