Every fearless warrior falls.

They are all like cannonballs!

Make a deep pit ranging from half a meter to one meter on the high wall or under the high wall!

Immediately afterwards, these four-meter-tall steel giants stood up unscathed.

Wielding a saw chain sword that rotates at 4,600 rpm, he rushed towards the surrounding soldiers like a tiger rushing into a herd of sheep!

Swing the chain sword!

That means at least one person was split into two!

What a miserable death!

"Damn it!"

"Regular ammunition is ineffective!!"

"Change to armor-piercing bullets! Armor-piercing bullets!"

Soon, the soldiers at the Xilia base discovered that their weapons were unable to cause damage to these steel giants wearing power armor! The bullets were bounced away!

Only the weird rifles of the Pioneer organization can attack the fearless warriors. Leaves a dent in the power armor.

But if you want to penetrate the armor...

Then they have to hit at least two or three consecutive shots at the same part! at the same time.

The mechanical legions also joined the battle following the fearless warriors.

The Zephyr No. 1, which was hovering in the air, lowered its altitude and dropped all twenty mechanical dogs and ten terrifying robots at a lower altitude.

Each mechanical dog adjusted its position in the air and landed on all fours.

The moment it landed, the hydraulic mechanism of the limbs relieved the impact!



Compared to the dexterity of the mechanical dog, the horror robot seems much simpler and rougher!

They are the same as the Dauntless Warriors!

It was smashed down hard, and every time it hit the ground, the ground trembled slightly!

Immediately afterwards, these three-meter-high firepower machines, together with mechanical dogs, began to clean up the defense forces of the Hyxlia base.

Micro-missiles pierced the air one after another!

Explodes everywhere!

The sound of heavy machine gun fire never stopped for a moment!

Compared to the fearless warriors' powerful individual combat capabilities, the mechanical legions are better in firepower. It is almost a one-sided massacre against these ordinary soldiers with mortal bodies!

In the face of this terrifying firepower, the defense force of the Xilia base was instantly suppressed and unable to raise its head!

Click, click, click...

A group of Vanguard soldiers hid behind the bunker.

I don’t even dare to raise my head!

Several mechanical dogs are standing outside, shooting wildly at this wall!

Large-caliber ammunition hit the reinforced concrete bunker one after another!

Suddenly rubble flew everywhere!

"The target is hidden in the bunker! Switch to armor-piercing rounds!"

Just when the mechanical dog was about to switch the ammunition type.

A terrorist robot not far away suddenly pointed its mechanical arm here, and two micro missiles came out of the missile slot! The micro missiles came out of the missile slot! The missile drew an arc in the air!

It bypassed the bunker!

It fell from the heads of the pioneer soldiers!



Accompanied by two violent explosions, a lot of broken flesh and blood rained down. He was blown into the sky from behind the bunker!

But the Xilia base was not helpless.

Although the rifles equipped by the pioneer soldiers could not penetrate the power armor of the fearless warriors with one shot, they were miraculous against mechanical dogs and terrorist robots.!

Especially for thinly armored units like mechanical dogs, it is particularly deadly!

Pioneer organization soldiers only need one shot!

They can penetrate the thin layer of alloy steel armor and cause damage to the mechanical dogs!

If it hits a vital location...

Even two or three shots can take down a mechanical dog!

Although the armor of the horror robot is a little thicker than that of the mechanical dog, it is not that much thicker.

After all, it is a mass production machine!

It can't withstand the continuous attacks of this weird rifle!

Fortunately, with the fearless warriors pressing forward step by step and the firepower suppressed by the mechanical legion, the soldiers of the Pioneer organization did not have many shooting opportunities.

They all hid behind the bunker, not even daring to raise their heads!

"Armor-piercing projectiles are equipped!"

When the mechanical dogs and terror robots were equipped with armor-piercing bullets one after another, these soldiers hiding behind the bunkers ushered in the doomsday!

A round of heavy machine gun sweeps!

Even the bunkers were riddled with holes, like chaff!

Not to mention There are soldiers hiding behind!


"Sir! The front line can't hold it anymore!"

The one-sided battle situation quickly reached the command room of Xia base.

"Give up the perimeter defense!"

"Lure enemies into residential areas!"

"Call out the shifters!"

"Fight with them in street fights!"

Victor looked at the one-sided massacre scene on the screen, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said. As soon as the order came out.

At the high wall of the defense line, the soldiers who were fighting head-on with the fearless warriors and the mechanical legion instantly became abandoned!

The dense sound of gunfire only Lasted for ten seconds...

Just gradually stop!

The high walls of the base that were originally defended by thousands of people were reduced to billowing smoke, and the buildings were riddled with holes!

Even the high reinforced concrete walls had several sections collapsed by the blast!

There are corpses and broken arms everywhere!

The smoke and the smell of blood mixed together to form a disgusting pungent smell that drifted into the base!

When this smell wafted over, the mixed-race survivors' living area instantly became a mess!



Ever heard!

There are all kinds of people who want to escape, who want to take advantage of the chaos to rob supplies!

The scene is chaotic!

Among this chaotic crowd, there were dozens of shapeshifters with animal patterns tattooed on their bodies, taking the opportunity to hide in the intricate buildings.

Prepare for a surprise attack

"What does this mean?"

"Want to start a street fight with me?"

"If I think there are survivors, I will take action and not dare to shoot indiscriminately?"

In Hefeng No. 1, Qin Feng noticed these people keenly, and couldn't help but reveal a trace of sneer on his face.

These people are too naive.

"Jarvis, burst their fantasies. Qin

Feng said coldly

"Okay, Sir."

With Jarvis's reply, the mechanical legions and fearless warriors who had just cleared the outer defense line immediately walked towards the residential area.

Among them, the mechanical dogs equipped with life scanners were at the forefront!

The scanners they were equipped with, Can pass through buildings and scan the life forms inside!

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