Get out of the building.

Qin Feng walked straight towards the convoy full of troops and fire.

Boxes of weapons and ammunition on the car were easily lifted by Qin Feng and put into the cargo hold of the transport helicopter!

The simple and crude transmission method of Mark1 is simply the best choice for transportation!

It didn't take long for all the weapons and weapons to be moved into the helicopter by Qin Feng!

The cargo hold is filled with boxes of guns and ammunition!

Fortunately, this is a transport plane, otherwise it would be impossible to transport so many weapons and fire at once!

After loading the weapons and ammunition, there is not much space inside the helicopter!

Qin Feng, wearing Mark 1, could barely squeeze into the cargo hold, but his movements were limited.

The mechanical spider with only three legs jumped into the cargo hold and folded its three legs to reduce the space it occupied.

Only the high AI mechanical dog remains!

On the one hand, it is to help Yin Chenghan control the prison; on the other hand, it is to deter! If Yin Chenghan has a different heart, what will happen to him?...

Definitely the iron teeth of the mechanical dog!

"Let's go, Jarvis."

Qin Feng gave the order.

The helicopter started, and with the sound of high-speed rotation of the propellers, it slowly took off!

It soon disappeared over the prison!


After a while.

When the fuel gauge pointer turned red, the helicopter finally returned to Yijiang Garden.

Jarvis controls the plane...

Slowly lower the height, and finally stop accurately on the apron of the community.

"Well done, I’ll leave all the flying related matters to you from now on!"

Qin Feng said, opening the rear hatch and starting to carry boxes of weapons and weapons in the cargo bay.

"Are you back, Qin Feng?"

Su Mengyao saw it and ran out of the villa.

"By the way, Annie is back, right?"

"Ask her to come and help too. Qin

Feng asked as he moved several large boxes of weapons and weapons at once.

"But Anne didn't come back."

Su Mengyao replied

"What? Not back yet! ?"

Hearing Su Mengyao's answer, Qin Feng frowned and felt a little strange. It was only a dozen kilometers from home to the steel mill! Annie was wearing Mark2, even if she couldn't fly, she should have run back!


"Sir, the satellite shows that Anne is on her way back"

"Show me where she is!"

Qin Feng, who was confused, put down several boxes of weapons and weapons and ordered.

Soon, an image of the Znami satellite appeared in front of Qin Feng's eyes!

In the screen, Mark2 can be seen flying! But it's just that the Mark 2 is flying!...

Under Annie's control, Mark2 flew crookedly in the air as if drunk, sometimes heading east and sometimes west.

There is no uniform flight direction at all...

"Yes, I finally understand why she hasn't come back yet...."

Qin Feng rolled his eyes and complained.

Just when Qin Feng thought that Annie had not come back and was just a technical expert, Jarvis discovered an abnormality through the Mark2's built-in occupant detection system.

"Sir! There is a situation!"

"Annie's heart rate was detected to be very low! It is speculated that he may be in a semi-coma state!"

"What! ?"

Jarvis's prompt made Qin Feng instantly shocked.

"Take over Mark2 quickly! Bring Annie back! Qin

Feng had just finished speaking.

In the satellite picture, Mark 2, which was flying crookedly, suddenly adjusted its direction as if it had sobered up, and flew straight towards Yijiang Garden.

Soon, the bright silver figure of Mark 2 appeared in the sky.

The figure fell at high speed!

When it was dozens of meters away from the ground, Mark2 sprayed out a pulse beam from the palm of his hand, gradually slowing down, and finally landed steadily in front of Qin Feng.

"Not here! Quickly take Annie into the basement and take off the armor!"

Qin Feng finished speaking.

Jarvis immediately controlled Mark2 and ran into the basement.

Immediately after, the four robotic arms moved quickly and quickly decomposed Mark2 into parts and took them off Annie's body.

Losing the armor,

Annie's body softened and she fell to the side.

Qin Feng, who had quick eyes and quick hands, quickly caught her small body.

"Jarvis, scan!"

"Sir, breathing has stopped and pulse is weak. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is required immediately!"

As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, Jarvis immediately replied

"Okay, help me take off my suit!"

Qin Feng said anxiously.

He is still wearing Mark 1, and his attack is neither light nor heavy. He has to take it off to save Annie.

"let me!"

Su Mengyao ran over quickly.

As she spoke, she took Annie from Qin Feng's arms, laid her flat on the ground, then clasped her fingers together and began to press on Annie's heart and lungs.

After pressing, bend down and perform artificial respiration! so repeatedly...

After several times, Annie finally breathed and her heart rate gradually returned to normal.


Su Mengyao was already exhausted and covered with sweat.

Seeing Annie come back from the rescue, she sat down on the ground and gave Annie some air to breathe.

"Jarvis, how's it going?"

"Sir, Anne is out of danger, but she is still in a weak state, and her dizziness due to lack of oxygen may last for a while."


Jarvis paused and continued:

"I found signs of moderate palladium poisoning in Annie!"

"Palladium poisoning?

Qin Feng was slightly stunned and said in disbelief:"How is that possible?" I have no problem wearing it for so long, but Annie only wore it for a few hours? How is it possible to be poisoned by palladium?"

Although ten thousand people didn't believe it, when Qin Feng opened Annie's collar, the facts told him that Annie was really poisoned by palladium!

Pulling open the collar, he could clearly see that under Annie's fair neck, There are countless strange black and purple lines!

Like veins, they extend towards the heart!

"It's really palladium poisoning..."

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng had a headache.

Palladium poisoning is not hopeless. There are dozens of treatment options in Jarvis's database, and there are simpler ways to relieve the symptoms of poisoning....

All you need is a cup of chlorophyll juice!

But the real question is why Annie's body reacts so strongly to palladium!

In just a few hours, the poisoning reaction is equivalent to the level of poisoning caused by wearing it continuously for several months!

"elder brother..."

At this moment, Qin Feng heard Annie's weak voice.

"I'm sorry..Brother..I was halfway through the flight..I suddenly felt sleepy...."

"I dare not sleep..."

"I'm afraid...Afraid of breaking the armor...Just always...Keep flying..."

Anne was too weak to say a complete sentence, so she could only speak intermittently.

"Be good, stop talking"

"As long as you're fine, if the armor breaks, let's build another one...."

Qin Feng looked at this thirteen-year-old girl with distress, and his voice became rarely gentle.

After saying that, Qin Feng looked at Su Mengyao standing aside.

"Take Annie up to rest"


Su Mengyao nodded, bent down and picked up Annie.

Even she could easily pick up this thin and small girl.

When the two girls entered the elevator,

Qin Feng's expression suddenly became solemn.

"Jarvis, upload the analysis results just now!"

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