After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng's face became extremely gloomy.

"Jarvis, at this rate, how long will it take for the zombie wave to reach Silver X City?"

"Five days at most!"

Jarvis replied.

After hearing this, Qin Feng's face became even more gloomy.

"Can you figure out the cause of the corpse tide? Qin

Feng asked.

Ordinary zombies have no intelligence and cannot form such a large-scale zombie tide, so Qin Feng guessed that there must be some reason behind this.

"Sorry, Sir, there is a lack of data and cannot be analyzed."

Jarvis expressed helplessness.

After the blackout, the global communication network has been offline, and it can no longer obtain new intelligence through the network.

The previously stored information cannot explain the cause of the zombie wave.

"Forget it, let’s solve the immediate problem first, and then find a way to deal with the zombie tide."

Qin Feng thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

There are still five days before the zombie wave attacks!

He plans to transform Mark2 into a war machine during these five days to make up for Mark2's lack of weapons.

In addition, Find a way to increase manpower!

He alone, let alone wearing War Machine or even wearing Hulkbuster, can't stop the tide of millions of corpses!

It's time to increase 'manpower'!

"Jarvis, expand the information on Iron Corps!"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, a large amount of information appeared in front of him!

Each information is a kind of steel armor!

But it is not the kind that needs to be worn by people, but robots!

To put it bluntly, it is from the movie Avengers 2, Those robots that both Tony and Ultron built!


"The cost of Steel Corps is too high! It cannot be produced in a short time!"

Qin Feng silently shook his head after reading the information about the Steel Corps.

Forget about other things. He doesn't have that much material to make the reactor alone!

"What I need is a robot that is easy to make and can be mass-produced..."

With this idea in mind, Qin Feng ran to the workbench, picked up a pen, and started drawing on the paper.

After the virus outbreak,

Qin Feng's physical fitness has been improving inexplicably, and his thinking ability has also improved!

After building two generations of Mark armor, Qin Feng already has his own ideas about mechanical design. The only thing he lacks now is the corresponding professional knowledge.

"Doesn’t have to be humanoid..."

"In the absence of weapons, the animal form has more advantages than the human form..."

"You don’t need a high AI, as long as you can distinguish between ourselves and the enemy...."


"The Ark reactor is too expensive and not suitable for large-scale applications..."

"perhaps...Hydrogen energy batteries can be used!"

As concepts were proposed one after another, two concept drawings of machine creatures appeared in Qin Feng's paintings..

One is a mechanical dog!

But it has a long and sharp tail!

The tail can maintain balance and can also be used as a weapon in close combat!.

The other one is a mechanical spider!

Its shape is a bit like the murderous robot in Red Alert!

Unlike spiders, which have eight legs, mechanical spiders, like mechanical dogs, only have four legs!

But the ends of the four legs are extremely sharp!

Can easily pierce steel plates!.

But whether it's a mechanical dog or a mechanical spider, they all have one thing in common!

Simple structure!

The same four-leg design makes it easier to maintain balance during exercise!

This greatly saves the material of the balancing device!

In terms of weapons: the mechanical dog and mechanical spider are equipped with conventional gunpowder weapons!

That is, firearms!


The mechanical dog has a high AI, can patrol independently, accurately distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and can customize its combat method according to the surrounding environment and enemy types.

The mechanical spider has a low AI and can distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, but it can only fight according to the preset mode.

After designing,

Qin Feng tore up the drawings and threw them into the wastebasket

"Jarvis, it's up to you."

"Okay, Sir."

After saying that, Qin Feng took a few steps back and handed the basement to Jarvis.


With the sound of the rotation of the robotic arms, the four robotic arms entered the working state together.

The movable robotic arm is responsible for grabbing. Get the materials!

The robotic arm fixed on the wall picks up the tools and starts manufacturing!

At first glance, it looks like there are a group of quadruplets in the basement who work in perfect harmony, working quickly and effectively!

"Sir, hydrogen battery drawings."

While controlling four robotic arms at the same time, Jarvis also took the time to pass the blueprint of the hydrogen battery to Qin Feng.

Hydrogen battery!

To put it bluntly, it is a nuclear battery!

In addition to the output power of this thing being far inferior to that of the reactor, in other aspects it is actually Not bad!

The T850 in the movie"Terminator" uses hydrogen batteries!

One hydrogen battery can make the T850 last for 100 years!

Of course, this is just an exaggeration in the movie!

The real hydrogen battery lasts about 20 years. Due to the decay of the radioactive source, the electrical energy will decline greatly!

By then, even if the hydrogen battery is still releasing energy, it will be far from being able to meet the needs of the T850!

"But for me, twenty years is more than enough. Qin

Feng said, put on protective clothing and walked into the room where radioactive materials are stored.

………… at the same time.

To the north of the imperial capital, hundreds of thousands of survivors gathered in a military base surrounded by mountains on three sides!

This is one of the few super-large survivor bases after the apocalypse!

With a large amount of advanced equipment in the base, they successfully blocked several zombie waves! He just managed to take back this hard-won land from the zombies! at this time.

On the big screen in the base command room, the scene of the zombie wave in West X City was being played.

Looking at the screen, there are millions of terrifying zombies!

Everyone in the command room showed a hint of timidity on their faces

"I think..."

"It's already pretty good that we can hold on here. There's no need to waste ammunition elsewhere."

"Not to mention anything else, flying from here to West X City is a huge expense just in terms of the fuel consumed by the fighter planes!"

"And we were seriously running out of food!"

"Some survivors have discovered that egg white pancakes are made of cockroaches..."

"We really can’t use nuclear bombs, right?"

The frightened people were talking to each other.

At the end of the discussion, some people even suggested using nuclear bombs to eliminate the zombie tide.

Only a middle-aged man in military uniform remained calm.

He was also among everyone present. Among them, he is the only one with the temperament of a soldier

"stop fighting!"

The middle-aged man in military uniform slapped the table, stood up, and said sternly:"As long as there are survivors there, nuclear bombs must not be used! do not forget! We are not a free country!"

"I made a decision!"

"Send bombers to eliminate the zombie wave!"

The middle-aged man insisted, regardless of the objections of others.

After saying that, he slammed the door and walked out!


"He really thinks of himself as a general!"

"He doesn't have the final say on this base alone!."

"Let him go. Anyway, he only has that few people. After he dies, he won’t be able to speak anymore!"

"right! That's right!"

In the command room, the rest of the people looked gloomy and talked to each other.

Soon the group of people reached a consensus!

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