The next day.

After breakfast, Qin Feng took Annie to the basement

"Today we are going to do armor! I'm a little pressed for time and have to finish it within three days!"Qin Feng said seriously.

There are still four days before the power outage!

He must build new armor before the power outage, go to the nuclear power plant, and find all the materials needed for the Ark reactor!

That's right!

The nuclear power plant!

Last night, Qin Feng had already decided where to go. Looking for reactor materials!

A nuclear power plant fifty kilometers away!

(In fact, the distance between most nuclear power plants and cities is far less than 50 kilometers, usually 10-15 kilometers)

Before that, he must first build a nuclear power plant that can withstand nuclear radiation New armor!

"Build armor?"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Annie pointed to the charging Mark1 in the corner and asked:"Is that it?"

"No, it's new."

Qin Feng shook his head with a smile and placed the printed blueprint in front of Annie.

On the blueprint, there is a real steel suit!

Except for the lack of the Ark reactor on the chest, the shape is almost the same as Iron Man's Mark 2!

"looks great!"

"This transmission method is amazing..."

Anne was attracted by the appearance of Mark2 at first, but soon became immersed in the complex black technology of Mark2.

"Wait a minute, brother, why doesn’t the armor have an operating system?"

Suddenly, Annie noticed a very strange thing.

That is, the drawings did not mention any information about the operating system, but every function of the armor was related to the operating system!

Silly girl, the operating system is Javi Si~

Qin Feng answered this question in his mind.

In this way, even if Annie learns how to make armor, she will not be able to get rid of Qin Feng and make armor by herself.

Of course, it is not that it cannot be made, it is that it cannot be moved after it is made!

Every part of Mark's armor Every piece of technology needs to be related to Jarvis!

Without the operating system of Jarvis, even if the armor is built, it will still be an immovable iron shell!

"You don't need to worry about the operating system, just build the armor."Qin Feng said lightly.


Of course Anne wouldn't think much about it, she was immersed in the shock that Mark2 brought to her.

"Just watch it first."

While Annie was looking at the drawings, Qin Feng turned around and started making another very important thing.

"Jarvis, expand the production materials of nanoalloy gel"

"OK, Sir"


Half an hour later, after reading the drawings of Mark 2, Annie came to Qin Feng

"Brother, what is this?"

Anne looked at the pressure tank in Qin Feng's hand with curiosity.

"Nanoalloy gel. Qin

Feng said, picked up a piece of paper, and then sprayed the contents of the pressure tank on it. What was sprayed out of the tank was a light silver gas!

Qin Feng only sprayed a little bit, covering a lot of the paper. a very thin layer

"Now counting down to 30 seconds"

"29, 28...3, 2, 1."

When the count reached one, Qin Feng handed the paper to Annie and said at the same time:"Here, you tear it up and take a look."

Anne took the paper and tore it several times!

She didn't even tear the thin paper apart!

"Come on, give it to me."

Qin Feng also tried to tear it apart, but it took all the strength of nine cows and two tigers before he tore a small hole.

"It should be a success."

As he said that, Qin Feng picked up a utility knife from the side and scratched on the paper.

There was a metallic friction sound.


Seeing this scene, Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction. He finally succeeded!

After three or four failures, he finally created a qualified nano-alloy gel!

"Is this for armor?"Annie asked curiously

"Of course not, this is used to strengthen perimeter defense."

Qin Feng smiled. The armor's defensive power is already enough. Spraying it with gel is completely superfluous.

The real use of nano-alloy gel is in the defense of villas and communities!

"Have you finished reading the drawings?"


Hearing this, Qin Feng put down the gel and walked towards the workbench with Annie.

"As usual, we build the transmission device first."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he walked towards the machine tool with the materials.


For the next two days, Qin Feng and Annie stayed in the basement.

If it weren't for taking care of Annie's young age and fearing that she would be too tired, given Qin Feng's workaholic character, they would have been making Mark armor in the basement 24 hours a day.

However, while Annie was resting, Qin Feng was not idle.

In two days, he had sprayed nano-alloy gel on the exterior walls of the villa and the walls of the community!

The wall sprayed with gel is not only strong, but more importantly, the surface becomes extremely smooth!

Very little friction!

There is almost nothing that can be climbed on such a wall!

Qin Feng also renovated and reinforced the gate of the community! The door opening method has become electric, and Jarvis performs face authentication. Strangers and zombies are not allowed to enter.

In addition to the renovation of the community itself, Villa No. 9 where Qin Feng lives is even armed to the teeth!

On the courtyard wall of Villa No. 9, there is a high-frequency voltage rod every one meter.

Functions like a power grid!

Once an enemy is detected, a current of tens of thousands of volts will be generated instantly between the voltage rods!

In order to meet the power supply needs of the voltage rods, Qin Feng also remodeled the villa's power supply line!

In addition to the above modifications, multiple automatic turrets are also installed on the exterior walls of the villa!

Each turret is associated with a camera. Once an enemy is captured, these turrets will automatically aim and complete the attack.

Of course, most of the forts are now empty, and only a small number of them have weapons installed.

Most of the others are movable shelves.

The weapon that has been installed is the pump nail gun that Qin Feng made before!

This silent weapon is best suited for dealing with small numbers of zombies!

After this series of renovations, the security of the villa is no longer a problem!

But one thing is important!

That is, this series of transformations are inseparable from a very important thing - electricity!

Whether it's the fort or the gate, everything is inseparable from power supply!

Once the power goes out, all arrangements will be useless!

"Time is tight..."

Qin Feng looked at the Mark 2 armor that was mostly built and sighed.

After that, pick up the welding gun and continue working.... ps: The picture is Annie~

Seeing this picture, some readers should be able to guess the prototype of Annie, right?

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