Broken jaw!

Broken limbs!

Every wound on the commander's body produced unimaginable pain! unbearable!

The pain felt like it was going to break him into pieces!


The commander was so painful that his veins burst, and he was rolling crazily on the ground!

But this not only failed to relieve the pain, but even rolling, there was severe pain in the place where the body contacted the ground!

The most important thing is that no matter how much pain he had, his The nerves will not be numb, and the sense of pain will not be exhausted at all!

There will be no coma!

"Now...Are you willing to answer?"

Qin Feng sat on a chair, holding a vise in his hand, and said calmly


"you...Haven't asked yet..."

The commander replied with difficulty.

Every word he spoke would move his shattered jaw, followed by unbearable severe pain!

"Oh yes! I haven't asked yet! Qin

Feng nodded.

He pulled two wires from the side, adjusted the power, and then poked the wires into the commander.

The current passed through the human body, temporarily paralyzing the nerves and interrupting the pain signals sent by the nerves to the brain.

Although the feeling of being electrocuted is also uncomfortable, compared with the severe pain just now, it is like heavenly enjoyment now.


Feeling the temporary numbness in his body, the commander seemed to have walked away from the gate of hell.

Breaking out in cold sweat!

The veins on my forehead felt like they were about to burst!

Cheers high!

"Are you more comfortable now?"

Qin Feng held the wire and said with a smile.


Just as the commander was about to answer, Qin Feng suddenly took away the wire.

Not a few seconds passed.

The severe pain all over my body came back like a tsunami!

The commander opened his mouth wide in pain and couldn't utter a single byte!

My body was shaking like chaff!

Seeing this, Qin Feng poked the wire on him again

"Okay, now, let me ask you an answer, do you understand?"Qin Feng said calmly.

"Got it, got it..."

The commander nodded desperately and looked at Qin Feng with fear in his eyes. Big beads of sweat flowed down like rain from my forehead!

"Who sent you?"

"Black whoosh..."

As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, the commander hurriedly replied.

But due to his broken jaw, he still had some unclear speech.

"who? make it clear!"

"I don't want to hear even one unclear word again! Do you understand?"

Qin Feng held the wire and said with cold eyes.

"Got it, got it!"

The commander nodded quickly, and then said very hard:"'s the Black Hand....Lord Blackhand...asked me to come..."

"Black hands?"

Qin Feng frowned, it was a completely unfamiliar name.

"What is the name of your organization?"Qin Feng asked again

" organization..."

The commander quickly replied

"Pioneer organization?"

Qin Feng frowned. He vaguely felt that he had heard this name somewhere.

But it felt different from what he remembered.

"Where is your base?"

I can't figure it out. Qin Feng doesn't bother to think about it. It would be more convenient to come directly to the door."

"NingX City...We are only...a branch...I don’t know where the other bases are either...."

The commander said in a daze.

The prolonged electric shock had left him a little delirious.

Seeing this, Qin Feng pulled out the wire


In a few seconds, the commander who was still unconscious just now was suddenly surprised by the severe pain!

His brain became extremely clear!

The unforgettable severe pain once again struck from every part of the body!

"I was originally planning to crush your fingers, but now it seems..."

"This thing is no longer needed."

Seeing the commander's appearance, Qin Feng curled his lips and put the vise aside.

Obviously, Qin Feng underestimated the power of the potion.

He also overestimated the commander's willpower.

"Come on, one last question. Qin

Feng said, and poked the wire on the commander again.

The commander felt numb again, tears could not stop flowing down. The seven-foot man cried like a girl, and his eyes were filled with despair.

"please...Just kill me..."

The commander begged Qin Feng

"last question..."

But Qin Feng ignored his plea. He still has one last question he wants to know.

"What happened to that person?"

Qin Feng said, pointing to the strong man who was cut into a stick.

This guy's behavior was obviously different from normal people, or even mutants!

From the performance point of view, he has no pain!

And his IQ is very low!

"he is...super soldier...A serum developed by the organization...Can ordinary soldiers..."

"Become less afraid of pain...A super soldier who is not afraid of death..."

The commander gasped.

Now he just wants to quickly answer Qin Feng's questions and get relief.

"Super soldier? serum?"

Hearing these two words, something immediately popped into Qin Feng's mind....

Super soldier serum!

"Tell me everything you know about this serum! Qin Feng said seriously

"I know...not much..."

The commander gasped, his breathing began to quicken, and his words began to struggle.

This is a side effect of that injection!

Long-term severe pain, coupled with the stimulation of nerves by drugs, will put the brain nerves in a high-load state for a long time.

He will kill himself before long!

"I know...that is...That's it..."

Fortunately, the commander finished his sentence.

After listening,

Qin Feng also had a certain understanding of the super soldier serum mentioned by the commander. this serum...

It can indeed elevate the strength of ordinary people to non-human levels!

In this way, it looks a lot like the Super Soldier Serum used by Captain America!

The difference is that this serum seems to be related to the TTS virus!

Not everyone who is injected can become a super soldier, but has a 70% zombie rate!

In other words, if ten people are injected with the serum, only three will become super soldiers!

And these three people are still fools who have no sense of pain!

Just follow orders!

In addition, even super soldiers who are successfully transformed must be injected with a suppressive drug regularly!

To suppress the TTS virus in the body!

If they are not injected for a long time, they will still turn into zombies!

"That's it?"

"Is this worthy of being called Super Soldier Serum?"

Qin Feng said with disdain.

But despise is contempt. The appearance of this serum can be regarded as a wake-up call for Qin Feng!

"If I remember correctly..."

"There seems to be Captain America’s Super Soldier Serum in Jarvis’s database!"

Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he said.

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