"Sir, I'm sorry to remind you that according to this plan, you need to produce more manufacturing bugs."

Jarvis reminded helplessly.

There are too many tasks to be processed, and the existing manufacturing bugs can no longer cope with them!

"How many manufacturing bugs are there in total now?"

Qin Feng asked.

He only knew that there are about a hundred manufacturing bugs.

But the specific number is not known.

Because new manufacturing bugs are produced every day, and there are also manufacturing bugs that are scrapped and recycled due to malfunctions. Material reconstruction

"There are currently a total of 124 machinery manufacturing machines!"


"Make-1 micro mechanical bug-21 units!"

"MK-2 medium-sized mechanical bugs-75 units!"

"MK-3 large mechanical bugs - 14 units!"

"MK-4 space work bugs - 4 units!"

"MK-5 nanometer mechanical bugs - 10 units!"

Jarvis quickly reported the report.

The industrial zone only provides a variety of raw materials. These more than one hundred mechanical bugs are Qin Feng's current core productivity.


"Change the production steps of the mechanical bug. First build the assembly line of the main components, and use the assembly line to mass produce parts!"

"Finally assemble the parts!"

"Contact Mr. Chen and ask him to clear out an empty factory building specifically for the production of mechanical bugs!"

Qin Feng thought for a moment and then ordered.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools!

As the core production unit, mechanical insects are the core of all Qin Feng's next plans! Without enough mechanical insects, the plan will never work. It's a plan, it can't be realized

"By the way, according to the current design ideas, create a batch of larger heavy-duty manufacturing insects."

"The body size cannot be less than five meters."

Qin Feng suddenly thought of something and added.

The global strike system in his plan...

There is an important core!

Just a ridiculously big guy!

It is no exaggeration to say that that thing is a mobile base, a fortress flying in the sky!

"When this thing is built, there will be no place on this earth that I dare not attack."


"I could really rule the world like the villain in the movie."

Looking at the big guy on the drawing, Qin Feng smiled to himself.

"Or, you can be like the hero in the movie, leading mankind out of the apocalypse and saving the world."

Jarvis added

"It all means the same thing, no matter the hero or the villain, in the end I am the dictator."

Qin Feng curled his lips and said.

In a situation like the end of the world, what is the difference between saving the world and ruling the world?

Isn't ruling a kind of salvation?

"Forget it, it’s a bit far."

"Anyway, now, I deploy the global strike system for only one purpose..."

Speaking of this, Qin Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

"Call Shadow Moon over, it’s time to find out the details of the Vanguard organization."Qin Feng said coldly.

That's right!

The purpose of Qin Feng's deployment of the global strike system is to quickly and accurately eliminate the enemy!

No matter where the opponent is hiding!

This air-based global strike system is composed of two cores.!

‘Kong' refers to the Aegis mothership that Qin Feng will build next!

And in the movie"Captain America 2", the Trident mothership made by Hydra can accurately strike ground targets anytime and anywhere!

‘Base' is the new space-based weapon!

The last actual combat has proved that as a reconnaissance satellite, the Znami satellite is not a qualified space-based weapons platform!

So Qin Feng plans to build a geostationary orbit satellite himself!

Sent to a geostationary orbit thirty-five thousand kilometers above the earth!

Used to serve as a space-based weapons platform!

Once these two plans are implemented, Qin Feng will have global strike capabilities!

You can carry out precise and devastating strikes against enemies around the world anytime and anywhere!


"Master, are you looking for me?"

Not long after receiving Qin Feng's message,

Shadow Moon, wearing black and white combat armor, entered the basement.

"Well, have you met Su Mengyao?"

Hearing Yingyue's voice, Qin Feng said without turning around.

"Saw it from afar"

"Very haggard, but did not recognize me."

Yingyue's tone was calm.

But you could hear a trace of distress in it.

"Do you know why I called you here?"

Qin Feng turned off the holographic projection, slowly lit the drawings on the table, and said at the same time

"Pioneer organization?"

Yingyue guessed the key at once.

"Yes, tell me everything you know."

After burning the drawings, Qin Feng turned his attention to Yingyue and couldn't help but nodded.

His craftsmanship is really good.

"In fact, this vanguard organization, I had already contacted them before the end of the world"

"At that time they were called Frontier Scientific Research and Experimental Group!"

"ASR for short!"

Yingyue said in shock.

"You wait a moment..."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he communicated with Jarvis in his mind:"Old Jia, is there any information about this organization in the data downloaded before the network was disconnected?"

"Sir, yes!"

Jarvis said.

All the information about this organization in the database was displayed in front of Qin Feng.

"Frontier Scientific Research and Experiment Group"

"ASR for short"

"This organization brings together cutting-edge talents from various fields around the world!"

"The business covers machinery, medicine, aviation, biology, energy, automobiles, arms... and other fields."

There is not much information, but the content is extremely horrifying.

"Why have I never heard of such an nb organization?"

Qin Feng frowned and wondered in his heart.

"Sir, the organization keeps an extremely low profile and never leaks any information to the outside world."

Jarvis replied.

To put it bluntly, Qin Feng's social class before the end of the world had no access to this level of existence.

"Can you find the founder of this organization?"

Qin Feng asked in his heart

"Sorry, Sir, I can't find any relevant information."

Jarvis said helplessly.

But at the same time as he answered, Jarvis cleverly retrieved the information that he downloaded from the backend of Swiss Bank before the network was disconnected.

"Sir, although I didn’t find the founder of ASR"

"But I discovered that half of the members on Vice Booth's rich list, as well as multiple syndicates around the world, have significant financial ties to the organization."

Jarvis replied.

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