The next day.

A completely black nanosuit appeared in front of Qin Feng.

To be precise, this suit should be called: nanofiber body armor!

Note that the nanosuit is not the nano armor used by Iron Man in Avengers 3 and 4!

It’s different from exoskeleton armor.

The nanosuit uses bionic technology!

Fully enclosed design!

The main structure is composed of countless nanofibers. This polymer material that imitates muscle fibers can greatly enhance the user's physical functions!

Therefore, this nanosuit looks just like the muscle suit worn by actors during performances!

It’s just that it’s equipped with more technology!

The helmet follows the built-in HUD virtual display of the Mark armor, integrating thermal, night vision, and radar functions!

Because there is no ability to fly...

Qin Feng added a reflex booster to his legs. When necessary, he can jump beyond imagination!

There is also an optical camouflage coating on the surface of the nanosuit!

After activation, this honeycomb-shaped coating will refract the surrounding light, achieving an invisibility effect!

The artificial spine on the back of the suit has a built-in hydrogen battery!

To provide kinetic energy for nanofibers!

If the Mark armor is a multifunctional flying armor, then the Nanosuit is a ground armor specialized in individual combat!

Of course, the most important thing is that it does not require a reactor and the cost is much smaller than the Mark armor!

The weight is only 30 kilograms!

"Try it on..."

Qin Feng said and began to put on the nanosuit.

In the inactive state, the bionic muscle fibers of the nanosuit are in a relaxed state and are very loose. Qin Feng can easily wear it.


After putting it on, Qin Feng gave an order, and the nanofibers immediately tightened!

The nanosuit instantly wrapped Qin Feng tightly!

After a brief discomfort, Qin Feng's feeling suddenly changed, and his movements became smooth. Incomparably, I can't feel this thirty-kilogram battle suit at all.

The nanosuit seems to have become Qin Feng's second skin!

Qin Feng can even feel it...

When the breeze blows, the hair on your skin ripples slightly!

"Very good, we are now..."

Qin Feng said, and just took a step, but because of his speed, he directly hit the workbench!


This workbench converted from a pool table has been with Qin Feng for a long time.

Finally fell apart at this moment!

"Holy shit!"

The amplification effect of the nanosuit surprised Qin Feng.

"Sir, I suggest you get used to the nanosuit first and then conduct actual combat testing. Jarvis reminded

"How did you know I was going to do a live test?"

Qin Feng said in surprise.

As usual, shouldn't Jarvis remind himself to conduct various stability tests first?

"because you always do..."

Jarvis replied helplessly.

Anyway, no matter how it reminded him, Qin Feng refused in the end and insisted on going into actual combat.

"ha! You still understand me!"

Qin Feng smiled and began to move around in the basement.

After crashing many things, Qin Feng finally adapted to the speed and strength after wearing the nanosuit.

He carried the saw chain sword of the war machine.

Qin Feng looked outwards Go

"The Quinjet has been built, right? Qin

Feng asked as he walked

"Yes, Sir, the fighter jets were built two days ago, and the Sky Air Defense System is also in its final stages."

Jarvis reminded.

These days, Qin Feng has been focusing on the serum and has not even paid attention to the construction progress of the Quinjet and air defense systems.

"That's good."

Qin Feng nodded and accelerated towards the location of the Quinjet.

Putting on the nanosuit, his speed was so fast that it was difficult for the human eye to see clearly!

And with every step, he would leave a deep hole on the ground. Footprints!

Within a few seconds,

Qin Feng saw the Quinjet parked on the tarmac of the community. The fighter plane was completely iron-black!

There was a turbine engine on each side of the fighter plane, which allowed the fighter plane to take off, land and hover vertically. The fuselage There are two jet engines in the upper part of the rear!

The maximum flight speed can reach Mach 1.5!

Faster than war machines!

(The main reason is that the aerodynamics of war machines are too poor)

In addition, the wings of the fighter plane can also be folded from the middle, reducing Small footprint when docked!

The internal space is huge, fully meeting the transportation needs!

Because it is a first-generation aircraft, in terms of weapons, it only carries a 30mm large-caliber cannon in the lower part of the fuselage, but there is room under the wings, which is necessary It can be equipped with a missile rack.

In addition, there is a bomb drop port on the belly of the fighter plane!

In other words, this Quinjet can also serve as a bomber when necessary!

"Take ten mechanical bugs with me!"

Qin Feng said, stepping into the Quinjet.

Like the transport helicopter, the cargo door of the Quinjet is also at the rear, but the internal space of the Quinjet is more than twice that of the helicopter!

After Qin Feng entered the aircraft Soon.

Soon, ten mechanical bugs followed into the cabin, and the space was still empty.

"Let me take the first flight!"

Entering the plane, Qin Feng put the chain sword aside and couldn't wait to sit in the driver's seat. The nanosuit is not like the Mark armor.

Qin Feng wearing the nanosuit just looks a little more burly, which does not affect the ability to fly the plane.

"Okay, Sir, the driving manual has been uploaded."

Jarvis said, and the method of driving the Quinjet appeared on the HUD of the nanosuit.

"Who reads manuals these days?"

Having said that, Qin Feng still put on a really sweet scene.

Following the instructions in the driver's manual, he pushed the power lever halfway!


Amid the roar of the engine, the Quinjet slowly rose vertically. Empty!

When the height exceeds the tallest building around, start the jet engine! Push the power lever to full! Pull the control lever!


Just listen to a roar, and the Quinjet shoots straight into the sky like an arrow from a string!

In a very short time Breaking the sound barrier in a matter of seconds!

The ear-piercing sonic boom sounded directly over the villa, shattering countless windows!


In the villa, Su Mengyao, who was trying to make handmade bread, was startled by the sudden explosion.

She ran to the window and took a look, but she only saw the Quinjet turning into small black dots.

"Why are you going supersonic in front of your house? It scares me to death...."

Knowing that Qin Feng was responsible, Su Mengyao patted her chest and said with lingering fear.

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