Qin Feng's eyes were sharp.

This big guy may need to evolve a second time.

Come to think of it, this guy has eaten all the sea creatures along the way and is already the overlord of the sea.

The energy accumulated in the body has reached a certain peak, and I want to become stronger.

We can only look for places with more abundant resources.

That’s why I chose to go to the volcano.

If you think about it this way, everything will become clear.

"Lao Jia, use the Quinjet to transport the long-range laser gun."

"The giant mecha was transported over with the Zephyr One, and stopped this guy at the foot of the Himalaya Mountains."

Qin Feng's eyes were sharp.

If this guy becomes stronger again, the consequences will be disastrous. We must not let this guy evolve a second time.

Then, the entire city center began to become lively.

The manufacturing bugs took action, tied up the giant mecha, and used Zephyr No. 1 bears the main weight.

Four Quinjets are used to assist the transportation to ensure safe transportation.

Driving a giant mecha puts a heavy load on mental energy.

If Qin Feng flies directly over, he will be there.

Still. You have to rest and recuperate for a period of time, and your mental state will also be poor.

It is a kind of damage to the body.

Therefore, it is easiest to transport it with Zephyr 1.

The long-range laser gun is transported by ten Quinjets.

This time, Qin Feng took two Titans, 100 Fearless Warriors, and 100MARK UAVs and set off.

To deal with the giant sea-sneakers, Qin Feng's giant mecha was enough.

But beside the giant sea-sneakers, there were millions of sea-sneakers.

That's a rhythm that can't kill you and exhaust you to death.

After getting everything ready, Zephyr 1 took off, and the Quinjet took off.


The sound of the propeller is endless.

Qin Feng is sitting at the command of Zephyr 1 room

"Here I come, the giant sea skimmer."

Qin Feng's team started to set off. It would take three hours to reach the Himalaya Mountains.

Because the items being transported were relatively large, the speed was much slower than usual.

At this time, it was thousands of miles away.

Himalaya Hundreds of kilometers away from the foot of the mountain range.

The team of sea-skimmers has already explored here.

Their evolved organs are very sensitive to the perception of volcanoes.

The giant sea-skimmers follow behind the small sea-skimmers.

This is a primeval forest, There were many animals living inside.


The huge footsteps of the giant sea-skimmer came.

The birds in the forest were frightened and flew away.

Densely packed small sea-skimmers were advancing around the giant sea-skimmer.


The giant sea-skimmer emitted super high-pitched waves.

Many animals could not bear it and fled here one after another.

Deep in the primeval forest.

Dr. Sloppy and a group of people had already laid an ambush here.

"Sir, everything is ready, follow its current route"

"You will definitely fall into the trap we laid."

The sloppy doctor nodded.

"This time, we must catch this big guy"

"It will be the most perfect piece of art in my life."

The sloppy doctor smiled proudly.

He seemed to have seen the dawn of his victory.

In the primitive forest, a large number of men in black hid themselves.

On the ground of the primitive forest, if you don't look carefully, you can't see that the land on the ground has been touched..

The small sea-skimmers are opening the way ahead, and the giant sea-skimmers will come over soon. The vast team is moving forward at a slow speed.

Dr. Sloppy is hiding in the dark.

Hearing the huge footsteps, his heart seems to be beating. Out

"quick! come quickly! I waited for you a long time."

Looking at the huge body not far away, Dr. Sloppy's eyes were filled with greed.

This is a work of art created by God. It's really amazing.

The people hiding in the dark all looked at each other.

"The capture plan begins!"

Dozens of men in black were ready to press the buttons in their hands.

The giant sea-skimmer walked over.

Boom! Click!

The trees in the primeval forest covered the sky and the sun, very tall.

The body of the giant sea-skimmer i It was very huge, and from time to time it would knock down some huge trees.

To let his body walk through.

Everyone held their breath.

A man in black saw the giant sea skimmer walking into the trap he set up with huge steps. trap


With an order, dozens of people pressed the buttons in their hands at the same time.

Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom!

Terrifying fires soared into the sky, and a large amount of fires spewed out from the surface of the primeval forest.

These were thunderbolts of fire and thunder. Bullet!

One of Dr. Sloppy’s proud studies is the power of the manually controlled version of large-scale NTN. The giant sea-sneaker has thick armor.

But the power of these dozens of NTN explosions cannot be underestimated.

The flames wrap it Its body was roasted black and burnt.

A large number of armors on its body were blown to pieces and fell.


The severely damaged giant sea-skimmer emitted high-pitched waves that swept through the entire primeval forest.

Everyone immediately covered their ears. Even so, the ears would bleed.

The eardrums are probably almost gone.


The leader gave the order, and everyone rushed out instantly.

The guns in their hands were all modified thunder guns.

The effect was to paralyze the enemy.


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