Chen Xi raised his eyebrows: “There is even an entrance.” ”

If it weren’t for the cocking of a place.

It is difficult for ordinary people to find that there is a door under the heavy carpet.

Chen Xi knocked, and he couldn’t open it at all.

The door material is very precise, even with a gun and a wishful stick may not be able to break it.

Just when Chen Xi was about to give up, the password appeared in his mind.

[Basement password: 652973].

This is what the brain’s radar suggests.

This made Chen Xi feel happy.

“Even the password can be prompted, this bioradar is more useful than I thought.”

Without the slightest hesitation.

Chen Xi directly pressed the password.


The door, which was only enough for one person to go down, opened.

Look inside from above.

Some dim lights can be seen.

The spiral staircase is made of solid wood and is very steep.

Chen Xi hesitated.

It was to help the upper layer and slowly walked down.

The further down you go, the smoother the stairs become.

No need to hold it with your hands.

The spiral staircase is not very long, and when you come down, you can see a bright light.

The basement is not very large, about thirty or forty square meters.

Two single sofas with a round table in the middle.

On the round table were some packaging bags that had finished eating.

There are also some bags and a few bottles of mineral water that have been drunk on the ground.

Everything around is very well protected.

Neat and clean.

The walls are not even damaged in the slightest.

At the beginning, Chen Xi was attracted by a person kneeling on the ground and leaning against the wall.

She shrugged her head.

The long hair covered the face, and it was impossible to see the appearance.

She was wearing a white dress, and there was nothing on her feet, which was slick.

A white slipper was seen not far away.

The white dress was stained with some blood.

Even some corners of his clothes were torn.

The most notable thing is:

She wore chains on her wrists and ankles.

The other end of the chain is locked to a stone pier on the ground.

It is said that the stone pier is stingy.

It is clearly a half-human tall rockery.

Chen Xi reached out and touched it.

The pier looks like stone, but it doesn’t feel to the touch.

Cold and very smooth, silvery-gray.

It should be some kind of metal.

It’s just that Chen Xi hasn’t seen it.

I secretly thought that it was probably iron.

However, a person is locked with such an exaggerated large iron pillar, and there is a layer of combination lock outside.

It’s really painstaking.

“Water… To drink water…”

At this time, a murmured voice sounded.

The throat becomes dry due to the long-term absence of moisturizing water.

Chen Xi looked down at this woman and couldn’t help but be surprised.

I thought she was dead.

Then Chen Xi squatted down.

When I looked closer, I found that there was a bite mark on the woman’s neck.

Although it has almost healed.

However, the bite mark is very obvious, and the rotten flesh has not completely healed.

Chen Xi hesitated.

Immediately, the woman’s face was lifted.

There were some dried blood stains on that white face.

The combination of three-dimensional facial features and a palm-sized face makes it look very beautiful.

See this face.

Chen Xi couldn’t help but be surprised again: “The daughter of the castle owner? ”

That’s right.

This woman is the girl in the picture.

Seventeen or eighteen years old.

Only now it doesn’t have the same sunshine as in the photos.

His face was pale, and it seemed that the strength to raise his head was gone.

I thought for a moment.

Since she is the daughter of the owner of this castle.

It must be very familiar with this castle.

Maybe there is something you don’t know about her, you can ask her.


Chen Xi took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack, opened the cap and handed it to the other party.

The woman seemed to smell water.

The hands that had no strength immediately grabbed the bottle of water.

Accompanied by the sound of chains rattling.

She gulped down the bottle of water.

The girl who drank the water seemed to come to life in an instant.

Chen Xi asked, “What’s your name?” ”

The girl seemed a little groggy and looked a little dumbfounded.

“What’s your name?” I don’t know what the name is. ”

Chen Xi frowned: “Don’t know? ”

She looked dumbfounded, and then looked up at Chen Xi: “Do you know what my name is?” ”

Chen Xi looked at the girl carefully.

Her eyes were clear, not like she was lying.

Reached out and touched the back of the girl’s head and groped for it.

Then there was a trace of blood on his hands.

Very little, but I did feel the blood scab just now.

He didn’t care about the girl’s strange eyes.

Directly pressed her head and looked at it again.

After seeing clearly.

It was found that the back of her head had been severely damaged, and the hair around her had been stuck together because of the bleeding.

This surprised Chen Xi.

“I was hit hard in the back of my head, and I was bitten by a zombie, but I was able to survive?”

And it’s not what a zombie looks like.

He is clearly a normal human being.

“Could it be… Isn’t everyone bitten by a zombie and turned into a zombie? ”

The more I think so.

Chen Xi became more and more interested in this girl.

I looked at the chain on the girl’s hand.

He asked, “Do you want me to help you unchain?” ”


PS: Ask for flowers and evaluate all kinds of requests, and the previous rectification and change are added

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