Qin Feng told him that he was going to expand some factories and build a nuclear power plant in Beishi recently.

"After these factories are established, you may need more management, Mr. Chen. I have incorporated the information of these factories into your management system."

Qin Feng handed a storage device to Mr. Chen, which contained data reorganized by Jarvis.

It can make it easier for Mr. Chen to check the current situation of global resources.

Mr. Chen now basically manages the control of all resources in the world. Let's talk about these Qin Feng felt relieved when the matter was left to Mr. Chen.

Moreover, Jarvis was monitoring the changes in Blue Star's global resources in real time. Qin Feng could just focus on the construction of resources.

But now there are more and more things happening, and Qin Feng didn't want Chen Feng to The old man manages so many things by himself.

So Qin Feng plans to train someone who can assist Mr. Chen.

He can share some of Mr. Chen's affairs. After all, the research institute and the factory are important foundations for the development of Yincheng.

Mr. Chen Take over the storage

"Sir, just don't worry"

"There is also this list. Mr. Chen, please take a look."

"This is?"

Mr. Chen took over the list, which contained lists of researchers from some research institutes and some factory personnel.

"I plan to transfer these people to Beishi to conduct research on nuclear weapons."

Qin Feng wouldn't feel comfortable leaving these matters to other bases.

Mr. Chen looked at the list.

"I have seen all the people on these lists, and they are all very good."

Qin Feng is always good at selecting people.

"We also need to transfer some manufacturing spiders to the North City."

Qin Feng went on to say

"Just leave these to me."

Mr. Chen said, patting his chest.

"I always feel at ease when Mr. Chen does things."

Qin Feng looked at Mr. Chen and smiled.

"When the new expansion base comes, we will still need to see, Mr. Chen, to adjust the number of people to the new factory."


"If there is any shortage of resources, just transfer them from other places."

"Please rest assured, I will definitely make arrangements."

After arranging things for the new factory, Qin Feng began to prepare for the next time he went to mine resources.

There is still one last resource group left.

It's just going to other planets. Now Qin Feng is a little worried, if what happened last time happens again. Once.

Then the resource extraction may not go smoothly.

He doesn't plan to tell anyone about Qin Feng's trip to other planets this time.

He plans to go alone.

"Sir, those mutants in Antarctica have been executed, but one mutant escaped."

Jarvis showed the Antarctic surveillance video to Qin Feng.

Except for two of the mutants in the video, Qin Feng had seen them.

The others had never shown their faces.

These mutants were all very powerful.

But in the Under the continuous bombardment and bombardment of the drone armor, they were still gradually at a disadvantage.

It didn't take long before they were all defeated by the drone armor.

The defeated mutants seemed to have been ordered by the intelligence brain to activate Self-destruction mode.

The mutants who were still alive in the first few seconds were suddenly blown to pieces.

Some drones that were close were affected.

But the defense device of the drones was strong enough.

Even if it suffered some damage, But it still didn't make much of an impression on the action.

But Jarvis felt some strange fluctuations when the mutant self-destructed.

Because the mutant's shielding system had been destroyed, Qin Feng could detect the mutant's actions.

There was A mutant seemed to have disobeyed Zhi Nao's order and directly escaped from the visual range of the drone armor.

Jarvis ordered the drone armor to pursue it.

But it was still a step too late.

Although the mutant had received damage, the action It was still very agile.

When the drone armor arrived, the mutant had already left in the aircraft.

Although Jarvis wanted to stop him, the system of this spacecraft was that of the Mingxing.

Jarvis had not detected it before. The existence of this spaceship. The current cracking also takes a certain amount of time, and the speed of the spacecraft is very fast.

It is impossible for the drone armor to catch up.

Jarvis had no choice but to give up.

The mutants quickly escaped from the Blue Star.

"Where are those twenty mutants now?"

"All have been captured."

The twenty people didn't put up much resistance.

In fact, they had already expected that Qin Feng would send people to arrest them.

But they didn't expect that it would take so long to come.

They didn't know that Qin Feng had already sent someone to arrest them. People came to monitor them.

As soon as they did something detrimental to Blue Star, he would execute them immediately.

The mutants knew that they could not be the opponent of the drone armor, so they did not backfire at all.

The drone armor received Javi Si's order directly brought these mutants back to Yincheng.

These mutants are now all detained in the custody room of Yincheng.

Fearless warriors are guarding them every day, and the mutants were escorted into Yincheng on the first day. It attracted the attention of many people.

It was the first time for them to see such a strange-looking person.

When the mutants entered Yincheng, they were very surprised when they looked at the bustling streets of Yincheng.

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