With the experimental foundation in hand, Qin Feng asked Jarvis to manufacture several brand-new injection chambers according to the highest standards.

Prepare to inject serum into Annie and others.

Leave the biology lab.

It's already noon outside, the autumn sun is shining brightly, it's warm, and there's a hint of autumn's unique dryness.

"Calculating the time, Huishan Farm should be harvesting soon, right?"

Qin Feng asked in a deep voice.

Today's Huishan Prison has completely become a Huishan Farm.

Outside the high walls of the prison, there are patches of rice and wheat growing happily!

Under the careful care of the old, weak, sick and disabled, these crops The rice and wheat on the newly reclaimed wasteland grow better than those planted in the most fertile soil!

If nothing happens, after this autumn harvest, Yinx City’s food supply for the next two years should not be a problem!

"Yes, Sir, Li Gensheng left you a message yesterday, but you probably didn't see it."

Jarvis replied.

Li Gensheng.

He was the person who was sent by Qin Feng to manage Huishan Farm after Yin Chenghan's death.

He was an old employee of the steel mill and was one of the first people to follow Qin Feng.

He was also Under his management,

Huishan Farm has the beautiful harvest it has today!

The area of ​​reclaimed wasteland is more than three times that of Yin Chenghan’s management!

And all of it is planted with grains, vegetables, and even fruits!

"He left a message because he wanted me to come over and have a look, right?"

Qin Feng smiled and instantly guessed what Li Gensheng was thinking.

Li Gensheng is the same as Mr. Chen who manages the industrial zone.

These old people who were the first to follow Qin Feng, their loyalty to Qin Feng has reached the level of feudal society, and ministers I am so stupidly loyal to the emperor.

I want Qin Feng to go over and see everything. If he gets a compliment, his beard will fly with joy.

"Yes, Sir, he wants you to give the order for the harvest."

Jarvis's answer verified Qin Feng's conjecture.

"How come these old guys are all practicing formalism?"

Qin Feng shook his head, but there was still a smile on his face.

"Forget it, if you have nothing to do, just go and have a look. Qin

Feng said. He returned to the villa, called Su Mengyao and Annie, and the group boarded the Quinjet and flew towards the Huishan Farm.

"elder brother! look!"

Before the plane landed, Anne looked through the porthole and saw a large golden rice field swaying in the wind below.

In the desperate doomsday.

Seeing such a harvest scene again, everyone couldn't help but smile.

This is the source The obsession that comes from the bones of the Yanhuang people!



"look! It's Leader Qin's plane! The leader of Qin is here!"

"Step aside! Step aside! Don't get in the way of the plane landing!"

"Get rid of those little red guys wearing crotchless pants!"

"So unsightly!"

Seeing the arrival of the Quinjet, hundreds of old, weak, sick and disabled people in Huishan Farm immediately cheered. Immediately afterwards, the crowd became active.

They were giving space and chasing away children, but on everyone's face, All with smiles from the heart

"Fortunately, we were lucky enough to meet the leader of Qin...."

"Otherwise, how could I survive until now with my lame old bones?..."

An old man on crutches put down the half-woven fruit basket and sighed sincerely.

Put it on other base.

The old, weak, sick and disabled have long been thrown out to feed the zombies.


"Mr. Qin is here! ?"

Hearing people's cheers, a dark-skinned middle-aged man's head emerged from the rice field and said in surprise.

He is Li Gensheng.

Unlike other people, they, the old people, are still used to calling Qin Feng, Mr. Qin. It's very strange. Quick.

The Quinjet landed vertically on a piece of open space that everyone had vacated.

The cabin door opened, and Qin Feng walked out with the girls.

"Leader of Qin!"

"Leader of Qin!"

Seeing Qin Feng, hundreds of people, including the elderly, children, and disabled people, all bent down and knelt down!

Some who had difficulty walking simply threw away their crutches and lay down directly on the ground!



A few girls were startled, and Annie even shrank directly behind Qin Feng.

They didn't dare to accept this great gift!

"Get up, everyone."

Qin Feng had an indifferent expression on his face. His young and handsome face had begun to assume the majesty that a ruler should have. His plain words made people dare not question them.

When everyone heard this, they stood up quickly. , and with the help of people around him, he stood up again on crutches.

"Mr. Qin!"

With a loud shout, the disgraced Li Gensheng ran over from the field with a smile on his dark face.

His trousers were covered with mud.

"Qin, Mr. Qin, the workers and harvesters are ready, waiting for your order."

Li Gensheng, who was in his fifties, ran to Qin Feng in one breath and said breathlessly. There was always a smile on his face.

"Then let’s get started. Qin

Feng smiled slightly and said in a deep voice. As soon as he finished speaking, several young people who had been waiting for a long time immediately got into the harvester nearby, started the machine skillfully, and drove towards the rice fields and wheat fields.

They were all disabled people. , but the disability does not affect their learning and driving agricultural machinery

"Hurry up! Everyone, follow up! Don't waste a grain of food!"

Li Gensheng saw it and hurriedly ordered everyone.

In fact, without any urging from him, these people who had carefully taken care of the crops also knew how to follow the harvester with sickles, bags or dustpans.

Manually harvest those parts that were missed by the machine. Two rice and wheat plants.

For a moment, even the air was filled with the fragrance of rice and wheat.

"Brother, can I go over and help? ?"

Looking at the busy harvest scene, Annie's two big eyes shone with light.

In fact, not only Annie, but several women, including Su Mengyao, were also ready to make a move.

Children who grew up in the city.

Perhaps. I’ve seen it before.

But few people have personally experienced the joy of this harvest.

"Go ahead."

As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, the girls rushed into the rice fields impatiently and began to help the busy Li Gengsheng and others.

"Hey, hey, ears of rice cannot be mixed with ears of wheat.~"

"Those soybeans are reserved for seeds and cannot be pulled out~"

In the busy farmland, there were voices that couldn't help but laugh.

But soon, the girls understood what to do. They quickly changed from being a disservice to a real help. Such a bumper harvest The scene lasted until three or four o'clock in the afternoon. The harvested rice and wheat were filled with bags after bags! Then they were taken away by cars! The next step was to dry and shell them! Others, such as corn, were piled up. One hill after another!

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